El Chojin - Desde Que Tengo Memoria (feat. Lil Pepe) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Chojin - Desde Que Tengo Memoria (feat. Lil Pepe)

Desde Que Tengo Memoria (feat. Lil Pepe)
Since I Can Remember (feat. Lil Pepe)
Desde que tengo memoria
Since I can remember,
Esta es mi historia
This has been my story.
Me el principio, pero nunca el fin esta es mi historia
I know the beginning, but never the end, this is my story.
Desde que tengo memoria
Since I can remember,
Todo el mundo es sabio y feliz
Everyone's wise and happy
Si miras las cosas que sube a su perfil
If you look at the things they post on their profile.
Me cuesta elegir lo que quiero compartir
It's hard for me to choose what I want to share.
¿Muestro las cosas que tengo o me muestro a mí?
Do I show the things I have or do I show myself?
Me llaman pionero, pero no lo fui
They call me a pioneer, but I wasn't.
Otros empezaron, yo solo me uní
Others started, I just joined in.
Me costaba atreverme a soltar los frees′
It was hard for me to dare to let the freestyles flow,
Pero no se me daba mal escribir
But I wasn't bad at writing.
Y así empezó El Chojin, 13 años, poco que decir
And that's how El Chojin started, 13 years old, not much to say,
Pero ganas de que hablaran de
But wanting them to talk about me.
Afro cuadrado, zapatillas y caga'os como Will
Square afro, sneakers, and baggy pants like Will.
Odiaba que alguien me llamara "Fresh Prince"
I hated it when someone called me "Fresh Prince."
Me aprendí los discos por orden de to′ los rappers
I learned the albums in order of all the rappers
Porque en el parque saber de rap era importante
Because in the park, knowing about rap was important.
Hice beatbox, graffiti y break dancing
I did beatbox, graffiti, and breakdancing.
Después del tercer chándal roto me fui con mi madre
After the third ripped tracksuit, I went with my mother.
Desde que tengo memoria está dentro de
Since I can remember, it's been inside me.
Si me la pagas, ya no vivir
If you pay me for it, I don't know how to live anymore.
Esta es mi historia, la escribí pa' ti
This is my story, I wrote it for you.
Me el principio, pero nunca el fin
I know the beginning, but never the end.
Esta es mi historia
This is my story.
Esta es mi historia
This is my story.
"El dinero no crece en los árboles" (Nope)
"Money doesn't grow on trees." (Nope)
Mi infancia se resume en esa frase (Sí)
My childhood can be summed up in that phrase. (Yeah)
Faltaron cosas, pero no me faltó nadie
Things were missing, but I wasn't missing anyone.
Asignan que lo hacía, no podía quejarme
Assigned what I did, I couldn't complain.
Mis primeros raps eran en plan vacileo
My first raps were like bragging,
Rollo: "Ni te compares, soy tan bueno
Like: "Don't even compare yourself, I'm so good
Que si yo fuera un reloj, mi segundero
That if I were a watch, my second hand
En vez de segundos, iría de primero en primero"
Instead of seconds, it would go from first to first."
Pichangas de baloncesto
Basketball games.
Primeros directos: Impaciencia, nervios
First live shows: Impatience, nerves.
Aunque entraran las chicas, me daba miedo
Even though girls were coming in, I was scared.
Iba de valiente siempre y de tío serio
I always acted brave and serious.
Un día, una prima me hizo unas trenzas
One day, a cousin made me some braids.
Mi padre por poco me deshereda
My father almost disinherited me.
Y con todo lo chulo que yo era ahí fuera
And with all the cool I was out there,
Cinco días aguanté y me rapé la cabeza entera
I held on for five days and shaved my whole head.
Desde que tengo memoria está dentro de
Since I can remember, it's been inside me.
Si me la pagas, ya no vivir
If you pay me for it, I don't know how to live anymore.
Esta es mi historia, la escribí pa' ti
This is my story, I wrote it for you.
Me el principio, pero nunca el fin
I know the beginning, but never the end.
Esta es mi historia
This is my story.
Esta es mi historia (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
This is my story. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Podría contaros lo de las maquetas pero
I could tell you about the demos but
Creo que ya está contado, resumiendo:
I think it's already been told, in short:
Grabábamos por diversión, no había dinero
We recorded for fun, there was no money.
En cierto modo, incluso hasta lo echo de menos
In a way, I even miss it.
Inocencia, era un juego
Innocence, it was a game.
Ninguno sabía lo que estábamos haciendo
None of us knew what we were doing.
Ahora me dicen que poníamos los cimientos
Now they tell me we were laying the foundations.
Te prometo que yo no pensaba en eso
I promise you I wasn't thinking about that.
En serio, yo solo quería hacer rap y romperlo
Seriously, I just wanted to rap and kill it.
Nada me importaba más que el respeto
Nothing mattered to me more than respect.
No me imaginaba fans, ni conciertos
I didn't imagine fans, or concerts.
Y si te digo la verdad, aún no entiendo
And to tell you the truth, I still don't understand
Cómo hemos llegado a esto
How we got here.
Éramos cuatro gatos soltando versos
We were four cats spitting verses,
Ahora hacemos giras, salimos en medios
Now we do tours, we appear in the media.
A veces creo que en realidad todo es un sueño
Sometimes I think it's all actually a dream.
Desde que tengo memoria, esta es mi historia
Since I can remember, this is my story.
Desde que tengo memoria
Since I can remember,
Esta es mi historia
This is my story.

Авторы: D Antonio Edjang Moreno, óscar Sánchez

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