Istersen kardes, istersen düsman, ibneysen yanimda yer yok,
Whether you're a brother or an enemy, if you're a son of a bitch, there's no place for you by my side,
Kiyamet kopsa bile sonumuz olsa bile yolumuz dostla geri gider vites yok.
Even if the apocalypse breaks out, even if it's our end, our path leads back with friends, no reverse gear.
Istersen kardes, istersen düsman, ibneysen yanimda yer yok,
Whether you're a brother or an enemy, if you're a son of a bitch, there's no place for you by my side,
Kiyamet kopsa bile sonumuz olsa bile yolumuz dostla geri gider vites yok.
Even if the apocalypse breaks out, even if it's our end, our path leads back with friends, no reverse gear.
Kudur Eko Fresh, bir iscinin oglu, yalnis mi dogru?, kim size sordu? imacimi kirma, ninjalik yaptirma, simitler firinda ama diline isirma.
Go crazy Eko Fresh, a worker's son, right or wrong? Who asked you? Don't break my vibe, don't make me do ninja stuff, the bagels are in the oven but don't bite your tongue.
Yesilikte vara, beni kesinlikle ara,
Come to the greenery, definitely call me,
Bugün biz kazanicaz hep birlikte para, tüm kapilar bizim, rakilari icin,
Today we'll win money all together, all doors are ours, for the raki,
Ekrem Bora benim hakkiki isim.
Ekrem Bora is my real name.
Hersey serbest, cok güzel, mercedes son model, heryerde konser ver, beş yildiz hotel′ler, gencligini anlatma moruk ceneni kapat,
Everything's free, so cool, latest model Mercedes, give concerts everywhere, five-star hotels, don't talk about your youth, old man, shut your trap,
Rapi beceremiyorsan bendemi kapa.
If you can't handle rap, should I quit too?
Bizim Dertlerimiz cok, hergün ayni bok, gercek isimiz yok, sirf serseri hip hop mikrofonunu unutt ona zaten dokundum, benim türkcem az zayif ve ona ragmen okudum.kocum boooom!
We have many problems, same shit every day, no real job, just thug hip hop, forgot the microphone, touched it anyway, my Turkish is a bit weak and I still rapped. Boom, baby!
Takildim mütavezi göstermeden egomani.
I'm stuck in modesty, without showing off my ego.
Erci-E baba rapin tek orjinali.
Erci-E, daddy, the only original of rap.
Yazarim cizerim gurbet bana ilham verir,
I write and draw, foreign lands inspire me,
Ucarim giderim müzik benim ise kilimdir.
I fly and go, music is my carpet.
Satira baslarim ve bak cuk oturur, birde baktin hertarafda medyadada konudur,
I start with satire and look, it fits perfectly, next thing you know, it's a topic in the media everywhere,
Bu gece dertliyiz elleri kaldir takmayiz fazla biz dermana vardir.
Tonight we're troubled, raise your hands, we don't care much, there's a cure.
Dag tepesine cikip türküleri söyle, söylede bana bu almanya nedir böyle?
Climb to the mountain top and sing the folk songs, tell me, what is this Germany like?
Ana vatan yazarim sana bi roman ömür gecicekse beni tanimdan
Motherland, I'll write you a novel, if life is going to pass without knowing me
Burasi gurbet soytari yok sonu ver gazi hepimize paytali göster sanatini
This is foreign land, no end to the scoundrels, give it gas, show your art to all of us equally
Bugün uyumadan aklina geliriz bir numara olan bu rapi severiz.
Today before you sleep, we'll come to your mind, we love this number one rap.
Sözde duvarlara bak yazdim ben tik...
I wrote on the so-called walls, tick...
Dünya delikanli olsaydi böyle yuvarlark olmazdi hem.
If the world was a man, it wouldn't roll like this.
Bosver yakisikli pantolunun yakismis, gülme öyle ön disinle maydonoz yapismis.
Forget it, handsome, your pants look good, don't laugh like that, you have parsley stuck on your front tooth.
Bu kung-fu hip hop oglum rap beat cekicen, kahvede okey atip tespit cekicen.
This is kung-fu hip hop, son, you'll drop rap beats, play okey at the cafe and make observations.
Galiba isi bok ettim cünkü kale arkasinda duran kizin suratina harika bir sut cektim. Naz yapma hadi benden kacma kaslarim yoruldu,
I think I messed up because I kicked a fantastic shot at the girl's face standing behind the goal. Don't be coy, come on, don't run away from me, my eyebrows are getting tired,
Sorry, I can't run after you, my hair will get messed up, sweetie, is my beauty angry?
Süslü havali halay cektim patir kitir düstü.
Fancy, cool, I did the halay dance, it fell apart with a clatter.
Tekmeleme tek kelime tek-nik rap menemem ben geri ben ben bilemem bide ben dilebe dilemez dileme git evine evlen tiribi birimi girimi gelemem edemem tikbi cent edemem ben tikmem cek o telefonu hayda.
Don't kick, one word, tech-nique, rap, I can't scramble eggs, I can't go back, I don't even know, and I can't wish, don't wish, go home, get married, I can't come, I can't do it, I can't tick, pick up that phone, come on.
Koma gidiyorum senden ötesi varmi?
I'm going into a coma, is there anything beyond you?
Yarama tentürdiyot degil tuz bastim.
I poured salt on my wound, not tincture of iodine.
Hic bisey degisti kimseye yok tastim, hayat dünya olmus ama dislerimi kastim.
Nothing has changed, I haven't carried anything to anyone, life has become a world, but I clenched my teeth.
Onca yüz sana gün banada saniye kimse demedi daha kal burda bi saniye.
So many faces, days for you, seconds for me, no one has said "stay here for a second" yet.
