Edo Maajka feat. Dino Šaran - Otrov - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka feat. Dino Šaran - Otrov

Najebo sam care, ne znam dobro objasnit
My baby, I've gotten myself into trouble, I can't explain it well
Kad je nema blizu počnem se samo gasit
When you're not around, I just start to lose it
Pijem i duvam i krenem se gazit
I drink and smoke and start to self-destruct
Ni za šta nisam, možeš me samo u vodu bacit
I'm good for nothing, you might as well just throw me in the water
Kad je nema, pretvorim se u šupka
When you're not here, I turn into a monster
Vrjedžam ljude oko sebe i trese mi se ruka
I insult people around me and my hands shake
Od sviju mi muka i svima od mene muka
I'm a pain to everyone and everyone's a pain to me
Pa sam budem u stanu ko fol režem luka
So I stay in my apartment like a fool, chopping onions
Muški ne plaču gutaju do rakova
Men don't cry, they swallow their sorrows until they get cancer
Sa šankova se čuju himne propalih brakova
From the bars you can hear the anthems of failed marriages
Puni strahova, konzultacije uz pivo
Full of fears, consultations over a beer
U pauzi bez skajpa s njima mi je divno
In between Skype calls with them, I feel wonderful
Bez nje sam Alepo, Gaza i Livno
Without you, I'm Aleppo, Gaza, and Livno
Ni temelja, ni zida, ni šanse a živo
No foundation, no walls, no chance, but I'm alive
Ko Balkan sivo, ko Pišonja bez Žuge
Like the gray Balkans, like Pišonja without Žuga
Ko beskrajni dan devedeset druge...
Like an endless day in 1992...
Ne mogu disat, to ne može ni sevdah opisat
I can't breathe, even sevdah can't describe it
I džabe mi svirat, to se ne može objasnit, ispričat
And it's useless for you to play, it can't be explained or told
I kad sam loš me voli, ona je klasa koja još ne postoji
And when I'm bad, she loves me, she's a class that doesn't exist yet
S njom se ničeg ne bojim, ona je primjer koji se ne broji
With her, I'm not afraid of anything, she's an example that can't be counted
A kad sam s njom tad care beharam i cvjetam
But when I'm with her, I flourish and bloom
Kroz neki bolji filter sebe i druge gledam
I see myself and others through a better filter
I govno mi lijepo, bol me više ne savija
And my shit smells good, pain no longer bends me
Balkan mi care bude nešto ko Skandinavija
My Balkans, my baby, will become something like Scandinavia
Nema četnika, ustaša, balija
No Chetniks, no Ustashas, no Balijas
Folk mi prestane smetat, Sinan mi više ne zavija
The people stop bothering me, Sinan no longer howls at me
Počnem volit sebe, hoću prestat duvat i pušit
I start to love myself, I'll quit smoking and drinking
Hoću planirat i učit, hoću slušat i skužit
I'll start planning and learning, I'll start listening and understanding
Popravit zube, ovu crnu dvojku
I'll fix my teeth, this black deuce
Počnem se s drugima družit i lajkam sve što mogu
I'll start socializing with others and I'll like everything I can
Šta ne mogu podnijet to lakše podnesem
What I can't bear, I'll bear more easily
Izbjeglištvo mi bude samo promjena adresa
My exile will just be a change of address
Korupcija mi bude samo razgovor uz meze
Corruption will just be a conversation over meze
A ustašluk nestašluk, ma pusti djecu, nema veze
And Ustasha mischief, oh, let the kids be, it doesn't matter
Sve mi može, bit će i lako ćemo
I can do anything, it will be easy and we will succeed
A kad ode prvi vers i plakat ćemo
But when the first verse ends, we will cry
Ja i svi samnom...
Me and everyone with me...
Ne mogu disat, to ne može ni sevdah opisat
I can't breathe, even sevdah can't describe it
I džabe mi svirat, to se ne može objasnit, ispričat
And it's useless for you to play, it can't be explained or told
I kad sam loš me voli, ona je klasa koja još ne postoji
And when I'm bad, she loves me, she's a class that doesn't exist yet
S njom se ničeg ne bojim, ona je primjer koji se ne broji
With her, I'm not afraid of anything, she's an example that can't be counted
Ona drži mi glavu kad pričam sa šoljama
She holds my head when I talk to cups
Ona se drži za glavu kad pretjeram sa forama
She holds her head when I overdo it with jokes
Ona voli, da ti znaš kako ona mene voli
She loves, if you only knew how she loves me
Ona me ljubi i kad me ljubi uvijek se neko ljuti
She kisses me and when she kisses me, someone always gets angry
Ne mogu disat, to ne može ni sevdah opisat
I can't breathe, even sevdah can't describe it
I džabe mi svirat, to se ne može objasnit, ispričat
And it's useless for you to play, it can't be explained or told
I kad sam loš me voli, ona je klasa koja još ne postoji
And when I'm bad, she loves me, she's a class that doesn't exist yet
S njom se ničeg ne bojim, ona je primjer koji se ne broji
With her, I'm not afraid of anything, she's an example that can't be counted

Авторы: Dino Saran, Edin Osmic, Mario Rašić, Mirsad Dalipi, Toni Staresinic, Yogi Lonich

Edo Maajka feat. Dino Šaran - Put U Plus
Put U Plus
дата релиза

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