Edavārdi - Mēs - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Mēs

Sveiki, pasaule, tu jau mūs zini
Hello, world, you already know us
Ja mums ir garlaicīgi, tad te čista būs slimi
If we are bored, then it will be sick here
Mēs esam tie, kas savas paziņas nodirš
We are the ones who make fun of our acquaintances
Jau piektdienas vakars? Atkal aliņš un soliņš
Friday night already? Beer and a bench again
Mēs esam tie, kas uz kaut ko ātri pierunās
We are the ones who quickly get used to something
dzert pilzenes alu un zīmēt krānus pieturās
Like drinking Pilzen beer and drawing cranes at stops
Ēdam semenes, līdz uz zemes kāpas biezumā
We eat sunflower seeds until the pile reaches the ground
Ir čaulas, tik augstas, ka tās pat rādas Lietuvā
The shells are so high, they can be seen in Lithuania
Neopulāras tikai tādas filmas ir topā
Unpopular only such movies are on top
Vienmēr sanāk taisīt pases bildes uz pohām
We always end up taking passport photos recklessly
Te javairās no suņu sūdiem, ja tu kāp uz zemes
We avoid dog poop here if you step on the ground
Ārā tikai pīpējam, nu, tā, lai māte neredz
We only smoke outside, well, so that mom doesn't see
Mēs visu dienu sēžam neko nedarot
We sit all day doing nothing
Mēs par kuriem saka, ka tie neko nevarot
We the ones about whom they say they can do nothing
Mēs varam spriest, kas ir krīze, kapitalisms
We can judge what a crisis is, capitalism
Bet mums saka "Nerunā, tev tīņu maksimālsms!"
But they tell us "Don't talk, you have teenage maximalism!"
Mēs darītu, ja nebūtu slinkums
We would do it if we weren't lazy
Mēs gribam naudu, mēs tak' nelūdzam simtus
We want money, we don't ask for hundreds
Mēs redzam iet laiks, to nesavākt
We see how time passes, unable to collect it
Mēs slēpjam to, ka bail, ka nesanāks
We hide the fear that it won't work out
Senči nesaprot, ja kādu tekstu izlasa
Parents don't understand when they read some text
Būs ģimenes strīdi, ja runa iet par sekmju izrakstu
There will be family disputes if the conversation is about the transcript of grades
Jo esam pārāk lepni, lai kādu testu izprastu
Because we are too proud to understand any test
"Strādā!" To dzirdot seja tāda it nestu miskasti
"Work!" Hearing that, the face looks like they carried a trash can
Mēs salīdzinam citus ar sevi
We compare others to ourselves
Bieži sakam tādu frāzi "Nē, nav bikses par zemu!"
We often say such a phrase "No, my pants aren't too low!"
Reizēm mainīties jau ir dēļ kādas princeses vērts
Sometimes it's worth changing for some princess
Bet mēs bieži sakam "nē" tikai principa pēc
But we often say "no" just out of principle
Tev ir īss, pincetes pērc, ja saki, ka šīs rindas ir grēks
You have it short, buy tweezers if you say these lines are a sin
Tu nevari mums simpatizēt
You can't like us
sabiedrība attīstās no pusaudžiem lisiem
That's how society develops from sneaky teenagers
Kur, ja tu esi labāks, tas ir uzbrauciens citiem
Where, if you are better, it is an attack on others
Mēs visu dienu sēžam neko nedarot
We sit all day doing nothing
Mēs par kuriem saka, ka tie neko nevarot
We the ones about whom they say they can do nothing
Mēs varam spriest, kas ir krīze, kapitalisms
We can judge what a crisis is, capitalism
Bet mums saka "Nerunā, tev tīņu maksimālsms!"
But they tell us "Don't talk, you have teenage maximalism!"
Mēs darītu, ja nebūtu slinkums
We would do it if we weren't lazy
Mēs gribam naudu, mēs tak' nelūdzam simtus
We want money, we don't ask for hundreds
Mēs redzam iet laiks, to nesavākt
We see how time passes, unable to collect it
Mēs slēpjam to, ka bail, ka nesanāks
We hide the fear that it won't work out
Tāpēc visi skatās neticīgi bieži
That's why everyone looks incredulously often
Kad saku savus sapņus un te nemitīgi bliežu
When I tell my dreams and hit them continuously here
Uz mums lūr, nu, ķipa, lai tie nezinīši spriež
They peek at us, well, awkward, so that those ignorants can judge
Ķipa "Ko tu ceri īsti, un vai nemetīsi mieru?"
Awkward "What do you really hope for, and will you not give up?"
Un varbūt arī daudzi nebūs ļoti bagāti
And maybe many will not be very rich
Jo neesam tie, kuriem ir tie kroņi glabāti
Because we are not the ones who have those crowns kept
Un man bieži saka "stāvi", ja man ir soļi platāki
And I'm often told to "stand" if my steps are wider
It tagad jau ir visi dzīves toņi atklāti
As if all the shades of life have already been revealed
Kad jāklausās kas pamācošs man tēlot vaj'g
When I have to listen to something instructive, I have to pretend
Pluss es to daru ķekša dēļ pērkot Nike
Plus, I do it for the sake of the bunch, like buying Nike
Un velme kaut ko darīt krūtis tik' izdilst
And that desire to do something just fades away
Es visi pūlī ne sūdīgs, ne izcils
I'm like everyone in the crowd neither crappy nor brilliant
Ikdiena paiet visa dzīve netā, masa aug
Everyday life all life goes by online, the mass grows
Gribu pacelties virs tā, bet ne astronauts
I want to rise above that, but not like an astronaut
Nevis kurpes, bet converse es sasienu
Not shoes, but Converse I tie
Jo kāda jēga pieaugt, ja tie kompleksi paliek
Because what's the point of growing up if those complexes remain
Jo ir daudzi, kuri līdzināsies masu tēliem
Because there are many who will resemble mass characters
Vecāki, kas viens otram riebj caur pašu bērniem
Parents who hate each other through their own children
Moš' mēs būsim tadi paši kādu dienu, bet cerams
Maybe we will be the same one day, but hopefully
Mēs atradīsim mērķi un savu vietu uz Zemes
We will find our purpose and our place on Earth
Mēs visu dienu sēžam neko nedarot
We sit all day doing nothing
Mēs par kuriem saka, ka tie neko nevarot
We the ones about whom they say they can do nothing
Mēs varam spriest, kas ir krīze, kapitalisms
We can judge what a crisis is, capitalism
Bet mums saka "Nerunā, tev tīņu maksimālsms!"
But they tell us "Don't talk, you have teenage maximalism!"
Mēs darītu, ja nebūtu slinkums
We would do it if we weren't lazy
Mēs gribam naudu, mēs tak' nelūdzam simtus
We want money, we don't ask for hundreds
Mēs redzam iet laiks, to nesavākt
We see how time passes, unable to collect it
Mēs slēpjam to, ka bail, ka nesanāks
We hide the fear that it won't work out

Авторы: tablis, edavārdi

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