Eason Chan - 碌卡 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Eason Chan - 碌卡

珍惜 親戚 老友 與舊同學
Cherish our relatives, old friends, and former classmates.
即管 千方 百計 策動娛樂
Use countless plans to initiate entertainment,
彼此 飲飽 吃醉 看著螢幕
Drink and eat until we're full, and stare at the screen.
東拉 西扯 口吃的我跟你講
We'll chat about everything under the sun, I'll tell you with a stutter.
親疏 真假 你我 哪樣量度
Closeness, authenticity, how do we measure it?
賞面 撐腰 接濟 兌現承諾
Show your appreciation, support, and help, stay true to your word.
炒股 供樓 世界 過份涼薄
The world of炒股(炒股) and 供樓(buying a house with a mortgage) is too indifferent.
伸出 手板 眨眼的我想你幫
I'll show you my hand, I hope you'll help me in a flash.
人人負債 輕輕鬆鬆的欠下人情巨債
Everyone owes each other, a huge debt of gratitude.
We use up our credit happily, without a care.
位位手執一副牌 靠友誼之光放大
Everyone holds a hand of cards, using the light of friendship to enlarge it.
碌卡 要抱住 最大期望
碌卡(碌卡): Have the greatest expectations.
碌卡 尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡(碌卡): Be embarrassed, but don't sweat it.
碌卡 過兩日 我就還
碌卡(碌卡): I'll pay you back in a few days.
Once I pay you back, we'll be close friends again.
碌卡(無內疚)要抱住 最大期望
碌卡(without guilt): Have the greatest expectations.
碌卡(無自責)尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡(without self-reproach): Be embarrassed, but don't sweat it.
碌卡(零利率)過兩日 我就還
碌卡(zero interest): I'll pay you back in a few days.
還完又係你個死黨 碌卡
Once I pay you back, you'll be my best friend again. 碌卡(碌卡).
新婚 擺酒 送我 貴重財物
When you get married and have a banquet, give me valuable gifts.
開張 剪綵 替我 叫大人物
When you open a new business and cut the ribbon, invite important people for me.
升職 加薪 教我 約會尤物
When you get promoted and get a raise, teach me how to date beautiful women.
急需 幫手 可獻金也可獻身
When you're in need, I'll offer money or even my body.
人人負債 輕輕鬆鬆的欠下人情巨債
Everyone owes each other, a huge debt of gratitude.
We use up our credit happily, without a care.
位位手執一副牌 靠友誼之光放大
Everyone holds a hand of cards, using the light of friendship to enlarge it.
碌卡(無內疚)要抱住 最大期望
碌卡(without guilt): Have the greatest expectations.
碌卡(無自責)尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡(without self-reproach): Be embarrassed, but don't sweat it.
碌卡(零利率)過兩日 我就還
碌卡(zero interest): I'll pay you back in a few days.
還完又係你個死黨 碌卡
Once I pay you back, you'll be my best friend again. 碌卡(碌卡).
一身 卡數 無壞 繼續
A lot of 卡數(卡數) isn't bad, keep going.
人人負債 輕輕鬆鬆的欠下人情巨債
Everyone owes each other, a huge debt of gratitude.
We use up our credit happily, without a care.
位位手執一副牌 靠友誼之光放大
Everyone holds a hand of cards, using the light of friendship to enlarge it.
碌卡(無內疚)要抱住 最大期望
碌卡(without guilt): Have the greatest expectations.
碌卡(無自責)尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡(without self-reproach): Be embarrassed, but don't sweat it.
碌卡(零利率)過兩日 我就還
碌卡(zero interest): I'll pay you back in a few days.
Once I pay you back, we'll be close friends again.
碌碌 要抱住 最大期望
碌碌(碌碌): Have the greatest expectations.
卡卡 尷尬亦 切忌流汗
卡卡(卡卡): Be embarrassed, but don't sweat it.
卡碌 過兩日 我實還
卡碌(卡碌): I'll pay you back in a few days.
Once I pay you back, you'll see me swiping my card again.

Авторы: Eric Kwok, Yong Qian Chen, Jerald Chan

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