Edavārdi - Elle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Elle

Antidepresantus dot aptiekās pārstās
They will stop giving antidepressants in pharmacies
Ja visu neredzēsim patiesās krāsās
If we won't see everything in its true colours.
Nesaku, ka viss man liekās ārprāts
I'm not saying that everything seems crazy to me,
Bet laikā, kad viss paliek tāds dārgāks
But in a time when everything becomes so expensive,
Katrs savu vietu jau ar nažiem sāk gādāt
Everyone starts to secure their place with knives.
Tie idēali pazūd ar aliem, kad bārā
These ideals disappear with beers, when in a bar
Ar citiem jokus protu dzīt
I know how to joke with others,
Bet kad skatiens dodas spogulī
But when I look in the mirror,
Prātā drūmas domas, rokas trīc
Crazy thoughts drums in my mind, my hands are shaking
Līdz es eju prom šo spoku dzīts
Until I go away, driven by these ghosts.
Es ceru, bet neticu, ka viss būs labi
I hope, but I don't believe that everything will be fine.
Ticība, prieks? Jā, man izzūd abi
Faith, joy? Yeah, they both are fading away.
Gribu nedarīt neko saguris riktīgi
I want to do nothing like I'm really tired.
Vienīgais mērķis ir patukšas vitrīnas
The only goal is empty showcases,
Pēļņa, kādas sukas padumjas striptīzs
Profit, what a stupid bitch striptease is,
Jo kaut kam augstākam pazuda ticība
Because the faith in something higher disappeared.
Elle ir tikai pilna ar muļķiem
Hell is only full of fools,
Jo tiecoties augstāk lūztam, to nespējot
Because we break while reaching higher, unable to do it.
Mēs idēali starp viltu un murgiem?
Are we ideals between deception and nightmares?
Nē, es redzu kļūstam par pretējo
No, I see how we're becoming the opposite.
Elle ir tikai pilna ar muļķiem
Hell is only full of fools,
Jo tiecoties augstāk lūztam, to nespējot
Because we break while reaching higher, unable to do it.
Mēs idēali starp viltu un murgiem?
Are we ideals between deception and nightmares?
Nē, es redzu kļūstam par pretējo
No, I see how we're becoming the opposite.
Cenšos darīt labi, visu paiet gadi fiksi
I try to do well, all the years go by quickly,
Vārdi sit tā, ka varētu būt karatisti
Words hit so that they could be karate,
Kas par to, ja es pavēmu no alus bišķi?
What if I threw up a bit from beer?
Tēmu dziesmai paņēmu par garu bisi
I took the topic of the song as a long bitch,
Kaut gan nekad nedomāju, ka notiks
Even though I never thought it would happen
Tajā laikā, kad es nerotāju labas notis
At a time when I didn't play good notes,
Nebija plānots, bet pēc debijas bāros
It wasn't planned, but after the debut in bars,
Sestdienās tagad stundas septiņas lāpos
I'll patch it up for seven hours on Saturdays now.
Repā kolektīvi pajūk dibināti
Collectives in rap fall apart as they are founded,
Jo, zini, ar laiku pazūd tie ideāli
Because, you know, over time, these ideals disappear.
Visi pazemē grib pabūt minimāli
Everyone wants to be underground at least,
Bet, ja karjera nav ahūna digitāli
But if the career is not awesome digitally,
Viņi sāks jaunus statūtus dibināt
They will start to establish new statutes
Līdz pazudīs, jo sapūs krimināli
Until they disappear, because they rot criminally.
Es arī ticu mazāk idejām cēlām
I also believe less in lofty ideas,
Par to patiesību ar tām liriskām scēnām
About the truth with those lyrical scenes,
Tikai dažas tādas plūst dziļi pa vēnām
Only a few flow deep through the veins,
Dēļ kurām skrienu, kamēr citi lēnām
For which I run, while others so slowly.
Gadās sapīties ar baru, kas nepatīk
It happens to get tangled up with a crowd I don't like,
Jo dažas atrunas un daru, ko nedarītu
Because some excuses and I do what I wouldn't do.
Es tagad zinu kāpēc paliekiet auksti
I now know why you remain cold,
Jo pēc katras vilšanās paliek vienalga
Because after each disappointment, it doesn't matter.
Es to jūtu sevī, pa gadiem pie galda
I feel it in me, over the years at the table,
Sēžot, man gribas tikai saliet pie tautas
Sitting, I just want to pour on people.
Elle ir tikai pilna ar muļķiem
Hell is only full of fools,
Jo tiecoties augstāk lūztam, to nespējot
Because we break while reaching higher, unable to do it.
Mēs idēali starp viltu un murgiem?
Are we ideals between deception and nightmares?
Nē, es redzu kļūstam par pretējo
No, I see how we're becoming the opposite.
Elle ir tikai pilna ar muļķiem
Hell is only full of fools,
Jo tiecoties augstāk lūztam, to nespējot
Because we break while reaching higher, unable to do it.
Mēs idēali starp viltu un murgiem?
Are we ideals between deception and nightmares?
Nē, es redzu kļūstam par pretējo
No, I see how we're becoming the opposite.

Авторы: Ansis

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