El Chojin featuring Meko, Hablando en Plata & Bobby Lo - Hip Hop (Parte II) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Chojin featuring Meko, Hablando en Plata & Bobby Lo - Hip Hop (Parte II)

Hip Hop (Parte II)
Hip Hop (Part II)
Una vez mas hip hop en la mejor compañia
Once again, hip hop in the best company
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Rayka da hip hop como
Rayka gives hip hop like
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Rayka da hip hop
Rayka gives hip hop
Mi black book pesa, seis letras
My black book is heavy, six letters
Reflejadas sobre mi boli en la mesa,
Reflected on my pen on the table,
Son frases cortas no escuetas
They are short phrases, not brief
Cuenta cuantas vueltas no hay ruletas aqui las suelta
Count how many turns, there are no roulettes here, release them
Raika dispara como metralletas
Raika shoots like machine guns
Ofrenda de culto no hay bolos donde haya nadie mas chulo
Cult offering, there are no gigs where there is anyone cooler
Hablan de mi rap, es oscuro,
They talk about my rap, it's dark,
Es hip hop duro, puro, te lo aseguro,
It's hard hip hop, pure, I assure you,
Que tiene color, calcula, tactica en parametro.
That it has color, calculate, tactics in parameter.
Matematicas de cientificio
Scientific mathematics
Milimetro escrito, nos acuadro
Millimeter written, I frame us
Las clavo, las marco y acapella me hacen coros
I nail them, I mark them and a cappella they make choruses for me
Hip hop rayka pasion
Hip hop rayka passion
Mi rap frio congelo el artico
My cold rap freezes the arctic
Francotirador desde el atico
Sniper from the attic
Activo vuestros centros nerviosos a ritmo de bombo y caja.
I activate your nerve centers to the rhythm of bass drum and snare.
Sigue la voz a estos elementos
Follow the voice to these elements
Siete magnificos.
Seven magnificent ones.
Yes yes yo and you dont stop,
Yes yes yo and you don't stop,
Bobby lo da hip hop como
Bobby lo gives hip hop like
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Bobby lo da hip hop
Bobby lo gives hip hop
Bobby lo es nuevo forastero en la ciudad
Bobby lo is a new stranger in town
Dos hijo de puta escondidos entrenando en el arte del rap
Two sons of bitches hidden training in the art of rap
Prepara el exodo, ritmos violentos mi plan malevolo
Prepare the exodus, violent rhythms, my malevolent plan
Demoslo to y mis hermanos traigan mas ruido
Let's give it all and my brothers bring more noise
Lo bobby el mc nunca de pastel
Lo bobby the mc never cake
Verdad del amor, kung fu, hip hop y kubate
Truth of love, kung fu, hip hop and kubate
Ladrones ese es el metodo de la escuela de vandalos
Thieves that's the method of the vandal school
Picaros vandalos piquenlo de la m propunto com
Rogues vandals pick it from the m propunto com
Preparense pasion pronto en su televisor
Get ready passion soon on your TV
Luces, camaras y accion, mision inyeccion de calor
Lights, cameras and action, mission injection of heat
No me cuentes penas, el rap no es cuestion de cojones
Don't tell me sorrows, rap is not a matter of balls
Si no de lealtad, intefridad, my style is do
If not of loyalty, integrity, my style is do
Domino el track, traigo trucos, huye traidor
I dominate the track, I bring tricks, flee traitor
Milagros puedo rapear, eso pensaba chavo
Miracles I can rap, that's what I thought chavo
Hermanos me respaldan y respaldaran, entra el dragon
Brothers back me up and will back me up, enter the dragon
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Sicario da hip hop sabes
Sicario gives hip hop you know
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Sicario da hip hop
Sicario gives hip hop
Y madrid hierro Nutriben una aguja en tu trident
And madrid iron Nutriben a needle in your trident
Yo cuando quiero os canto con la raja del capullo
I when I want I sing to you with the crack of the cocoon
Uno a uno os cojo uno a uno os escojo bajo
One by one I catch you one by one I choose low
Incisiones en la piel antes de hacer el alaje
Incisions in the skin before making the alaje
Bozo y bozo las alcantarillas cuando pulso la boquilla
Bozo and bozo the sewers when I press the mouthpiece
Si a los muros sucios, ilusco manchas de pintura
Yes to the dirty walls, ilusco paint stains
Como un conjunto armani a lani morris sin ser manos
Like an armani set to lani morris without being hands
Comuniones, millones de fakers, mcs nos la comen
Communions, millions of fakers, mcs eat us
Fuck the heaven, rayden al cubo, os descubro el culo,
Fuck the heaven, rayden cubed, I discover your ass,
Sustituyo esta burbuja por hidrocarburo,
I replace this bubble with hydrocarbon,
Juro un futuro negro al culo, rapeando somos mulos,
I swear a black future to your ass, rapping we are mules,
Soportando charles, samples, cajas, bombos, troncos.
