Edavārdi - Lai Arī Kāda Tēma (Oriole Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Lai Arī Kāda Tēma (Oriole Remix)

Lai Arī Kāda Tēma (Oriole Remix)
Lai Arī Kāda Tēma (Oriole Remix) - No Matter The Topic (Oriole Remix)
Tagad, kad šo rakstu, man viss kārtībā
Now, as I'm writing this, I'm all good,
Kaut mans dzīves ceļš ir trips Āfrikā
Even though my life's path is like a trip to Africa.
Es esmu starp pofigismu pret klapatām
I'm stuck between apathy for troubles
Negācijām bez jēgas un optimismu bez pamata
And pointless negations and baseless optimism.
Tagad es zinu, kapēc man nenāk miegs
Now I know why I can't sleep,
Jo viss ir no svara, kad esi pedants liels
Because everything matters when you're a big pedant.
Svešas idejas par to, kas īsts blakām
Foreign ideas about what's real are next to me,
Jā, es rakstu tekstus kompī, bet vismaz fonts ir slīprakstā
Yeah, I write lyrics on a computer, but at least the font is in italics.
Es nekad nesapratu jūsu principus
I never understood your principles,
Vienīgais, ko zinu, ka tie skan kruti un ir tizli
The only thing I know is that they sound cool and are silly.
Ar nepacietību tos gadus gaidat
Looking forward to those years with impatience,
Kad varēsiet teikt: "Cik viss kruti bija manā laikā!" pie savas radu saimes
When you'll be able to say: "How cool everything was in my time!" to your family of relatives.
Man ir savas domas, kas reti balstās uz jums,
I have my own thoughts, rarely based on you, yeah.
Izvēlos publiku ne pēc tā, ko klausās, bet jūt
I choose my audience not by what they listen to, but by what they feel.
Visas dziesmas ir reprezents, tie, durak, nav meli
All songs are a representation, you fool, these are not lies,
Jo, lai arī kāda tēma, autors beigās runā par sevi
Because no matter the topic, the author ends up talking about himself.
Vai tu vari pateikt "Rīga"? 3X
Can you say "Riga"? 3X
Šitais tavām ausīm, ko sūtu, vaļā taisi
This is for your ears, what I'm sending, open them up.
Moš tas ir par maz vienu albumu gadā laist
Maybe it's not enough releasing one album a year,
Bet pūlis sanāk, jo skan te tas sū(ds) savādais
But the crowd gathers because this weird sh*t sounds good.
Pantos nelamājos vairs, lai būtu labākais
I don't curse in my verses anymore, to be the best.
Izsalcis, tie, kas iet uz batlu flovot
Hungry like those who go to battle to flow,
Esmu tas, kas nokodās no Apple logo
I'm the one who took a bite out of the Apple logo.
Blingus aizmetu, bet tagad nav uz treka Frodo
I threw away the bling, but now there's no Frodo on the track.
Pants tik dope tas varētu būt kreka promo
Verse so dope it could be crack promo.
Vairāk stilu, kad repotu ar Sekktu Mono
More styles, as if I'm rapping with Sekktu Mono.
Ja visi gaida to, esmu LV repa Godo
If everyone's waiting for it, I'm the Godo of Latvian rap.
Es esmu lejā, pēc kaifa zuduma
I'm down, like after a high fades.
Bet mainu pudeli pret laiku, kuru tad
But I'm trading the bottle for time, which I can then
Varu tērēt, kamēr tev ir bail no bubuļa
Spend while you're afraid of the bubble.
Lai būtu tuvāk debesīm, man taisna mugura ir
To be closer to heaven, my back is straight.
Vai tu vari pateikt "Rīga"? 4X
Can you say "Riga"? 4X
Viss varētu būt labāk, bet no stress
Everything could be better, but no stress.
Žēl, ka nevar rakstīt savā CV "Man dope reps"
It's a shame you can't write "I have dope rap" on your CV.
Joprojām sēžu pie TV bez "Coldrex"
I'm still sitting by that TV without "Coldrex,"
Un turpinu būt šajā spelē Pelē vai Goldbergs
And I continue to be Pele or Goldberg in this game.
Nezinu, par ko Tu rēc, tev teksts sūds
I don't know what you're laughing about, your lyrics are sh*t.
Uz beigām neceri jo, dēls, vēl reps būs
Don't get your hopes up at the end because, son, there will still be rap.
Šajā lietā stabilāks klints, bro
More stable than a rock in this thing, bro.
Esmu slims, yo, Tu paviāns ne Kings Kongs
I'm sick, yo, you're a baboon, not King Kong.
Man ir mūzikā ne drēbēs fiškas
I have fishes in my music, not my clothes.
Bet ar Taviem diskiem varam tikai spēlēt fiškas
But with your discs we can only play fishes.
Viss, ko rakstu, svaigs, šī devīze nav fiktīva
Everything I write is fresh, this motto is not fictitious.
Tu netici? Es bliežu ar dezīti graffiti
You don't believe it? I'm hitting with a can of graffiti.
Es stāvu malā, jo negribu gvelzt sūdu
I stand aside because I don't want to breathe sh*t,
Bet tu paliec ēnā te, tikai lai melns būtu
But you stay in the shadows here, just to be black.
Visur dzirdi naidu? Prom sūtu no tumbām
Hearing hate everywhere? I'm sending it away from the speakers.
Beidz prasīt, kapēc DJ's met lūpu uz bungām
Stop asking why DJs are pouting at the drums.
Šajā lietā atzīmes Tev nebūs ļoti labas
Your grades in this won't be very good.
Nav draudzenes, bet vismaz Tev ir zobu skavas
No girlfriend, but at least you have braces.
Nekad nebūsi tik traks, pūļi gar zemi
You'll never be as crazy as the crowds on the ground,
Pat ja Tu būtu es, Tu beigās kļūtu par sevi
Even if you were me, you'd end up being yourself.
Bet šī dziesma nav par to, ka Tu met ārā kakas
But this song is not about you taking a dump,
Bet par mīlestību esmu prosta pārāk abstrakts
But about love I'm just too abstract.
Es esmu šeit, bet vai Tu esi šeit?
I am here, but are you here?
Pacel savas rokas
Raise your hands.
Un nē, tad padomā par to
And yes or no, think about it.
Ja tu zini, kas ir Edavārdi, pacel savas rokas
If you know what Edavārdi is, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.
Ja zini, kas jādara, kad repoju, tad pacel savas rokas
If you know what to do when I rap, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.
Ja Tu paveici ko labu šodien, pacel savas rokas
If you did something good today, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.
Ja Tu rokas pacēli, tad pacel savas rokas
If you raised your hands, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.
Ja Tu zini, kas ir labs reps, pacel savas rokas
If you know what good rap is, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.
Ja Tev ir nokritušas rokas, tad pacel savas rokas
If you have dropped your hands, raise your hands.
Un ja nē, tad padomā par to
And if not, think about it.

Авторы: Edavārdi, Oriole

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