Edavārdi - Sapņi Par - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Sapņi Par

Sapņi Par
Sapņi Par
Es turu plati, jo mans vairogs ir mūzika
I hold a plate, for my shield is music
Mēs esam kopā, man skaitot, ūnija
We're together, we're a union, we're counting
Skils nāca, man gaidot, tas rūdija
The discord came, while I was waiting, it was rusting
Dēļ kura mani visā vainos žūrija
For which the jury will blame me
Jo nepārstāvu vecos laikus mūmija
Because I don't represent the old days like a mummy
Bet viss labi, redzu smaidus jūnijā
But it's all good, I see smiles like June
Barjeru būs daudz "Takeši"
There will be many barriers like "Takeshi"
Bet man smadzenes izskatās trauks ar spageti
But my brain looks like a bowl of spaghetti
Vari uzrakstīt "Mauc, tu, bļe, pretīgi!"
You can write "F*ck off, you're disgusting!"
Bet mans līmenis par tālu, lai brauktu tev pretī
But my level is too far to come after you
Sapņi par grādīgo, kam pielej kolu
Dreams of a strong drink with cola
Tikt uz augšu, ievērtēt Ziemeļpolu
To get to the top, to appreciate the North Pole
Redzēt pasauli bez e-mail'a un datora
To see the world without e-mail and computer
Villa Kubā, frīstaili ar Kastro
Villa in Cuba, freestyles with Castro
Tīģeris dārzā, kas strīpains raptors
A tiger in the garden, striped like a raptor
Atgādina klasiku zīdainis ar afro
Reminds me of a classic like a baby with an afro
Kāds to negaidīti atrod naktī dienu
Someone finds it unexpectedly like day in the night
Un man apnika sapņot ar acīm ciet
And I'm tired of dreaming with my eyes closed
Es te neatnācu blatot un skatīties
I didn't come here to pull strings and watch
Un ir, jo daži sakot "Tu attīsties!"
And so it is, because some say "You evolve!"
Bieži Edavārdi rakstot, kad naktī pieci
Edavārdi often writes, when it's five at night
Atkal relīze, ko saprot, kad aplī griež
Another release, which is understood when it's circulating
Nafig nē, ja man ir laiks un izdevība?
Why not, if I have the time and opportunity?
Vai tad labāk ir, ja vaid pista tīne?
Or is it better if I whine like a little bitch?
Ir ko iekarot, ja vaj'g, tad visa Rīga
There is something to conquer, if necessary, then the whole of Riga
Lai tiem, kas klausās ir smaids bez vitamīna
So that those who listen have a smile without vitamins
Sapņi šajā vietā tikt tālāk Kalvītis
Dreams to get further than Kalvitis
Saviem bērniem pirkt dārgākās auklītes
To buy the most expensive nannies for their children
Kaut šī dzīve, bļaģ, mānās Kraulijs
Although this life, damn it, is deceiving like Crowley
Viss būs rīt, bet tu strādā tas nav drīz
Everything will be tomorrow, but you're working it's not soon
Nav tā, ka visiem rādu un daru daudz
It's not that I show off and do a lot
Tu jau zini kalt plānus pie alus kausa?
You know making plans over a beer?
Var panākt visu, tu bliez, lai tik' skan
You can achieve anything, you blow, just to make it sound
Šitais veltīts visiem tiem, kas tic tam
This is dedicated to all those who believe in it
Šmuļi, pidari zog makus un vienu vēlas
Thieves, faggots steal wallets and want one thing
Nafig barot vēl pašam tos lietuvēnus?
Why feed those Lithuanians yourself?
Iedomājies, ka plēšu matus un griežu vēnas
Imagine that I'm tearing my hair and cutting my veins
Kas tajā brīdi būs zaglis, kas ieguvējs?
Who would be the thief then, who would be the winner?

Авторы: Eduards Gorbunovs, Toms Horsts

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