EBRI KNIGHT - Johnny Fiddle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни EBRI KNIGHT - Johnny Fiddle

Johnny Fiddle
Johnny Fiddle
Després de la cacera no passa res de bo
Ничего хорошего не происходит after the hunt
Una pluja de sorra pentina l'horitzó
A sand rain combs the horizon
A la gent del petit poble se'ls ha ficat al fons
It has gotten into the depths of the people of the small town
El silenci i la calor
The silence and the heat
D'una finestra oberta en surt una cançó
A song comes out of an open window
La trista melodia d'un banjo en sol major
The sad melody of a banjo in G major
Ningú no l'acompanya, ningú no pot cantar
No one accompanies him, no one can sing
Però alguna cosa ha de passar
But something has to happen
Potser avui és el dia, potser serà demà
Maybe today is the day, maybe it will be tomorrow
Potser d'aquí tres dies, potser demà passat
Maybe in three days, maybe the day after tomorrow
Ningú no ho diu però saben que si no arriba aviat
No one says it but they know that if it doesn't arrive soon
Aquest silenci els matarà
This silence will kill them
Però al fons de tot galopa aquell que coneixen tant
But deep down the one they know so well gallops
Un crida "Johnny" a un altre que no se n'ha adonat
One calls "Johnny" to another who has not noticed
Potser avui ja és el dia, potser ja estem salvats
Maybe today is already the day, maybe we are already saved
I el silenci s'està a punt d'acabar
And the silence is about to end
S'obren totes les portes, s'encenen els carrers
All the doors are open, the streets are lit
I tothom balla al ritme del can-can
And everyone dances to the rhythm of the can-can
Johnny Fiddle ha arribat a la ciutat
Johnny Fiddle has arrived in town
I el sheriff tot borratxo demana l'atenció
And the drunken sheriff calls for attention
I tothom balla al ritme del can-can
And everyone dances to the rhythm of the can-can
Johnny Fiddle walked into town
Johnny Fiddle walked into town

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