Edavārdi - Uztvere - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Uztvere

Es paņemu takti un bliežu
I take the beat and hit
Viss ir labi, ja mani tu patin uz priekšu
Everything is good if you fast forward me
Jā, es neguļu naktis un bieži
Yeah, I don’t sleep at night and often
Laiks, kad es aizveru acis pus pieci
The time when I close my eyes is half past four
Jo mani biš' biedē šī pasaule
Because this world scares me a little
Paklau, manī tas iekšā sīc, satrauc
Listen, it nags inside of me, bothers
Ka grib mani piemānīt, aplauzt
Like it wants to cheat me, break me
Kaut to nevaru pierādīt atkal
Even though I can’t prove it again
Mani sapisa tās rīmes, kad bītu liek
My rhymes got stuck, so I wouldn’t be lying
Jo tagad spriežu "Kas ir dzīve bez mīnusiem?"
Because now I think “What is life without minuses?”
Uztveres dēļ šeit vīri pa grīdu skrien
Because of perception men run on the floor here
Jo tic, ka var nonest Rīgu ar mīnu vienu
Because they believe that you can take Riga down with one mine
Ir liels risks, ka tu nepazīsi īstu
There’s a big risk that you won’t recognize a real one
Tie ir divi o burti, vai bezgalības zīme?
Is it two o letters, or an infinity symbol?
Šķiet, ka šeit ir tikai spiegi un cūkas
It seems that there are only spies and pigs here
Bet tam pamatā nav fakti, tikai priekštati mūsu
But there’s no facts for that, only our prejudices
Tu par mani spried par nieku un lūzeri?
Do you judge me as a loser and a nobody?
Bet tad tu dabū trieku, kad es lieku te dūzi
But then you’ll get hit when I slam a deuce
Tu biji pāli, kad tev iedevu krūzi
You were a buddy when I gave you a mug
Jo es teicu tas ir šņabis, bet es ielēju ūdeni
Because I said it was vodka, but I poured water
Tu redzi tikai to, ko gribi redzēt
You only see what you want to see
Tava diena krāsaina, man bija pelēka
Your day is colorful, mine was gray
Gruzīt sevi reizēm nav nemaz tik jauki
Burdening yourself sometimes isn’t so nice
Ir jāsaskata starpība starp "Audimas" un "Audi"
You have to see the difference between “Audimas” and “Audi”
Tu redzi tikai to, ko gribi redzēt
You only see what you want to see
Tava diena krāsaina, man bija pelēka
Your day is colorful, mine was gray
Gruzīt sevi reizēm nav nemaz tik jauki
Burdening yourself sometimes isn’t so nice
Ir jāsaskata starpība starp "Audimas" un "Audi"
You have to see the difference between “Audimas” and “Audi”
Es gribu būt laimīgs un
I want to be happy and such
Savu veco vannu, vot, mainīt uz SPA
Change my old bathtub to a SPA, you see
Bet zini, kas to visu var maisīt un gāzt?
But you know what can stir and bring it all down?
Ka šito disku neizdos "Gailītis G"
That “Gailītis G” won’t release this record
Sāku sevī radīt skābi nemanāmi
I started to create acid within myself so discreetly
Ka gan publika, gan plāni man nesanāk
That neither the audience nor my plans work out
Moš' es esu biš par prastu, lai izkarotu to
Maybe I’m a bit too simple to conquer it
Pirms ceļu telefonu prasu izskatos
Before taking my phone out, I ask how I look
Radu šķēršļus sev un tad sēžu
I create obstacles for myself and then sit
Tāpēc es jau tekstus tos nupat dzēsu
That’s why I’m erasing these lyrics now
Vai kāds ko sliktu teica man? Nē!
Did anybody say anything bad to me? No!
Tad kāpēc vaj'g visu beigt un gandēt?
Then why end it all and spoil it?
Domāt, ka, ķipa, tev prātā gangrēna
To think that, like, you have gangrene in your head
Līdz tu pats sev uzbrūc pantēra
Until you attack yourself like a panther
ir norma hātās antēnas
It’s a norm like antennas in hats
Ka vārdi es un zaudēt ir tandēms
That the words me and lose are like a tandem
Nafig sevi gruzīt līdz galvu situ sienā
The hell with burdening yourself until you hit your head against the wall
Nē, es atsakos to darīt citu vietā
No, I refuse to do it for anyone else
Plus, es varu vairāk paveikt, ja te man nāks
Plus, I can do more if there comes to me
Kāds lohs un vēl pateiks, ka nesanāks
Some loser who will also say that it won’t happen
Tu redzi tikai to, ko gribi redzēt
You only see what you want to see
Tava diena krāsaina, man bija pelēka
Your day is colorful, mine was gray
Gruzīt sevi reizēm nav nemaz tik jauki
Burdening yourself sometimes isn’t so nice
Ir jāsaskata starpība starp "Audimas" un "Audi"
You have to see the difference between “Audimas” and “Audi”
Tu redzi tikai to, ko gribi redzēt
You only see what you want to see
Tava diena krāsaina, man bija pelēka
Your day is colorful, mine was gray
Gruzīt sevi reizēm nav nemaz tik jauki
Burdening yourself sometimes isn’t so nice
Ir jāsaskata starpība starp "Audimas" un "Audi"
You have to see the difference between “Audimas” and “Audi”

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