Edavārdi - Miljons - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Miljons

Visi noliedz to, bet cer to dabūt
Everyone denies it, but they certainly want it
Slavu šodien, rīt, un vēl to salūtu
Fame today, tomorrow, and those fireworks
Plus, tēlot melno, pelnot valūtu
Plus, playing like a black man, earning currency
Vai rokeri velnu –, velkot parūku
Or rockers the devil –, wearing a wig
Tāpēc izvēlas taisīt dziesmas tādas
That's why they choose to make such songs
Dēļ kurām man smaidīt bieži nākas
Those which often make me smile
Tas, ko viņi dara, uz slavu cerot vēl
What they do, hoping for more fame
Ir dirst savam klonam melo sev
It's like shitting on your own clone lie to yourself
Un es to visu nelūdzu, bet
And I never asked for all this, but
Ja godīgi, arī man nekas nebūtu pret
To be honest, I wouldn't mind it either
Taisīt to radio sūdu būtu vienkārši
Making such radio shit would be easy
Lētie teksti, loop′i kļūtu biezāks
Cheap lyrics, loops I would become thicker
Skilu nevajag šeit vai blakus klubā
No need to appear on stage here or in the club next door
Tautai viss ir reps nu, ja tur runā
For the people everything is rap well, if they talk about it
Tāpēc turpini maigāk un pamet dzeju
So keep it softer and leave poetry
Un tu pelnīsi vairāk par Apvedceļu
And you will earn more than Apvedceljs
Zini, rodas radio un kanālu pabiras
You know, that's how radio and channel broadcasts are born
Kāds atcerās kādu no "Talantu Fabrikas"?
Does anyone remember someone from "Talantu Fabrika"?
Kad Račam palūgsi bītu gardu
When you ask Raca for a delicious beat
Es ap to laiku dabūšu īstu darbu
I'll get a real job by then
Iekustini pūli vienreiz koncertā?
Get the crowd going once at a concert?
Es piecreiz, plus rakstu piecreiz kompleksāk
I do it five times, plus I write five times more complex
Man patīk rakstīt, veci
I like to write like this, man
Tikai gribu tavās acīs padzīt besi
I just want to drive you crazy
Man tīk, kamēr bārā lohi rāda
I like when the losers in the bar show
Ka ar visu šito jānāk obligāti
That you have to come to all of this
Vēlmei pēc tā, ka plātās optimāli
To the desire that everything is optimal on the records
Lai šis ģīmis visiem rādās optikā
So that this face shows up in all the optics
Lai būtu, ļauj tikai uzstāties
For that to happen, just let me perform
Šitā bliezt, kādai čiksai uzmākties
Scream like this, hit on some chick
Un būtu ļoti jauki, tad likt dziesmas
And it would be really nice to then play the songs
Ja es dabūtu to algu par sirdslietu
If I could get that salary for my passion
Jā, man nav tādi niķi jums
Yes, I don't have those habits like you
Obligāti dabūt piķi jumts
To necessarily earn some dough like a roof
Bet, ja pelnīt ir kaut kāds ultimāts
But, if earning is some kind of ultimatum
Tad drīz redz, šaubās turpināt
Then I'll soon see you doubting to continue
Un es neģērbjos baltā tunikā
And I don't dress in a white tunic
Jo es tikai gribu likt galdā unikālu
Because I only want to put something unique on the table
Mantu un mest šo pantu publikā
And give this verse to the audience
Un citas fiškas solot labas lietas?
And promise other tricks to get good things?
Es te tiku tikai dodot savas dziesmas
I came here only to give you my songs
Nevaj'g tēlot man koša tīņā ādā
No need for me to play in bright teenage skin
Šitā rakstot es nopelnīšu ātrāk
I'll earn money faster by writing like this
Jo, tikai labi darot, mani pamanīs
Because, only by doing good, will I get noticed
Bet, ja netici, dari, kas ir vajadzīgs
But, if you don't believe it, do what is necessary
Un, ja kļūsi par nieku populārāks
And, if you become a little more popular
Nu, tad es laikam palieku lohu kārtā
Well, then I'll probably stay with the losers

Авторы: Detwut

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