EBRI KNIGHT - La Nostra Gent - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни EBRI KNIGHT - La Nostra Gent

La Nostra Gent
Our People
Vull trobar-te cada nit de Sant Joan
I want to find you every Midsummer night
On cremen els crits i les brases
Where the screams and embers burn
Portant un vell mocador lligat al coll
Wearing an old handkerchief tied around your neck
Mentre repiquen les campanes
As the bells chime
Vull trobar-te sota d'un mar de barrets
I want to find you under a sea of hats
Enmig d'un carrer encès de flames i d'espurnes
In the middle of a street ablaze with flames and sparks
Fent dansar les nostres feres als carrers
Making our beasts dance in the streets
Que encenguin la consciència i els somnis de la gent
That ignite the consciousness and dreams of the people
Vull trobar-te entre pancartes i balcons
I want to find you among banners and balconies
I omplint les places de paraules
And filling the squares with words
Just abans que surti el primer sol de maig
Just before the first sun of May rises
A punt per fer esclatar l'albada
Ready to set the dawn aflame
Vull trobar-te entre notes i cançons
I want to find you among notes and songs
Al ritme dels gegants baixant per la riera
To the rhythm of the giants descending the riverbank
Sota l'ombra d'un pilar que arriba al cel
Under the shadow of a pillar that reaches the sky
I fa més fortes les nostres arrels
And strengthens our roots
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i cor valent
And find our people again, with free spirits and brave hearts
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i combatent
And find our people again, with free spirits and fighting spirits
I retrobar la nostra gent teixint la lluita i el present
And find our people weaving the struggle and the present
I retrobar la nostra gent
And find our people again
Vull trobar-te en cada nit sense dormir
I want to find you on every sleepless night
I en les matinades més llargues
And in the longest mornings
Sota l'ombra d'un passeig que omple la gent
Under the shade of a promenade that the people fill
Llevada pel so de les gralles
Carried away by the sound of bagpipes
Vull trobar-te entre capgrossos i tabals
I want to find you among giant heads and drums
I mastegant l'olor de pólvora cremada
And tasting the smell of burnt gunpowder
Fent dansar les nostres feres als carrers
Making our beasts dance in the streets
Que encenguin la consciència i els somnis de la gent
That ignite the consciousness and dreams of the people
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i cor valent
And find our people again, with free spirits and brave hearts
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i combatent
And find our people again, with free spirits and fighting spirits
I retrobar la nostra gent teixint la lluita i el present
And find our people weaving the struggle and the present
I retrobar la nostra gent
And find our people again
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i cor valent
And find our people again, with free spirits and brave hearts
I retrobar la nostra gent, d'esperit lliure i combatent
And find our people again, with free spirits and fighting spirits
I retrobar la nostra gent teixint la lluita i el present
And find our people weaving the struggle and the present
I retrobar la nostra gent
And find our people again

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