Jumping it, hitting it, checking it, writing it, throwing it, traveling it, spending it, charging it, recording it, killing it, and also experimenting with it
Pues ando haciendo cosas personales demostrando los niveles a todos los animales
Well, I'm doing personal things, demonstrating the levels to all the animals
Yo se que existen mas de 200 puñales que les arde lo que hago pinches putos anormales
I know there are more than 200 daggers that burn what I do, fucking abnormal faggots
Pero sigo cantando tirando lo que no pudieron hacer cuando estaban diciendo que todos ustedes grababan por buenos raperos que todos sinceros pero era mentira lo que siempre tiran delante de todos ya estan en la mira puros delincuentes y sientes pudientes y yo muy presente pa toda mi gente...
But I keep singing, throwing out what they couldn't do when they were saying that you all recorded for being good rappers that you were all sincere but it was a lie what you always throw in front of everyone, you are already in the sights, nothing but criminals, and you feel so powerful, and I am very present for all my people...
Escucha mi rape vamos a meterle jaque mate
Listen to my rap, let's put them in checkmate
No importa que los perros esten al ataque no me interesa que me sigan
It doesn't matter if the dogs are attacking, I don't care if they follow me
Yo sigo haciendo lo que quiera digan lo que lo digan...
I keep doing what I want, say what you say...
Andan hablandoal de mi
Go talking about me
No me interesa lo que digan pues ahora me encuentro aqui
I don't care what you say, because now I am here
Demostrandoles el talento para que vean que ustedes les falta todavia entrenamiento
Demonstrating the talent so you can see that you guys still lack training
Por metricas letras estrategicas sus rimas son tan faciles que se escuchan pateticas algo basicas nada muy autenticas agarren sus libretas y apunten todas mis liricas
By metrics, strategic lyrics, your rhymes are so simple that they sound pathetic, somewhat basic, nothing very authentic, grab your notebooks and write down all my lyrics
Compermiso voy a dejar mis huellas en el piso detras debtodo yo me puesto un compromiso yo se que muchos de ustedes no son muy aptos
Excuse me, I'm going to leave my footprints on the floor behind everything, I've made a commitment to myself, I know that many of you are not very apt
Pero mientras critican yo firmo mis contratos
But while you criticize, I sign my contracts
Nose que pasa con todos estos novatos
I don't know what's wrong with all these rookies
Que creen que estan volando cuando estan en el asfalto
Who think they are flying when they are on the asphalt
Dicen que canto puras de llanto
They say I only sing about crying
Pero a mi me siguen moras y ustedes siguen a batos...
But the brunettes follow me and you follow the dudes...
Escucha mi rape vamos a meterle jaque mate
Listen to my rap, let's put them in checkmate
No importa que los perros esten al ataque no me interesa que me sigan yo sigo haciendo lo que quiera digan lo que digan...
It doesn't matter if the dogs are attacking, I don't care if they follow me, I keep doing what I want, say what you say...
Deyvi de los controles.
Deyvi from the controls.
El sotano records...
The basement records...
Digan lo que digan yo sigo aqui.
Say what you will, I'm still here.
No me importan yo sigo haciendo lo que quiero...
I don't care, I keep doing what I want...
Es el Eanz...
It's the Eanz...
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