Edavārdi - Maņu Orgāni - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Maņu Orgāni

Maņu Orgāni
Sense Organs
Visās jomās divas puses ir vienmēr
There are always two sides to every story,
Viņa resna paliek, bet es saku "Kuce, tu tievē!"
You're getting fat, but I say, "Bitch, lose weight!"
Dažiem sēklas izskatās puķes, kas ziedēs
Some see seeds as flowers that will bloom,
Viedokļu ir dafiga un mūsu mutes ir piemērs
There are tons of opinions and our mouths are an example.
"Es esmu krutākais!" varu laimīgi saukt
"I'm the coolest!" - I can happily proclaim,
Jo, veci, tu jau zini, ka šeit taisnības nav
Because, old man, you already know that there is no justice here.
Zini, moš' man arī vajag gaidīt un kaukt
You know, maybe I also need to wait and bark,
Jo kas ir pareizi? Alkaholu maisīt un jaukt?
What is right? To mix and mess with alcohol?
Vai mirt veselam? Ko tu gribi uzspiest man?
Or die healthy? What are you trying to impose on me?
Nosakot, kas šajā dzīvē liek man justies labi
Determining what in this life makes me feel good,
Es apšaubu sevi, kad kāds izsakās, ka nīst
I doubt myself when someone says they hate
Kaut ko tādu, veci, kas man izskatās īsts
Something, old man, that looks real to me.
Kāpēc saki, ka sūds, kad es daru normāli?
Why do you say it's shit when I do it normally?
Vai tad mums ir atšķirīgi maņu orgāni?
Do we have different sense organs?
Ja atbalstam pretstatus un paliekam laimīgi
If we support opposites and remain happy,
Realitāte ir viena, bet mums abiem ir taisnība?
Reality is one, but we are both right?
Ar ko tu redzi, kad tu guli un sapņo
What do you see when you sleep and dream?
Kam ir taisnība, ja kļūdīsies tie, kuri pat saprot
Who is right if those who even understand will make mistakes,
Kāds veselā miesā pat te puvi vēl atrod
Someone in a healthy body even finds rot here,
Tu kādu laiku savas acis turi, tad atdod
You hold your eyes for a while, then give them back.
Kas es esu tu man pasaki, bet neklausos
Tell me who I am, but I'm not listening,
Gribi noteikt, kur ir pamati pat netaustot?
Do you want to determine where the foundations are without even touching them?
Es visu redzu vanagi es nešaubos
I see everything like hawks - I have no doubt,
Kaut ar acīm mani pavadi es nekaunos
Even lead me with your eyes - I'm not ashamed,
Es zinu, tie svari tev sakustas
I know how those scales of yours move,
Klausies Onyx, tad redzi mani uz skatvues?
Listen to Onyx, then you see me on stage?
Pie miķa hipijs, tas ir labi vai patupi?
A hippie on the mic, is that good or should he just shut up?
Vai tev priekštati lūzt, kad valis uz batuta?
Do your preconceptions break like a whale on a trampoline?
Ko? Kāpēc klausās? Es izpratu sakarību
What? Why are they listening? I understood the connection,
Tas no statusa un izskata atkarīgs
It depends on the status and appearance,
Nafig ausis, ja kad nodali, kas patīk
To hell with ears, when you share what you like,
Tu treka krutumu te nosaki ar acīm?
Do you determine the coolness of a track with your eyes?
Un pēc tad tu nolasi man atzīmi
And based on that, you give me a grade,
It tikko dzirdētais nav noticis un sacīts
As if what you just heard didn't happen and wasn't said.
Ja uz snēra netrāpu, kas tad ir šis
If I didn't hit the snow, then what is this,
Ja daru ļoti slikti, tad moš' pasaki biš'
If I'm doing very badly, maybe tell me a little bit,
Padomus, ja tie teksti, ķipa, vāji padodas
Advice, if those lyrics, man, are weak,
Ā! Tad man labāk rīmēt tikai vārdu galotnes?
Oh! So I better just rhyme the word endings?
Kāpēc neritmā viņš lasa tās zilbes?
Why doesn't he rhyme those syllables while reading?
Ķipa, tas nav sūdīgi, tas ir tāds stils
Like, it's not shitty, it's just his style,
Da nahuj, labs i' labs un slikts i' slikts
Fuck it, good is good and bad is bad,
Bet šajā scenā tas ir tabu "x x x"
But in this scene, it's taboo like "x x x",
Tāpēc neatzīst, bet es indi lūpās krāju
So don't admit it, but I'm collecting poison in my lips,
Kas kādreiz aizvērs viņu pimpju sūkātājus
Which will someday silence their dick suckers.
Ar ko tu redzi, kad tu guli un sapņo
What do you see when you sleep and dream?
Kam ir taisnība, ja kļūdīsies tie, kuri pat saprot
Who is right if those who even understand will make mistakes,
Kāds veselā miesā pat te puvi vēl atrod
Someone in a healthy body even finds rot here,
Tu kādu laiku savas acis turi, tad atdod
You hold your eyes for a while, then give them back.

Авторы: Edavārdi, Tablis

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