Edavārdi - Kosmoss - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Kosmoss

Man ir acis un veru tās ciet
I have eyes, and I close them.
Noklāj, tad ar melnu segu miegs
Cover them then with a black blanket like sleep.
Tumsa aukstumu un ledu sniegs
Darkness, cold, and ice like snow.
Tukšumu, kas, kad es ceru, spiegs
Emptiness, that when I hope, it crushes.
Es esmu tievs pat, ja sveru dievs
I am thin, even if I weigh like a god.
Dod man tikai vēnā tādu devu prieks
Give me just a dose in the vein like joy.
Nez′, vai visiem caurumiem es deru diegs
Don't know if I fit all the holes like thread.
Kad slāpst, man āda rada medu spiets
When I'm thirsty, my skin creates honey like a vise.
Es tikai saku to, ko bīts grib, lai pasaku
I only say what the beat wants me to say.
Esu gulējis ar Rīgu un pat nagu
I've slept with Riga and even a nail.
Sajūta, ko sevī nes tu līdz te butplug'u
A feeling you carry within you until here like buttplug.
Ar kuru jārunā pīles ar McDuck′u
With whom you have to talk like ducks with McDuck.
Dzīve smaida tad, kad tu vāc vārdus
Life smiles when you gather words.
Pofig, audzēju matus stādus
Whatever, I grow my hair like seedlings.
Un dodu smaidus tev platus spārnus
And I give you smiles as wide as wings.
Nav naudas, nevajag blatus plānus
No money, don't need plans as thin as sheets.
Fakti māna, es prasu nākas
Facts deceive, I ask as it comes.
Ka te mutes producē kakas ānuss?
How does your mouth produce poop like an anus here?
Nepietiek, ja izslej fakus bākas
Not enough if you pour out facts like beacons.
Glabā sevi nelieto latus zāles
Keep yourself don't use lats like drugs.
Cienu sevi, lai visus niķus pazaudētu
I respect myself to lose all the quirks.
Trakas idejas pirmais miķis pasaulē
Crazy ideas like the first mic in the world.
Es gribu vairāk, nevis darīt tik cik citi
I want more, not just do as much as others.
Līdz galva strādā ...kas?
Until the head works like ...what?
Cienu sevi, lai visus niķus pazaudētu
I respect myself to lose all the quirks.
Trakas idejas pirmais miķis pasaulē
Crazy ideas like the first mic in the world.
Es gribu vairāk, nevis darīt tik cik citi
I want more, not just do as much as others.
Līdz galva strādā ...kas?
Until the head works like ...what?
Zeme ir maza, tas ir fakts vēl, nu
The earth is small, that's a fact, well, yeah.
Atstarojas viņa manā acs melnumā
It reflects in the blackness of my eye.
Te pat skaņā tagad var rakt zeltu
You can even dig gold in sound here like that.
Bet saki, pasaulē sev atrast telpu kā?
But tell me, how to find space for yourself in the world?
Manī iekšā ir starts un gala mērķis
Inside me there is a start and a final goal.
Vārdiem šiem paklājs ir mana mēle
The carpet for these words is my tongue.
Ja papisīšu, es pateikšu laba spēle
If I pee, I'll say good game.
Un, kad visi pabeigs, prasīšu, vai varam vēl?
And when everyone is done, I'll ask if we can do it again?
Diss'i sarunu vietā, cik tālu 2 ies?
Diss's I gather instead, how far does 2 go?
Es zinu visuma formu, jo viss ir 1
I know the shape of the universe, because everything is 1.
Dzīvie un tie, kas ir miruši gladiātori
The living and the dead like gladiators.
Nez', kur vēl ir bijuši mani ātomi
I wonder where my atoms have been.
Visi vienādi ar melnu vai baltu ādu
All the same with black or white skin.
Es ar pilteni mainu savas auras krāsu
With a joint I change the color of my aura.
Kāpēc citi te grib, lai es kaunu vācu?
Why do others want me to collect shame here?
Viņus nesaprotu, veci, klaunu vācu
I don't understand them, man, like collecting clowns.
saproti ar TNT bomba
Like you understand with TNT - bomb.
Es redzu galaktiku DNS formā
I see the galaxy in the form of DNA.
Rit dzīvība, redzi tārpus zem zemes?
Life goes on, do you see worms underground?
Rīt tevi iekšā, ārpus un bez tevis
Tomorrow it's inside you, outside you, and without you.
Cienu sevi, lai visus niķus pazaudētu
I respect myself to lose all the quirks.
Trakas idejas pirmais miķis pasaulē
Crazy ideas like the first mic in the world.
Es gribu vairāk, nevis darīt tik cik citi
I want more, not just do as much as others.
Līdz galva strādā ...kas?
Until the head works like ...what?
Cienu sevi, lai visus niķus pazaudētu
I respect myself to lose all the quirks.
Trakas idejas pirmais miķis pasaulē
Crazy ideas like the first mic in the world.
Es gribu vairāk, nevis darīt tik cik citi
I want more, not just do as much as others.
Līdz galva strādā ...kas?
Until the head works like ...what?

Авторы: Edavārdi

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