Edavārdi - No Dvēseles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - No Dvēseles

No Dvēseles
From The Soul
Es esmu fanāts, šos pantus tīt
I'm a fanatic, these verses are written
Es gribu šodien, bet savu sprandu rīt
I want today, but your bangs tomorrow
Esu gaisā baikeris, kas gar rampu krīt
I am in the air like a biker falling along the ramp
Ja rīmes padaru karstas, bet ne ar pannu (vī)
If I make the rhymes hot, but not with the pan (vie)
Lai atdzesētu paņem vannu līdz
To cool take a bath to
Kopš cukuru sāku ar fantu rīt
Since sugar started with the Phantom tomorrow
Prasās izpausties, ieņemt jaunu rangu drīz
Demands to manifest themselves, to occupy a new rank soon
Es zinu būs, ņemis Vangu līdz'
I know-it will be like taking Wang to'
Pirms uz skatuves es batloju zēnus
Before I bat boys on stage
Laukos no malkas viens pats nagloju zvērus
In the fields, from firewood alone, I nail beasts
Ņēmu iztēli, ja tas valodu vēlas
Took the imagination if that language wants
Ja būtu prasme, monstriem tiem lakotu mēles
If there was a skill, monsters would lick their tongues
Es arī zīmēju, laboju ēnas
I also draw, fix shadows
Tur zobeni, huiņas no varoņu tēmas
There swords, huines from the theme of heroes
Laikā, kad šķita, ka man nagos ir vēnas
At a time when it seemed that I had veins in my nails
Pirms liku tekstus savus wav'os ar rēku
Before I put the texts my wav'os with a roar
tas naivums, kas liek fanot par tēvu
Yes that naivety that makes you a fan of being a father
Un pret lietus mākoni iet karot ar fēnu
And against the rain cloud go to war with a hairdryer
Man laikam vienmēr ir paticis radīt
I guess I've always liked to create
Kaut lapa biju balta vanilla radziņš
Although the sheet was white as a vanilla stud
Reps mani sapina labi, kur palika kladīte?
Rap entangled me well, where did the cladite go?
Bari fanu saka "Dari šo!" un zvana vēl arī
Bari fan says –" do this!– - and call still too
Bet dirsēji nāk NLO no alus
But dirses come like UFOs from beer
Un dirš, es atbildu L-O-L un alles
And dirsh, I answer L-O-L and alles
Dirš, jo nepielec metaforas dažas?
Dirsh, because do not stick metaphors some?
Es apmīžu viņu neta un telefona vadus
I plaster their net and telephone wires
Bet labāk par to nepatiku īsumā
But better than not liking it at a glance
Savadāk aizies tematiskā brīvrunā
Will go like a thematic free speech
Kad biju sīks, veci, es pisu vientulību
When I was tiny, old, I pissed loneliness
Vajadzēja tik' papīru, un bija piedūrīgi
Needed so ' paper, and was spiky
Monstru izgriezt bij' super, tev nepatīk?
Monster cut bij ' super, you don't like it?
Tin ar skoču to suku, lai nesaplīst
Tin with Scotch their brush so as not to break
Ja nav lemts šitā sacīt šo, veci
If not destined to say this, old
Tad es laikam iešu ritmā kratīt žogus
Then I'll probably shake the fences in rhythm
Redzi? Man šī lapa jau sāk aprīt rokas
See? For me this page is already beginning to devour hands
Un tam beigas neredzu naktīs kokus
And I don't see the end of it like trees at night
Un pofig, ka rokas plātu nēģeris
And pofig that hand plat like a Negro
Es izlieku sevi no mājas tās mēbeles
I pretend to be out of the house its furniture
"Viņš saka pidarass un ānis, kad vēlas tas!"
"He says pidaras un ANI when he wants it!"
Jā, bet mazā, tas tak nāca no dvēseles
Yes, but small, that tak came from the soul
Eu, vecīt, mēs izaugsim garīgi?
Eu, Man, How are we going to grow up spiritually?
Kad naudas nav, nevar izbraukt uz Parīzi
When there is no money, you cannot leave for Paris
Te vajag rutīnu izlaust un tik' darīt
Here you need to break the routine and so ' do
Es jau teicu, ka izpausme ir svarīga
I have already said that its manifestation is important
Saki man, mēs izaugsim garīgi?
Tell me, how will we grow up spiritually?
Kad naudas nav, nevar izbraukt uz Parīzi
When there is no money, you cannot leave for Paris
Te vajag rutīnu izlaust un tik' darīt
Here you need to break the routine and so ' do
Es jau teicu, ka izpausme ir svarīga
I have already said that its manifestation is important

Авторы: Eduards Gorbunovs, Uģis Vālodze

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