Egurra Ta Kitto - Aske bizi nahia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Egurra Ta Kitto - Aske bizi nahia

Aske bizi nahia
Ask us the desire
Historia ezkutatu nahi izan dute
They didn't want to hide the history
Gaztelako inperialista militarren aginduz
On the orders of the Castilian imperialist militarists
Konkista inbasioa odolezko hitzarmena
Conquest invasion bloody pact
Nafartarren subiranotasuna erasotuz
Attacking the sovereignty of the Navarrese
Inbasioak kateez lotuta gauzka
The invasion has us chained
Errepresio gordina demokraziaz margotuta
Brutal repression painted with democracy
Matxinaden aroak erresistentziaren aroak
Epochs of revolts epochs of resistance
Gogora ekarriaz bidean eroritakoak
Recalling those who fell along the way
Askatasun egarriak
Thirsty for freedom
Ez du ezagutzen inoiz errendizioa
Never knowing surrender
Errespeta dezatela
They should respect
Euskal herritarron aske bizi nahia
The Basque people's desire to live freely
Bahituta izana
Tiraniaz kolpatua
Hit by tyranny
Bizirik dirauen herria
People who are still alive
Laino beltzen artean izpiak zulatuz
Punching holes in the lightning amidst the dark clouds
Kolore aske ta biziek zerua bereganatuz
Free and lively colors taking over the sky
Senide ta lagunak guregana gerturatuz
Relatives and friends approaching us
Independentzia nahia barrenetik oihukatuz
Shouting for independence from deep inside
Askatasun egarriak...
Thirsty for freedom...
Pauso nekezenak eman zituztenak gogoan
Remembering those who took the most difficult steps
Beraien irudiak tatuatuz bihotzetan
Their images tattooed on our hearts
Pauso nekezenak eman zituztenak gogoan
Remembering those who took the most difficult steps
Aurki argia, gure herria, eguna
Soon the light, our people, the day
Kolore biziz dator etorkizuna
The future comes in vibrant colors
Erori zirenei, merezi dutenei
To those who fell, to those who deserved it
Seme alabei irriak zor dizkiegulako
Because we owe our children smiles
Askatasun egarriak...
Thirsty for freedom...

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