Egurra Ta Kitto - Esna hadi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Egurra Ta Kitto - Esna hadi

Esna hadi
Esna hadi
Mende askotan zehar etxeko atea irekita izan nuen beti
I have always often kept the door to my house open
Ez nion inori ere sarrera ukatu eta nuen apurra eskaintzen nuen
I have never denied anyone entry and I have offered them some of what I have
1948an hasi zen amesgaiztoa, uztak ostu, lurrak kendu
In 1948 the nightmare began, losing crops, losing land
Eta nire biztanleak etxetatik bota zituzten, bota zituzten
And my people were thrown out of their homes, thrown out
Mundua esna hadi, entzun zan nire garraxia!
Awake, world, hear my cry!
Mundua esna hadi, sala zak nire egoera!
Awake, world, listen to my story!
Gazak eztu lorik egiten zeruak heriotza jaurtitzen duelako gauetan
Children do not sleep at night when the heavens rain down death
Zisjordania ere kaiola bihurtu eta harresiz inguratu dute
They have transformed the West Bank into a cage and surrounded it with walls
Zatitu naute, okupatu naute,
They have divided me, occupied me,
Puskatu naute baina hala ere itxaropenez bizi
broken me in pieces but still I live on in hope
Eta itzuleraren giltza oraindik soinean, soinean daramat.
And I continue to carry in my pocket the key to my return, the key to my return.
Mundua esna hadi, entzun zan nire garraxia!
Awake, world, hear my cry!
Mundua esna hadi, sala zak nire egoera!
Awake, world, listen to my story!
Holokaustoa ez da amaitu, oraindik jarraitzen du,
The Holocaust is not over, it still continues,
Biktimak borreroaren papera hartu baitu.
because the victim has replaced the executioner.
Protagonista zarrak, SS berriak,
The old Nazis, new SS,
Mendebaldeko herrien babesaren jabeak.
protected by the Western nations.
Mundua esna hadi, entzun zan nire garraxia!
Awake, world, hear my cry!
Mundua mugi hadi, aska zak nire lurraldea!
Awake, world, free my land!

Авторы: Egurra Ta Kitto

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