Eason Chan - 斯德哥爾摩情人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Eason Chan - 斯德哥爾摩情人

Stockholm Lover
逃避分開的孤獨 情願一起不舒服
Escaping the loneliness of separation, willing to be uncomfortable together
其實你那佔有欲 咬噬我血肉 怕我也有份教育
Actually your possessiveness, corroding my flesh, afraid that I also have a share in education
未能做空虛的枯木 滯留在擠擁的監獄
Failed to be an empty withered tree, staying in a crowded prison
明白你有控制欲 我為了大局 上了癮也不戒毒
I understand that you have a desire for control, for the sake of the overall situation, I became addicted and didn't quit drugs
沒有獻出我的臉怎拍響 沒有兩巴掌怎制止痕癢
How can I clap without giving up my face, how can I stop the itching without two slaps
糊塗地軟弱當善良 誰就這樣變善良 你更放肆得漂亮
Foolishly, weakness as kindness, who becomes kind like this, you are more presumptuous and beautiful
也許 當我感到窒息想逃亡 卻未戒掉浴血的欲望
Perhaps, when I feel suffocated and want to escape, I haven't given up the lust for blood
Perhaps I have long been in love with being tied up with kidnappers in the sea of suffering
原諒你越愛越惡 滿足我預計的失望
Forgive you for being more and more evil, satisfying my anticipated disappointment
Is it blindly becoming great and crazy
還是受害受用 犯賤犯到被虐成狂
Or suffering from use, being贱 and being abused into madness
能為你忍受 然後當享受 那又何妨
I can endure for you, then treat it as enjoyment, what does it matter
為逃避輕鬆得孤獨 便寧願緊張得舒服
In order to escape loneliness easily, I'd rather be nervous and comfortable
無謂設計了佈局 這樣快結局 愛與痛也不到肉
It's useless to design the layout, it's the ending so fast, love and pain are not enough
像戰爭片 最好有死有傷 未嚇到尖叫哭也不流暢
Like a war movie, it's best to have some dead and wounded, not scaring to scream and cry is not smooth
完全為配合我軟弱 才令你樂意肆虐 作惡也要好對象
Completely配合 my weakness, so that you are willing to be rampant, doing evil also needs a good target
也許 早已不覺窒息想投降 舔盡你贈我的一額汗
Perhaps, long ago, I felt suffocated and wanted to surrender, licking the sweat you gave me.
也許早已適應 就此跟綁匪同床
Perhaps I have long adapted to this, and from now on I will sleep with the kidnapper
誰料你 誰料我 能合作到愛死對方
Who would have thought, you, who would have thought, I, could cooperate to love each other to death
應該也 不只一次幻想怎麼逃亡 卻未戒掉妥協的欲望
It should, not only once, fantasize about how to escape, but not give up the desire for compromise
Perhaps I have long been in love with being tied up with kidnappers in the sea of suffering
情欲要被你勒索 也許有助刺激心臟
If desire is to be extorted by you, maybe it will help stimulate the heart
Is it blindly becoming great and crazy
還是受害受用 犯賤犯到被虐成狂
Or suffering from use, being贱 and being abused into madness
能為你忍受 然後當享受 那又何妨
I can endure for you, then treat it as enjoyment, what does it matter
沒有我給你操縱的快感 問你的興奮知覺怎膨脹
If I don't give you the pleasure of manipulation, how can your excitement and perception swell
完全為配合我軟弱 才令你樂意肆虐 作惡也要好對象
Completely配合 my weakness, so that you are willing to be rampant, doing evil also needs a good target
也許 早已不覺窒息想投降 舔盡你贈我的一額汗
Perhaps, long ago, I felt suffocated and wanted to surrender, licking the sweat you gave me.
也許早已適應 就此跟綁匪同床
Perhaps I have long adapted to this, and from now on I will sleep with the kidnapper
誰料你 誰料我 能合作到愛死對方
Who would have thought, you, who would have thought, I, could cooperate to love each other to death
應該也 不只一次幻想怎麼逃亡 卻未戒掉妥協的欲望
It should, not only once, fantasize about how to escape, but not give up the desire for compromise
Perhaps I have long been in love with being tied up with kidnappers in the sea of suffering
情欲要被你勒索 也許有助刺激心臟
If desire is to be extorted by you, maybe it will help stimulate the heart
But whether it's great and crazy
還是受害受用 犯賤犯到被虐成狂
Or suffering from use, being贱 and being abused into madness
看著 是誰令幸福給殮葬
Looking at it, who made happiness be buried
別喊冤 別叫屈 別訴苦 在這宗慘案
Don't cry out for injustice, don't cry out for grievance, don't complain, in this惨案
全賴我忍受 才令你享受
It's all because I endured that you enjoyed it
我是同謀 絕對是同謀
I'm an accomplice, absolutely an accomplice

Авторы: C. Y. Kong

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