Edavārdi - Viens No Tiem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edavārdi - Viens No Tiem

Viens No Tiem
One of Them
Man likās, esmu savādāks no masas, Dalī
I thought I was different from the masses, like Dalí
Bet vidējā statistika tas ir par mani
But the average statistic that's about me
Kas notiks ar lielāko daļu? Tagad jau var
What will happen to the majority? Now you can
Paredzēt, pastāv risks liels, ka tas draud man
Predict, there is a big risk that it threatens me
Man likās esmu savādāks, ar masu saskaroties
I thought I was different when I faced the masses
Bet citiem jau viss skaidrs, uz mani paskatoties
But others already know everything, looking at me
to senāk neredzēju piedodiet
How come I didn't see it before forgive me
Nekad nebiju viens tāds, esmu viens no tiem
I was never one of a kind, I'm one of them
Man likās, neviens nezin', kas ir īsts, bet es,
I thought no one knows what's real, but me, yeah
Ka vienīgais jutos viens tīņa vecumā
That I was the only one who felt alone in my teens
Ka jūs nenojaušat, nopeļat mīlniekus
That you have no idea, you condemn lovers
Man likās, ka brīvība ir nodzertas brīvdienas
I thought freedom was a drunken weekend
Bet man augot, dzīve piespiež saskatīt
But as I grow, life forces me to see
Ka eju caur stadijām, kas ir iepriekš aprakstītas
That I'm going through the stages that have already been described
Tas ka sapņi izplēn ar vecumu
That dreams fade with age
Un zini, es diez vai izņēmums esmu
And you know, I'm hardly an exception
Mietpilsoņi, kuru sirdis mīla nepadara pat siltas
Citizens, whose hearts don't even make love warm
Viņi juta, ko mēs, bet neatrada atbildes
They felt what we did but didn't find the answers
Es, daļa no masas, nāku no tizlo bara
I, part of the masses, come from a bunch of weirdos
Bet pūlī atšķirības minimālas ir no svara
But in a crowd, differences are minimally important
Es esmu viens tāds, es esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, I'm one of them
Dienas beigās un galu galā es esmu viens tāds
At the end of the day and ultimately, I'm one of them
Varbūt visi to saka, dara, bet esmu viens tāds
Maybe everyone says it, does it, but I'm one of them
Kāpēc? nav Tava daļa, es esmu viens tāds
Why? It's not your part, I'm one of them
Es esmu viens tāds, jā, esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, yeah, I'm one of them
Dienas beigās un galu galā es esmu viens tāds
At the end of the day and ultimately, I'm one of them
Es esmu viens tāds, tomēr esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, yet I'm one of them
Varbūt visi to saka, dara, bet esmu viens tāds
Maybe everyone says it, does it, but I'm one of them
Ja es esmu sava brāļa kopija, tas ir ideāli
If I'm a copy of my brother, that's perfect
Jo uz šīs planētas mēs esam tikai divi tādi
Because on this planet, there are only two of us
Man likās, atšķiros no senčiem dziļi
I thought I was different from my ancestors so deeply
Bet tagad es redzu, ka visu daru viņi
But now I see that I'm doing everything like them
Man likās, esmu savādāks jauns, ļoti dzīvs
I thought I was different - young, very lively
Bet šīs atšķirības beigās nav nozīmīgas
But these differences are not significant in the end
Jo paskaties, kustos un saku šo aši
Because look how I move and how I say this quickly
Moš' ar citu motivāciju, bet daru to pašu
Maybe with a different motivation, but I do the same thing
Likās, atšķiros no ģimenes, es spēju?
It seemed like I was different from my family, how am I able to?
Kad sugas uzdevums ir radīt identiskus pēcnācējus
When the task of the species is to create identical offspring
Tagad saprotu, ko nemanīju savās acīs
Now I understand what I didn't notice in my own eyes
Ka viņu dzīves scenārijs ir manās asinīs
That their life scenario is in my blood
Viņi arī bija jauni, ar stresu un intelektu
They were also young, with stress and intellect
Viņi tāpat jutās, bet bez repa un interneta
They felt the same, but without rap and the internet
Mūs vieno prieks un ķibeles kopā
We are united by joy and troubles together
Zinu esmu tikai zars ģimenes kokā
I know - I'm just a branch on the family tree
ir mistika, bet tas nemazina faktu
It's mystical, but it doesn't diminish the fact
Ka moš' eju vecvecāku pēdās, kurus nepazinu pat
That maybe I'm walking in the footsteps of my grandparents, whom I don't even know
Esmu turpinājums, ideja nav ne pa tēmu
I'm a continuation, the idea is not out of topic
Varbūt daru to, ko viņi gribēja, bet nevarēja
Maybe I'm doing what they wanted to do but couldn't
Moš' cenšos risināt, kad ausis dzird skaņas
Maybe I'm trying to solve when my ears hear sounds
Problēmas, kas sākās entās paaudzes pirms manis
Problems that started generations before me
No kurienes man vēlme rakstīt, lai skan klubos?
Where do I get the desire to write to make clubs sound?
No kurienes šis maksimālisms, mans humors?
Where does this maximalism, my humor, come from?
Es gribu kaut ko savādāk Tu maldies
I want something different - you're wrong
Man 3 cilvēkiem ir jāpasaka paldies
I have to thank 3 people
Nevajag neko, esmu muļķis, ja vēlos
I don't need anything, I'm a fool if I want
Jo īstais mantojums guļ manos gēnos, tāpēc
Because the real inheritance lies in my genes, so
Es esmu viens tāds, es esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, I'm one of them
Dienas beigās un galu galā es esmu viens tāds
At the end of the day and ultimately, I'm one of them
Varbūt visi to saka, dara, bet esmu viens tāds
Maybe everyone says it, does it, but I'm one of them
Kāpēc? nav Tava daļa, es esmu viens tāds
Why? It's not your part, I'm one of them
Es esmu viens tāds, jā, esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, yeah, I'm one of them
Dienas beigās un galu galā es esmu viens tāds
At the end of the day and ultimately, I'm one of them
Es esmu viens tāds, tomēr esmu viens tāds
I'm one of them, yet I'm one of them
Varbūt visi to saka, dara, bet esmu viens tāds
Maybe everyone says it, does it, but I'm one of them

Авторы: Eduards Gorbunovs, Toms Horsts

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