Edo Maajka - Mater Vam Jebem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - Mater Vam Jebem

Mater Vam Jebem
Your Mother I'm ######!
Kod nas se od Daytona godine broje
Only the Daytona can untether the years past
Ljudi se ljudi boje i svako glasa za svoje
People fear other people and everyone votes for their own
Brđani postaju građani
Highlanders become city dwellers
Do jučer svjetla gasili sjekirama, a sad su u odijelima
Yesterday they cut out the lights with axes, but now they are in suits
Mirnese, sredi ih Mirnese, jebi im mater
Mirnese, fix them Mirnese, f*** their mothers
Ako se ti počneš prodavat i tebi ću mater jebavat
If you start selling out, I'll f*** your mother too
Da znaš, nije bitna ideologija, bitna je biologija
You know, ideology doesn't matter, biology matters
Bitna je genetika Balije, Ustaše i Četnika
The genetics of the Balije, Ustashas and Chetniks matter
Svaka ovca svome krdu, krave uz telad
Every sheep to its own herd, cows with calves
U šarena vrata gledat, jedni drugima mater jebat
To look at the gaudy gates, to f*** each other's mothers
Znam ko je počeo rat, znam šta je glad
I know who started the war, I know what hunger is
Znam kad su Šešeljevci došli u moj grad
I know when Šešeljevci came to my city
Pričamo ono kako je sad, slabo se mičemo s mjesta
We talk about how things are now, we barely budge
Puni smo rupa ko naša cesta
We are full of holes like our roads
Često vučemo ručnu, vidiš svaki biser
We often pull the handbrake, you see every dud
Išli bi naprijed ali volimo taj rikverc
We would go forward but we like that reverse gear
Postalo nam navika da ne radi ni jedna fabrika
It has become our habit that not a single factory works
Malverzacije prešutimo, gazde ne ljutimo
We hush up embezzlement, we don't anger the bosses
Navikli smo, na gebiru i u miru
We are used to it, on the mountain and in peace
Mladi iz zemlje bježe, izbjeglice se vratit neće
The young flee the country, the refugees won't come back
Ne moraju, nek zarađuju, nek nam šalju para
They don't have to, let them earn money, let them send us money
Mi cemo živit u mraku i jedni drugima jebavat majku
We will live in darkness and f*** each other's mothers
Cijela država plaća reket
The whole country pays the racketeers
Po kućama oružja od rata čuje se zveket
You can hear the weapons clattering from the war in the houses
Imamo mina ko jagoda, pune oranice
We have mines like strawberries, full fields
Ali neće brat urod oni što su pravili sadnice
But the brother who made the seedlings will not gather the harvest
Bole nas kite, imamo resursa više
Our hips are aching, we have more resources
Pogotovo metala, govana, metana
Especially metals, manure, methane
To je naš zrak i hrana, s tim nas vođe hrane
That's our air and food, that's what our leaders feed us
Ne znam za vas, ja sam sit, u mene više ne stane
I don't know about you, I'm full, I can't take any more
Svako kurac u državi puši, zatvara uši
Every bastard in the country smokes, they close their ears
Pred nepoznatim ljudima držim jezik za zubima
I hold my tongue with strangers
Da l' selam, zdravo, bok? Kako je pravo?
Should I say hello, hi, howdy? How is right?
Ne znam više šta da kažem, u sranju da se ne nađem
I don't know what to say anymore, so I don't end up in trouble
Pas je ujeo bubu, sviraju ratnu trubu
The dog has bitten the bug, they are playing the war trumpet
Ljude drukčijeg pogleda imaju na zubu
People with different views are targeted
A da im isprave pogled poslaće im jedan odred
And to correct their view they will send them a unit
Da im zapaljenu kuću gledaju kroz dvogled
To watch their burning house through binoculars
Al nema ratne nevjere što može uništit temelje
But there is no war betrayal that can destroy the foundations
Onaj korijen kuće u kojem su naše duše
The root of the house where our souls reside
Onu burmu i lanac što u temelj baci Bosanac
That ring and chain that the Bosnian casts into the foundation
Kad kuću pravi u temelj dio sebe stavi
When he builds a house, he puts part of himself in the foundation
Sruši do temelja ne ide
It will not fall to the ground
Temelj, on će ostat vječan ko Sava
The foundation, it will remain eternal like the Sava
Mater vam jebem!
Your mother I'm ######!
Mater vam jebem!
Your mother I'm ######!
Mater vam jebem!
Your mother I'm ######!
Mater vam jebem!
Your mother I'm ######!

Авторы: Drazen Kvocic, Edin Osmic

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