Edavārdi - Uzvara - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Uzvara

Es pametu svēto, plus paliku viens
I left the sacred, plus I stayed alone
Mani paņēma panika, bet padzina Dievs
Panic took me, but God drove me on
Žēl, ar dzīvi nevar tā, ka patin uz priekšu
It's a shame you can't rewind life
Es centos celt, bet pēdas samina ziedus
I tried to build, but my steps crush the flowers
Šeit viss, ko mīli sāk nelabi ost
Here, everything you love starts to smell bad
Tev ir acis, ausis, bet tu nemani to
You have eyes, ears, but you don't notice it
Par ko rakstīt, ā, jā, te man ir logs
What to write about, ah, yes, I have a window here
Tikko notrieca bērnu tie temati top
Just hit a child - that's how these topics come up
Nezinu, daudz kas šķiet fiktīvs un zems
I don't know, many things seem fictitious and low
Šeit vara ir tam, kurš tev sitīs un lems
Here, the power belongs to the one who will hit and decide for you
Vai vēl ir tas, kas ir tīrs no sevis
Is there anything left that is pure of itself
Šķīsts sēkla, kas izdīgst no zemes
Pure as a seed that sprouts from the earth
Neredzu nevienu, kam beidzās nogurums
I don't see anyone who's tired anymore
Katrs atspulgs greizais spogulis
Every reflection is like a distorted mirror
Pat ar labu dzīvi kāds beigās noduras
Even with a good life, someone eventually gets hurt
Ceļš uz nāvi? Tie, kam veicas, noturas
The road to death? Those who succeed endure
Man nē, tas tev lemts turi īstu
No, that's for you to decide keep it real
Sev saliekam bremzes un klusi nīstam
We put on the brakes for ourselves and silently hate
Mēs paši sev bendes, tu turi pīķi
We're our own bands, you hold the peaks
Kamēr dzeru par mūsu tendenci uz suicīdu
While I'm drinking to our tendency for suicide
Es jūtos labi, ka no pazemes nāku (nāku)
I feel good that I come from underground (come)
Pat, ja dzīve likt man pedenes sāks (sāks)
Even if life starts to put shackles on me (starts)
Es tikšu galā pat, ja kari te nāks (nāks)
I'll make it even if wars come here (come)
Kas vēl ir vajadzīgs, ja man vēl ir prāts
What else is needed if I still have a mind
Dzīve tevi aicina padoties, nomudīt
Life invites you to give up, to get depressed
Vai tu esi teicis "viss padosies" spogulī
Have you ever said "everything will work out" in the mirror?
Es tikšu tālāk, viņi gvelzīs vēl
I will go further, they will still moan
Ja tu šitam tici tas ir veltīts tev
If you believe in this it's dedicated to you
Es pametu svēto, bet man pieleca pamosties
I left the sacred, but I had a realization to wake up
Daudzi pamet sapņus, jo pieredze barot tiem
Many give up on dreams, because experience feeds them
Skepsi, kas iedzeļ un reti, kad pieceļ
Skepticism that stings and rarely lifts
Un tu man aicini to pieņemt un padoties?
And you're telling me to accept it and give up?
Piedod sev, ja tu pat piedevi varoņiem
Forgive yourself if you can even forgive heroes
Te visiem ir krusti uz ziemeļu karogiem
Everyone here has crosses like on northern flags
Visi cīnās, kas tad iesaka karot tiem?
Everyone is fighting, so what tells them to fight?
Mēs visi esam cilvēki pat priedes ar baložiem (ko?)
We are all people - even pines with doves (what?)
Es rakstu pantus, kad ir likti kick'i
I write verses that are like kicks
Kaut te ir labāk domāt cik viss ir slikti
Even though it's better to think about how bad everything is here
Jā, nodirs to, ko citi paveic, testējot
Yeah, screw what others do, testing
Saki "Esmu lohs", jo kāds pateiks pretējo
Say "I'm a loser" because someone will say the opposite
Tie, kas sevi nekad nezinās, tēlos
Those who never know themselves will pretend
Sāc smagi lietot, lai tevi kāds žēlo
Start using hard drugs so someone will pity you
Man bieži pirmā doma ir, ka nevaru to
My first thought is often that I can't do it
Kaut gan savus skepsi nemaz nepamatoju
Even though I don't justify my skepticism at all
Bet nav tā, ka šī vieta mani garīgi nobeidz
But it's not like this place is mentally finishing me off
Es kritu, bet man ir pilna kladīte šoreiz
I'm falling, but I have a full notebook this time
Ir forši redzēt pasauli šo arī vēl no lejas
It's cool to see the world from down here as well
Es sevi saņemšu rokās un darīšu otreiz
I'll pick myself up and do it again
Es jūtos labi, ka no pazemes nāku (nāku)
I feel good that I come from underground (come)
Pat, ja dzīve likt man pedenes sāks (sāks)
Even if life starts to put shackles on me (starts)
Es tikšu galā pat, ja kari te nāks (nāks)
I'll make it even if wars come here (come)
Kas vēl ir vajadzīgs, ja man vēl ir prāts
What else is needed if I still have a mind
Dzīve tevi aicina padoties, nomudīt
Life invites you to give up, to get depressed
Vai tu esi teicis "viss padosies" spogulī
Have you ever said "everything will work out" in the mirror?
Es tikšu tālāk, viņi gvelzīs vēl
I will go further, they will still moan
Ja tu šitam tici tas ir veltīts tev
If you believe in this it's dedicated to you

Авторы: Eduards Gorbunovs, Toms Horsts

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