Edo Maajka - Dolazim I Odlazim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Edo Maajka - Dolazim I Odlazim

Dolazim I Odlazim
I Come and Go
Ja sam iz siromasnog drustva
I am from a poor society
Kuce i kraj kuca kanali
Houses and ditches next to each other
Prije je bilo, vec dugo se nema
It used to be good, but not anymore
I oni sto su davali su nam dali
And those who used to give us have given us
Neki su otisli davno
Some left long ago
Neki se nadaju uskoro otic
Some hope to leave soon
Na vlasti su isti trajno
The same people are always in power
U mozak, u dupe, nije krize nego pornic
In your head, in your butt, it's not a crisis, it's pornography
Ja dolazim iz drustva
I come from a society
Mala plata a visoke cijene
Low wages and high prices
Svako im kriv za njihova govna
Everyone blames them for their shit
I za sve su krive zene
And women are always to blame
Tu zena pati, tu zena nosi
Here women suffer, here women carry
Tu zena dobija samar
Here women get beaten
Cak zene kontrolisu zene
Even women control women
Jedini spas im je konop I tavan
Their only salvation is weed and the attic
Ja dolazim iz drustva
I come from a society
Sto bolje mrzi a bolje hoce
Who hate the better and want the better
I svi se boje novog
And everyone is afraid of the new
Vole stare izgrebane ploce
They love old scratched records
Imaju poznati stari miris
They have a familiar old smell
I cesto znaju pucketat
And they often know how to fart
Tacno znas kad ce preskocit
You know exactly when they're going to skip
I da ce u po pjesme sjebat...
And when they're going to fuck up in the middle of a song...
Ja dolazim i odlazim
I come and go
A vrijeme ko da tu ne prolazi
But time seems to stand still
I ti si ista I sad dobra si
And you're the same and you're still good
Ali kakvi su ti nalazi
But what are your test results
Ja dolazim i odlazim
I come and go
A vrijeme ko da tu ne prolazi
But time seems to stand still
Nadvili se tamni oblaci
Dark clouds have gathered
De me do aerodroma odbaci
Take me to the airport
Ja dolazim iz drustva care
I come from a society, baby
I tesko mi ga je objasnit
And it's hard for me to explain it
Prvo te napadnu, jebu ti mater
First they attack you, they fuck your mother
A onda te pozele spasit
And then they want to save you
Daju ti ruku ako si njihov
They give you a hand if you're one of them
Ako patis il mrzis s njima
If you suffer or hate with them
Ako si svoj ne voli te niko
If you're your own, nobody loves you
Upali mozak da budes manjina
Turn on your brain to be a minority
Ja dolazim iz drustava
I come from societies
Sva ta drustva su dio mene
All these societies are part of me
Vjecno cu patit za sve njih
I will always suffer for all of them
Pogotov kad jedno na drugo krene
Especially when one goes against the other
Tu znam da nema mira
Here I know there is no peace
Ne gine patnja I garant je plakanje
Suffering doesn't disappear and tears are guaranteed
Ili Star Wars ili Star Track
Either Star Wars or Star Track
Ako volis oba onda je varanje
If you like both, then it's cheating
Ako volis oba si izdajnik
If you like both, you're a traitor
Bolje suti i mrs u svoju rupu
Better keep quiet and crawl into your hole
Prijetnja si naucenoj mrznji
You are a threat to learned hatred
Za tebe nema zastite u MUPu
There is no protection for you in the police
Kupi kartu u jednom smjeru
Buy a one-way ticket
Imas skype i imas kamere
You have Skype and you have cameras
Jer bez obzira kakve su namjere
Because no matter what the intentions are
Sve ce se svest na teorije zavjere...
Everything will turn into conspiracy theories...
Ja dolazim i odlazim
I come and go
A vrijeme ko da tu ne prolazi
But time seems to stand still
I ti si ista I sad dobra si
And you're the same and you're still good
Ali kakvi su ti nalazi
But what are your test results
Ja dolazim i odlazim
I come and go
A vrijeme ko da tu ne prolazi
But time seems to stand still
Nadvili se tamni oblaci
Dark clouds have gathered
De me do aerodroma odbaci
Take me to the airport

Авторы: Edin Osmic

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