Edavārdi feat. Skutelis & Eliots - Paranoja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi feat. Skutelis & Eliots - Paranoja

Mani vēro citu cilvēku acis
I feel the stares of other people's eyes,
Viņi visi tēlo, plus bildē pases
They all pretend, a photo in their passport lies.
Viņi domas caur zilbēm lasa
They read my thoughts through the syllables I speak,
Tie kas "Kas ir tālāk?" ar brillēm prasa
Those who ask "What's next?" with glasses, meek.
Viņi kreisi grillēts lasis
They're crooked like a grilled fish on a plate,
Tiem tas jāslēpj filmēts akts
They must hide it like a filmed act, sealed by fate.
Viņi atņem kripatas un sūkstas
They take away crumbs and whisper low,
Viņi visi ir ķirzakas un čūskas
They're all lizards and snakes, you know.
liekas par katru, kas nāk pretī
It seems that way about everyone I meet,
Ja man "Kā iet?" prasa debīli
When they ask me "How are you?" so foolishly and sweet.
Tad es atbildu prasti "Tā, vecīt."
Then I answer simply - "Alright, old man,"
Bet gribu atcirst asi "Klāt nelīst!"
But I want to snap back sharply - "Don't come near, understand!"
Vieni mani uztver Nelly
Some see me as Nelly,
Jo platas bikses un prāts debīls
Because of baggy pants and a silly mentality.
Šīs ir vecas likstas Zenīts
These are old woes like Zenith's prime,
Ja nejūties čsita derīgs
If you don't feel worthy, like it's a crime.
Es redzu jūs no sienu spraugām
I see you from the cracks in the wall,
Tik′ ar meliem var šo dienu baltāku
Only with lies can this day be brighter at all.
Padarīt, jo šo lieku galdā
Because I put this on the table bold,
Lai var pamanīt, kas notiek zem altāra
So you can see what's happening beneath the altar, untold.
Visi apzinīgi piš ar kāju
Everyone diligently pisses with their feet,
Kamēr labsirdība ir vājums
While kindness is a weakness, bittersweet.
Vietā, kur katrs ir letāls un king pin's
In a place where everyone is lethal and a kingpin indeed,
Man pietrūkst šis slepkavas instinkts
I lack this killer instinct, a desperate need.
Katrs 3. ir naida pilns tips
Every third person is a hate-filled type,
Kurš sēž mājās un taisa kill list′us
Who sits at home making kill lists, tight.
Daudziem sirdsazpiņa nebūtu slogs
Heartache wouldn't be a burden for many, I confide,
Ja par sliktām izdarībām nebūtu sods
If there were no punishment for evil deeds inside.
Tāpēc es ļoti maz uzticos
That's why I trust very little, you see,
Mani indēs droši pat uztinot
They'd poison me even when wrapped up tightly.
Tāpēc sēžu viens tāds drūms un saguris
So I sit here alone, gloomy and tired, it's true,
Jo man ir paranoja, kurai grūti pazust
Because I have paranoia that's hard to subdue.
Es neguļu bail, ka pamodīšos zārkā
I don't sleep afraid I'll wake up in a coffin,
Uz mani visi skatās, pat balodīši parkā
Everyone's watching me, even pigeons in the park, scoffin'.
Man laikam izseko tas kamzolītī sārtā
I think that guy in the pink straitjacket is stalking me,
Un vēlas sadedzināt katoļi uz sārta
And wants to burn me like Catholics on a stake, you see.
Lai gan sodus pieņemts delikāti nest
Although it is customary to bear punishments delicately,
Svešas acis mani noēd delikatesi
Strange eyes devour me like a delicacy.
Es velku botas, lai pēdas neapēd trotuārs
I wear boots so the sidewalk doesn't devour my feet,
Un veltu mokas, lai rētas sadzīst norunāts
And endure pain so the wounds heal like concrete.
Miesā šaubīgas vielas
Intoxicating substances course through my flesh,
Un mans skaistums liek man apšaubīt Dievu
And my beauty makes me doubt God, I confess.
Uz ielas visi vienādi, līdzīgi klišejas
Everyone on the street is the same, like clichés abound,
Es aizeju no pūļa Frīdrihs Nitše
I leave the crowd like Friedrich Nietzsche, profound.
Ja vēlos pazust dūmos, man vajag ūdeni, jo acīs akmens
If I want to disappear into the smoke, I need water, 'cause there's stone in my eyes,
Skatos almanahā, jo tas, sacīt, saknes
I look in the almanac, because it is, so to speak, roots, my disguise.
Sievietes mani nepamet, jo nespēj pacelt
Women don't leave me, because they can't lift my weight,
Un cīnos, jo diena pienākumus nemēdz atcelt
And I fight, because the day's duties they don't abate.
Azazello un kamēr Viņš nebūs miris
Azazello and as long as He is not dead,
Es būšu ciets rieksts tāpat Brūss Vilis
I'll be a tough nut to crack, just like Bruce Willis said.
Kad vienam Harijs Poters, citam Aristotel(i)s
When one has Harry Potter, another Aristotle, it's true,
Jā, man arī pofig. Vecīt, kur ir popers?
Yeah, I don't care either. Dude, where's the popper, too?
Un tie visi komentāri? Beidziet laizīt man pautus
And all those comments? Stop licking my boots,
Trešdaļai no jums es labprāt raidītu pa ausi
I'd gladly punch a third of you in the snoots.
To pašu roku, ko tev sniedzu klubā smaidīgs un jauks
The same hand I offer you at the club, smiling and kind,
Un tu nenojaut, cik patiesībā naidīgs un ļauns
And you have no idea how hateful and wicked you'll find.
Ir tas spēks, kas liek man naktīs vaidēt un kaukt
Is the force that makes me moan and howl at night,
It kāds ar asu skalpeli iekšā graizītu man audus
Like someone is carving my insides with a sharp scalpel, so bright.
Kad es pamostos kliegdams, man ir bailīgi un auksti
When I wake up screaming, I'm scared and cold,
Un vairs nemēģinu iemigt, sēžu gaidīdams ausmu
And I don't try to sleep anymore, just sitting waiting for horror bold.
Cik nakšu esmu pavadījis skaitīdams aunus
How many nights have I spent counting sheep,
Tikai negribu beigt Vincents graizīdams ausis
I just don't want to end up like Vincent cutting off my ears so deep.
Vai mans vectēvs šķaidīdams traukus
Or like my grandfather smashing dishes with rage,
Man labāk patīk tos tukšot, šķaidīt un jaukt
I prefer to empty them, shatter and disengage.
To visu, kas ir plauktā un ir taisīts no grauda
Everything that's on the shelf and is made of grain,
Varbūt kādu dienu es būšu tiešām laimīgs un gauss
Maybe one day I'll be truly happy and tame.
Un man būs mājas, kurās vienmēr būšu gaidīts un saukts
And I'll have a home where I'll always be welcome and called,
Smagu darbu dienu aizvadījis, taisīdams naudu
After a hard day's work, making money, enthralled.
Saviem bērniem, kam ķiķināšu mainīdams autus
For my children, whom I'll tickle, changing their shoes with care,
Bet laime ir jēdziens, kas ir mainīgs un trausls
But happiness is a concept that is fickle and rare.
Zinu labāk dzīvot šodien, nekā gaidīt ko jaunu
I know it's better to live today than to wait for something new,
Tomēr gaidu mañana, kas varbūt aizdzīs tās šausmas
Yet I wait for mañana, which may chase away those horrors, it's true.

Авторы: Arturs Skutelis, Eduards Gorbunovs, Juris Pionieris, Juris štrāls

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