Egurra Ta Kitto - Distantziak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Egurra Ta Kitto - Distantziak

Gogoz kontra alde egin behar, urrutiko lurretara
I have to fight against the wind to distant lands
Itzultzeko itxaropenez bihotzean dudan etxera
With the hope of returning to my home that's in my heart
Mugarik gabeko heziak, izenik ez duten kartzelak
Borders without barriers, no-name prisons
Baina badakit urruti norbait nitaz oroitzen dela
But I know that someone far away remembers me
Etxerako bidea bilatuz, etxe deitzen diodan lur hontan
Searching for the way home, in this land I call home
Ez ahaztu errekatxo guztiek, bat egiten dutela itsasoan
Don't forget that all streams join at sea
Nire barrutik irtendako oihuak, distantziak hiltzen dituenean
The screams that escape from within me, when distances kill
Esan nahiko nituzkeen hitz guztiak zeruan galtzen direnean
All the words I wanted to say get lost in the sky
Ta deserriko egunsentietan, faltan botatzen zaitudanean
And in the desert sunrise, when I miss you so
Nire lurrari abesti nahi diot, behin ta berriz kantu hau
I want a song for my land, over and over again this song
Ez daude etxeko mendiak, lehioaren beste aldean
The home mountains are not there, on the other side of the window
Ez da etxeko sua gaur beroa ematen didana
It's not the home fire that warms me today
Ez dira kale berdinak, guk zapaltzen ditugunak
They are not the same streets that we tread
Baina ilargi berdinak, argitzen ditu gure gauak
But the same moon lights our nights
Etxerako bidea bilatuz, etxe deitzen diodan lur hontan
Searching for the way home, in this land I call home
Ez ahaztu errekatxo guztiek, bat egiten dutela itsasoan
Don't forget that all streams join at sea
Nire barrutik irtendako oihuak, distantziak hiltzen dituenean
The screams that escape from within me, when distances kill
Esan nahiko nituzkeen hitz guztiak zeruan galtzen direnean
All the words I wanted to say get lost in the sky
Ta deserriko egunsentietan, faltan botatzen zaitudanean
And in the desert sunrise, when I miss you so
Nire lurrari abesti nahi diot, behin ta berriz kantu hau
I want a song for my land, over and over again this song
Joan zinetenetik, udan ere negu da
Since you've been gone, it's winter even in summer
Joan zinetenetik, beti gara gutxiegi,
Since you've been gone, we're always too few,
Eta beti zarete gehiegi
And you're always too many
Joan zinetenetik
Since you've been gone
Galdetu didate, bakardadeaz eta adiskideen irriez
I've been asked about loneliness and friends' smiles
Joan zinetenetik, ez da zuen itzulera
Since you've been gone, there's been no return
Desiratu es dugun egunik, egunik
The day we've longed for, every day
Nire barrutik irtendako oihuak, distantziak hiltzen dituenean
The screams that escape from within me, when distances kill
Esan nahiko nituzkeen hitz guztiak zeruan galtzen direnean
All the words I wanted to say get lost in the sky
Ta deserriko egunsentietan, faltan botatzen zaitudanean
And in the desert sunrise, when I miss you so
Nire lurrari abesti nahi diot, behin ta berriz kantu hau
I want a song for my land, over and over again this song
Behin ta berriz kantu hau
Over and over again this song
Behin ta berriz kantu hau
Over and over again this song

Авторы: egurra ta kitto

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