Eanz feat. Neztor mvl - No Me Veras por Aquí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Eanz feat. Neztor mvl - No Me Veras por Aquí

No Me Veras por Aquí
I Won't See You Around Anymore
Neztor mvl
Neztor mvl
Tu indiferencia apago el fuego
Your indifference put out the fire
Y ya no hay nada entre los dos
And now there's nothing between us
Parece que para ti fue un juego
It seems like it was a game to you
El cual solo perdi yo
That only I lost
Porque se, que ya no me amas igual
Because I know that you don't love me the same anymore
Que hay alguien en ti que llego
That there's someone who came along
Que me ha robado tu corazon
Who has stolen your heart
Sin darme cuenta te enamoro
Without me realizing it, you fell in love
Que la vida que yo a ti te di
That the life that I gave you
No servia, dime donde quedo
Was no good, where did it go?
Pero ya no me veras por aqui
But you won't see me around anymore
Porque tu suerte ya se termino
Because your luck has run out
Mi mente cansada de haber dado tantas vueltas
My mind is tired of having made so many turns
Con mil preguntas, pero cero respuestas
With a thousand questions, but zero answers
Lo que senti ahora te toca que lo sientas
Now it's your turn to feel what I felt
No digas que me quieres, ya que todo te lo inventas
Don't say you love me, since you make up everything
Yo te mostre que de verdad te queria
I showed you that I truly loved you
Tanto que en todo te complacia
So much that I pleased you in everything
Y sin darme cuenta fabricaba dinamita
And without realizing it, I was making dynamite
Cumpliendo los caprichos que se le antojaban a la señorita
Fulfilling the whims that the young lady fancied
El dia de hoy ya me perdistes
Today you have lost me
No vales la pena para que me ponga triste
You are not worth me getting sad over
Cai en tu juego y se ve que te divertiste
I fell into your game and it can be seen that you had fun
Dudo hasta de tu nombre, de tanto que me mentistes
I doubt even your name, you lied to me so much
Pense que tu eras diferente
I thought you were different
Deje de pensar en mi por complacerte
I stopped thinking about myself to please you
Tragate tus mentiras y acompañalas con vino
Swallow your lies and accompany them with wine
Y vete acostumbrando ya que va a ser amargo tu destino
And get used to it, because your destiny will be bitter
Porque se, que ya no me amas igual
Because I know that you don't love me the same anymore
Que hay alguien en ti que llego
That there's someone who came along
Que me ha robado tu corazon
Who has stolen your heart
Sin darme cuenta te enamoro
Without me realizing it, you fell in love
Que la vida que yo a ti te di
That the life that I gave you
No servia, dime donde quedo
Was no good, where did it go?
Pero ya no me veras por aqui
But you won't see me around anymore
Porque tu suerte ya se termino
Because your luck has run out
Ya eh descubierto todos tus engaños
Now I have discovered all your deceptions
Que lamentablemente tu lo hicistes varios años
That lamentably you did it for several years
Que estabas tu conmigo y a la vez tambien con otro
That you were with me and at the same time with another
Que tu a mi me besabas cuando a el tambien lo amabas
That you kissed me when you also loved him
Que el amor que tenias pues era muy compartido
That the love you had was very shared
Ahora ya lo entiendo todo toma su sentido
Now I understand everything, it all makes sense
Que tantos pretextos que hacias porque a otro tu veias
So many pretexts that you made because you were seeing another
Ojala que en el amor tengas contado tu los dias
I hope that in love you have your days numbered
Yo a ti te pensaba y en la escuela te esperaba
I thought about you and I waited for you at school
Con un lindo detalle, porque realmente te amaba
With a nice gift, because I truly loved you
Ahora nadie espera y nadie te recuerda
Now nobody waits or remembers you
Porque de tu destino ya jalastes tu la cuerda
Because you've already pulled the rope of your destiny
Porque se, que ya no me amas igual
Because I know that you don't love me the same anymore
Que hay alguien en ti que llego
That there's someone who came along
Que me ha robado tu corazon
Who has stolen your heart
Sin darme cuenta te enamoro
Without me realizing it, you fell in love
Que la vida que yo a ti te di
That the life that I gave you
No servia, dime donde quedo
Was no good, where did it go?
Pero ya no me veras por aqui
But you won't see me around anymore
Porque tu suerte ya se termino
Because your luck has run out
(Se termino)
(It's over)
(Me veras por aqui)
(You will see me around)
(Se termino)
(It's over)
Sin darme cuanta, se termino
Without me realizing it, it's over

Авторы: Unknown Writer, Nestor Salvador Perez Vargas

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