Girdim sana iyi tam sekiz yil tasarim calistirdilar 3ay gercek öfkeden haber ol. Oyunda oyun girdi ayni oyunu oynuyor iyiki dil isirmiyo kuduruzluyu salgiliyor
I got into you, eight years of good design, they made me work for
3 months, be aware of the real anger. The game entered the game, playing the same game, luckily the tongue doesn't bite, it swings the madness
Iyiyi kötüyü kafasina göre algiliyor petshopun iceriye sokak köpegi aliyor.
Perceiving good and bad according to its own head, the pet shop is taking in stray dogs.
Idda gören futbol gibi yalan gözüküyon
You look fake like football betting
Kızım harbi aşk mı ekmeğini bölüşüyon
Girl, is it true love or are you sharing your bread?
Ödemeli çalan telefon gibi boşa ötüşüyo
You're chirping in vain like a collect call
Bak dalgana ben hergün ölümle öpüşüyom
Look, my wave, I kiss death every day
Mic'da M deli sanki Makaveli bak oniki tak
M on the mic is crazy like Makaveli, look, twelve o'clock
Türkçe flow tepikledim sandalyeni
I kicked your chair with Turkish flow
Remscheid Westside Kuzey Ren olmuş soğuk beton herkezin bir şekli var
Remscheid Westside, North Rhine has become cold concrete, everyone has a shape
Sabıkalı dolu Ghetto
Ghetto full of flaws
Musti C tek tabanca bu almanya problem
Musti C, lone ranger, this Germany is a problem
Bilmediğin birçok şey var sevilmiyorsun olum sen
There are many things you don't know, you're not loved, man
Ek ve Cem, Def ve ben dinlemez de sevmesen, istediğini yapmam senin
Ek and Cem, Def and me, even if you don't listen and don't like it, I won't do what you want
Istediğimi vermezsen
If you don't give what I want
Uzaktan al sesi hiphop Edirne
Get the sound from afar, hip hop Edirne
Spotlight′ı yak çıkıyor kingkong bu ringe
Light the spotlight, king kong is coming into this ring
Sıkıntılı insanım ben sakat bir mahalleden
I'm a troubled person, from a crippled neighborhood
Musti C rest in piece ben kaçıyom sahneden
Musti C, rest in peace, I'm running away from the stage
Mic'da Cemo Can Ghetto'dan elini çek kullan
Cemo Can on the mic, get your hands off the Ghetto, use it
Kimse yolumu kesemez Cem daha kalıcı Ghetto′dan
No one can stop my way, Cem is more permanent from the Ghetto
Beni seni kel oğlan etiketin emo′dan konserimde yoksun posterimle dolmuş her odan
Me, you, bald boy, your label is emo, you're not at my concert, every room is filled with my posters
Ot getirdim Venlo'dan, ticari sebepler
I brought weed from Venlo, commercial reasons
Sizi kimse dinlemiyor lan siyasi veletler
Nobody listens to you, you political brats
Her günüm bir kaos moruk sabah başlar işler
Every day is chaos, man, work starts in the morning
Köşe başı zombiler alış ve verişler
Zombies on every corner, deals and exchanges
Kafam olmuş bir milyon tam üstünde silikon
My head has become a million, full of silicone
şişko alamancı Cem Rheydt West city don
chubby German Turk Cem, Rheydt West city don
Gel beriya gel beri elimdeki black berry
Come closer, come closer, the black berry in my hand
Ben okurum parçamı sen kesersin bilekleri
I'll read my lyrics, you'll cut your wrists
Düzenbaz satırlar düzman tek yol kapar dert kol kadar yol kanat düş sazan dolu bir denize oltalar salmışlar atmışlar insanlar fesatmışlar sevapmış harbi selam gönder sevdiğim kıza ne yapmışlar? (ne yapmışlar?)
Devious lines, enemy, only path, closes the way, trouble as big as an arm, wing, dream, fall, a sea full of carp, they've cast their lines, they've thrown them, people are wicked, it's a virtue, send my regards to the girl I love, what have they done? (what have they done?)
Yerime geçti gördüğün yar kör herkes keyfe mahkum neyine kuantum matematik internetten çek neyine bak kum sanma şeytan (?) sen ona fastfood gibisin her zaman
The one you saw in my place is half blind, everyone is condemned to pleasure, what do you need quantum mathematics for, get it from the internet, look, don't think it's sand, the devil (?) you're like fast food to him, always
Kuralsız oynamak kaybetmekle eş değer paşam
Playing without rules is equal to losing, Pasha
Dinle bak en eski dost rap ve Def istemez bu dostluk felsefe herkes (?) bir flow rap Best Fm ben keşke dönerek kol (?)
Listen, the oldest friend, rap and Def, this friendship doesn't want philosophy, everyone (?) a flow, rap Best Fm, I wish I could turn my arm (?)
Gerçekten rap seven dinler bunu internetten çekmeden
Those who really love rap will listen to this without downloading it from the internet
Ol istersen kardes, istersen düsman, ibneysen yanimda yer yok,
Be either a brother or an enemy, if you're a son of a bitch, there's no place for you by my side,
Kiyamet kopsa bile sonumuz olsa bile yolumuz dostla geri gider vites yok.
Even if the apocalypse breaks out, even if it's our end, our path leads back with friends, no reverse gear.
Ol istersen kardes, istersen düsman, ibneysen yanimda yer yok,
Be either a brother or an enemy, if you're a son of a bitch, there's no place for you by my side,
Kiyamet kopsa bile sonumuz olsa bile yolumuz dostla geri gider vites yok.
Even if the apocalypse breaks out, even if it's our end, our path leads back with friends, no reverse gear.
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