Edavārdi - Buramvārdi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Buramvārdi

Magic Words
Dziesma var grūtības visas izdaiļot
A song can embellish all difficulties,
Viena rinda var veselu pūli iztaisnot
One line can straighten a whole crowd.
Pat skauģi nevar šo mūziku dislaikot
Even haters can't diss this music,
Zinātniekiem ir grūti to izskaidrot
It's hard for scientists to explain it.
Kāds nāk klāt un jautā, man klājas
Someone comes up and asks how I'm doing,
Un viņam ir zirga kāja? Tad tas ir vadātājs
And he has a horse leg? Then it's a centaur.
Viens, div', ar pirkstiem uzreiz taisu
One, two, I make with my fingers right away,
Krustu, tas ir tas kristiešu gang signs
A cross, that's the Christian gang sign.
Gribi būt dzīvnieks, uz to te tu tēmē?
You wanna be an animal, is that what you're aiming for?
Te ir pilsēta, vilkači nonāk Ulubelē
This is the city, werewolves end up in Ulbele.
Pasūtu raganas, kuras koķetē, tieši
I order witches who flirt, that's right,
Viņas sūta lāstus, bet tos bloķē 5G
They send curses, but 5G blocks them.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai vienmēr ir silts, vienmēr ir silts
May it always be warm, always be warm.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai nepazustu tumsā, lai nepazustu tumsā
May we not disappear in the darkness, may we not disappear in the darkness.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai manējiem ir viss, lai manējiem ir viss
May my people have everything, may my people have everything.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Tie nāk no sirds, tie nāk no sirds
They come from the heart, they come from the heart.
Un tie ir "lūdzu, paldies un ej dirst"
And they are "please, thank you, and go fuck yourself"
Un tie ir "lūdzu, paldies un ej dirst"
And they are "please, thank you, and go fuck yourself"
Dzīvojam laikā, kad tikai iegūglē, un ir viss
We live in a time when you just google it, and you have everything.
Tik maz guļam naktīs, ka lietuvēni izmirst
We sleep so little at night that Lithuanians are dying out.
Maģija kaut kur pazuda, izcils alus
Magic disappeared somewhere, like excellent beer.
Te pūķi nav manīti jau pēdējos divsimts gadus
Dragons haven't been seen here for the last two hundred years.
Bet nebēdā, es uz bīta jau gana drīz
But don't worry, I'll be on the beat soon enough,
Tev parādīšu velnu, jo viņa izskats Bībelē nav aprakstīts
I'll show you the devil, because his appearance is not described in the Bible.
Kačāju karmu reizēm, nenometot benčikus uz zemes
I scratch karma sometimes, without dropping weights on the ground.
Gulta uz dienvidiem - tas nav baigi fenšui, bet derēs
The bed to the south - it's not very feng shui, but it will do.
Miljoni stundu, lai ir miljoni naudā
Millions of hours, to have millions in money.
Ja tu heito, tad to jūtu savā biolaukā
If you hate, I feel it in my biofield.
Nav jābūt labākajam tad, kad rakstu tekstu, esmu brīvs
I don't have to be the best when I write lyrics, I'm free.
Kamēr tas tev aizsien acis, ekstrasensu cīņas
While it blinds your eyes, like psychic battles.
Liels krusts, lai likstas mazas, ukuleles
A big cross, to make troubles small, like ukuleles.
Uz galvas matu sietiņš, lai jums nav nekādas vudū lelles
A hairnet on my head, so you don't have any voodoo dolls.
Es sēžu stundām pie miķa,
I sit for hours at the mic, yes,
Tāpēc tik labi sanāk, bet jums ir mistika
That's why it turns out so well, but for you it's a mystery.
Un tie ir "lūdzu, paldies un ej dirst"
And they are "please, thank you, and go fuck yourself"
Un tie ir "lūdzu, paldies un ej dirst"
And they are "please, thank you, and go fuck yourself"
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai vienmēr ir silts, vienmēr ir silts
May it always be warm, always be warm.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai nepazustu tumsā, lai nepazustu tumsā
May we not disappear in the darkness, may we not disappear in the darkness.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Lai manējiem ir viss, lai manējiem ir viss
May my people have everything, may my people have everything.
Mani buramvārdi, vārdi, vārdi
My magic words, words, words,
Tie nāk no sirds, tie nāk no sirds
They come from the heart, they come from the heart.
Lūdzu, paldies un ej dirs
Please, thank you, and go fuck yourself
Lūdzu, paldies un ej dirs
Please, thank you, and go fuck yourself

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