Edo Maajka - On Je Mladji - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - On Je Mladji

On Je Mladji
He's Younger
On je mladji, rodio se kasno
He is younger, born late
I nije mu jasno zasto otac govori
And he doesn't understand why his father says
Da bi trebalo sve Srbe na vrbe
That all Serbs should be hanged from willow trees
Kako da objasni da voli bas nju
How to explain that he loves her specifically
Bas Srpkinju, bas Milanovu kcer
That Serbian girl, Milan's daughter, specifically
Kako objasnit' ocu u kojem je bio geler
How to explain to the father who has shrapnel in his body
Kojem su cijeli odred pobili Srbi
Whose entire unit was killed by Serbs
Kako objasnit' tigru
How to explain to the tiger
Koji je uvijek is'o prvi
Who always went first
Da je rodjena u Zagrebu '85
That she was born in Zagreb in '85
Isto k'o i on
Just like him
I da sada nosi bas njegovo dijete
And that she's now carrying his child
Trebace starom xanaxa
Dad's gonna need Xanax
K'o i njoj piva
Like she needed beer
Onda kad je sve pocelo
Back when it all started
Kad je sa njim na maturancu bila
When she was with him at prom
Oni su urbana djeca
They are urban kids
Briju na exove i na partye
They are into exes and parties
Ne zanimaju ih hvidre
They are not interested in the flags
Ni komunisticke partije
Or communist parties
Oni vole samo Dinamo
They only love Dinamo
I Eddyja i Dusa
Eddy and Dus
Pacifisti bojkotiraju
Pacifists boycott
Sve sto je Made in USA
Everything that is Made in USA
Oni su metropola
They are the metropolis
Akvarius, oni su radio 101
Aquarius, they are radio 101
Da ih pitas ko je predsjednik
If you asked them who the president is
Oni ce ti reci, ne znam
They will tell you, I don't know
Kasno je za pobacaj
It's too late for an abortion
Iskreno oni pobacaj ne zele
Frankly, they don't want an abortion
Vole se ludi maturanti
The crazy prom goers are in love
Svoje dijete zele
They want their child
Imam plan, rece im
I have a plan, he tells them
Tata i mama, ovo je Ana
Mom and Dad, this is Ana
Tako je svejedno svi zovu
That's what everyone calls her anyway
Presutice da joj je puno ime Milana
He will keep quiet that her full name is Milana
Al' ne, ne, saznali bi oni to kad tad
But no, no, they would find out sooner or later
Stari voli kad sam iskren
Dad likes it when I am honest
Zato im idem to reci sad, sad, sad
So I'm going to tell them now, now, now
Travno, zgrada, liftom do cetvrtog kata
Travno, building, elevator to the fourth floor
Prezime Marusic, njegova mama im otvori vrata
Marusic surname, his mom opens the door
Dobro vece, bok mama
Good evening, hi mom
Fino mirise ti sarma
Your sarma smells nice
Ovo je moja djevojka
This is my girlfriend
Drago mi je, gospodjo, ja sam Milana
Nice to meet you, ma'am, I'm Milana
Ja sam Marija, vi udjite
I am Marija, come in you two
Sad ce vecera, vi se posluzite
Dinner will be ready soon, help yourselves
Tak' si zgodna
You're so pretty
Idite za stol, ja cu doci odma'
Have a seat at the table, I'll be right there
Za stolom stari sa zujom
At the table, dad with a buzz
Pusi Kolumbo cigarete
Smokes Colombo cigarettes
Na zidu Franjo spomenica
On the wall, Franjo's memorial plaque
Iz rata bajonete
Bayonets from the war
Koga to moje oci vide, faljen Isus, sine
Who do my eyes see, praise Jesus, son
Muski stisak ruku koje se znoje
A firm handshake of hands that are sweating
I pitanje koje je ime tvoje
And the question what is your name
Milana, ona rece blago
Milana, she says softly
I stvarno mi je drago
And I am really glad
Prezime nije bitno
The last name is not important
Ma bitno je, mala, bitno
It is important, girl, it is
Dovodis mi cetnike u kucu
You are bringing Chetniks to my house
Mali, imas muda
Son, you have balls
To nije sve, stari
That's not all, dad
Milana je sa mnom i trudna
Milana is pregnant with me
Vec treci mjesec, dosli smo reci vama
It's the third month already, we came to tell you
Pa onda idemo do njenog oca Milana
Then we're going to her father Milan
I njezine mame Jele
And her mother Jela
Franjo, to je njihov zivot
