Edmundo Rivero - El Desalojo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edmundo Rivero - El Desalojo

El Desalojo
El juzgao con el aviso,
The court with the notice,
Me la dio por la cabeza,
Hit me right in the head,
Nunca espere tal sorpresa,
I never expected such a surprise,
Mi suerte ingrata lo quiso,
My unlucky fate intended it,
Feliz en un entrepiso,
Happy on a mezzanine,
Yo me encontraba confiado,
I was feeling confident,
Al ver siempre al encargado,
Seeing the manager always,
Saludar con alegria,
Greet me with joy,
Pero hoy, ni los buenos dias,
But today, not even a good morning,
Al encontrame me ha dado.
When he found me, he gave me.
Al rato vi mi moblaje,
Soon I saw my furniture,
Enfililao por la esclaera,
Carried down the stairs,
La guitarra, la fiambrera,
The guitar, the lunch box,
El colchon viejo y el traje,
The old mattress and the suit,
Y después todo el menaje,
And then all the household goods,
Dentro de la mesa y.p.f.,
Inside the table and.p.f.,
Y un elastico de fleje,
And a rubber band from the hospital,
Que dice, desde turquia,
That says, from Turkey,
Y que herede de una tia,
And that I inherited it from an aunt,
Que se murio en cruz del eje.
Who died in the cross of the axis.
Apenas debia tres años,
I barely owed three years,
Que alevosa picardia,
What treacherous deceit,
Que triste la vida mia,
How sad my life is,
Siempre, siempre desengaños,
Always, always disappointments,
Los ojos de los extraños,
The eyes of strangers,
Relampagueaban de gozo,
Flashed with joy,
Y el vigilante curioso,
And the curious guard,
Dijo, mostrando los dientes,
Said, showing his teeth,
Que va a decir la del frente,
What will the woman next door say,
Al ver su mueble lujoso.
When she sees her luxurious furniture.
Y en la vereda marchita,
And on the withered sidewalk,
Mis pobres cosas quedaron,
My poor belongings were left,
Yo se bien que se nublaron,
I know for sure that they clouded,
Tus ojitos vecinita,
Your little eyes, neighbor,
Lo que me apena y me agita,
What pains me and agitates me,
Es que por ser angelito,
Is that for being an angel,
Aquel dorado marquito,
That gilded little frame,
Que siempre me ha acompañado,
That has always been with me,
El changador me ha afanado,
The porter has stolen from me,
Con tu estampa, che carlitos.
With your picture, che carlitos.

Авторы: Alberto Acuna

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