Franjo, it's their life
Nek' nasa djeca rade sto god zele
Let our children do whatever they want
Dosli smo reci, mama
We came to tell you, mom
Prvo vama da cemo se vjencat'
First to you that we are getting married
Ako ces se s njom vjencat'
If you're gonna marry her
Onda, mali, mozes komotno
Then, son, you can comfortably
Odjebat' iz stana
Fuck off from the apartment
A obojica znamo da nemas kamo
And we both know you have nowhere to go
On se samo dize sa stola
He just gets up from the table
Pogleda Milanu i rece
Looks at Milana and says
Milana, haj"mo
Milana, let's go
Haj"mo u picku materinu odavde
Let's get the hell out of here
Ivane, stani
Ivan, stop
Ivan stade, otac na koljena pade
Ivan stopped, father falls to his knees
Otac pade u plac
Father bursts into tears
U desnoj ruci mu osigurac
He has a safety pin in his right hand
Otac jeca, u lijevoj ruci
Father sobs, in his left hand
Bomba mu iz Kragujevca
He holds a grenade from Kragujevac
Srce ga skljeca i kaze
His heart clenches and says
E ne i moja djeca
Not my children, too
Isto mi je, da mi ovaj
I don't care if this
Srpski geler puce
Serbian shrapnel blows me up
Ili srpsko unuce da imam
Or if I have a Serbian grandchild
Isto bi me bolilo, isto bi me ubilo
It would hurt me the same, it would kill me the same
Slusaj me, tata
Listen to me, dad
Pun mi kurac vise i tebe i rata
I'm fucking sick of you and the war
I ustasa i cetnika
And the Ustasha and the Chetniks
I partizana i domobrana
And the Partisans and the Home Guard
Ja volim nju vise nego ti domovinu
I love her more than you love the homeland
Tudjmana i generale, ja volim nju
Tudjman and the generals, I love her
I boli me kurac za ostale
And I don't give a damn about the rest
Ona je moj bljesak
She is my Flash
Ona je moja oluja
She is my Storm
Moja crkva i papa
My church and the Pope
Ona je moja spomenica rata
She is my war memorial
Unprofor prevlaka
Ona je moja haska klupa
She is my park bench
Ona i dijete su mi bitniji
She and the child are more important to me
Nego ti i mati i sve to skupa
Than you and mom and all of that together
Otac se skameni
Father is petrified
Otac se ne mice, otac zanijemi
Father doesn't move, father is speechless
Marija mu, zena, smirujuce
Marija, his wife, soothingly
Stisce sakama ramena
Squeezes his shoulders with her palms
U sobi muk, jedini zvuk dolazi sa linije
Silence in the room, the only sound comes from the stereo
Svira linija Mate Bulic
Mate Bulic is playing on the stereo
I pjesma gori borovina
And the song Pinewood is Burning
Gori, gori, mater joj jebem
It's burning, burning, fuck its mother
On gori dok gleda sina
He burns as he looks at his son
Kako ga ne jebe ni pet posto
Who doesn't give a shit
On je naprosto sretan sa cetnikusom
He is simply happy with the Chetnik girl
Gleda svog Ivana, svoje dijete
He looks at his Ivan, his child
Kako je hrabar i odvazen
How brave and courageous he is
K'o on devedesete
Just like him in the nineties
Ali nije on za dom spreman
But he is not ready for the homeland
On ga napusta spremno
He readily leaves it behind
I nije mu svejedno
And he's not indifferent
Zivjece bez pomoci mame i oca
He will live without the help of his mom and dad
Ponosan, ali u strahu
Proud, but in fear
S Milanom napusta na ulicu
He leaves for the street with Milana
Bozidara Magovca Travnog
Bozidara Magovca in Travno
Drzi Milaninu saku cvrsto
He holds Milana's hand firmly
Volim te, kaze klinac klinki
I love you, the kid tells the girl
Bice sve u redu, vjeruj mi
Everything will be alright, trust me
No sikiriki
No worries
Ivan se poce derat'
Ivan started yelling
Ne, ne, ne, ne
No, no, no, no
Culi su eksploziju kragujevke
They heard the explosion of the Kragujevac grenade
Na ulasku u Utrine
At the entrance to Utrine
Malo prije HG-spota
A little before the HG Spot
Ivan se jecajuci smota
Ivan curled up sobbing
Na zagrebacki asfalt sad
On the Zagreb asphalt now
K'o da zna sta je rat
As if he knew what war was

Авторы: Edin Osmic, Andrej Loncaric

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