Supporting charles, samples, boxes, bass drums, logs.
Vi a suchymata, el judo absorbernos el jugo pronto
I saw suchymata, judo absorb our juice soon
Menso ten control a mi jamas se me encontro
Menso have control I was never found
Ni el mas minimo indicio de rock en rap de terros
Not even the slightest hint of rock in rap of terros
Tontorron, ten temor, expira.
Dumbass, be afraid, expire.
Sicario y nuevas formas de rock,
Sicario and new forms of rock,
Investiga fustiga, castiga al cielo,
Investigate fustiga, punish heaven,
Conquista, confisca la Fat Cap es invicta,
Conquer, confiscate the Fat Cap is undefeated,
Ex-convicta pa que no te embista te embista.
Ex-convicted so that it does not attack you attack you.
Asi que vista artista no nos vengas de conquista.
So vista artist don't come to us from conquest.
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
El Dindan bua da hip hop sabes
El Dindan bua gives hip hop you know
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
El dindan bua da hip hop
El dindan bua gives hip hop
Yes yes yo, el dindan bua yo,
Yes yes yo, el dindan bua yo,
Oligo col y yo, flow de nasgull yo.
Oligo col and I, nasgull flow yo.
Me tiene entre ceja y ceja pero rulo cabrones de la peli ignea
He has me between eyebrows and eyebrows but I roll bastards from the ignea movie
Para ti mary, para ti juana, para mi,
For you mary, for you juana, for me,
Halle berry, dindan perserio
Halle berry, dindan perserio
Cuestes very o no.
Costes very or not.
Si vienes con tu grupo acabo con el como dicho-ono
If you come with your group I end it like dicho-ono
Cool como pakool, zion dice faraomon,
Cool as pakool, zion says faraomon,
Patea a rivales y sin tener ni puta de Taekwondo
Kick rivals and without even having a fucking Taekwondo
Pavos preguntan, que coño, te refieres calore quecono.
Turkeys ask, what the fuck, you mean calore quecono.
A que no marca un gol un toyaco como tu,
That a toyaco like you doesn't score a goal,
Uh o no, yo osiris hijo de coonor,
Uh or not, I osiris son of coonor,
Si yo fuera sauron bye bye Frodo
If I were sauron bye bye Frodo
Meteme entre elfas y veras una peli de 4 rombos
Put me between elves and you'll see a 4 diamond movie
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Capaz da hip hop sabes
Capaz gives hip hop you know
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Capaz da hip hop
Capaz gives hip hop
Solo abri la voca, hacerme la promo, por ahi lei
I only opened my mouth, to promote myself, I read around there
Que somos los mas importantes, combo sureño y que escuchando es necesario
That we are the most important, southern combo and that listening is necessary
Me sale solo y vas a copiarlo
It comes out on its own and you're going to copy it
No saco frases de libro, en el estudio llevo un flow bastardo
I don't get phrases out of a book, in the studio I have a bastard flow
Tengo colegas asesinos, no me cobran un sueldo,
I have assassin colleagues, they don't charge me a salary,
Y estan al tanto, anda, sucumbe
And they are aware, go ahead, succumb
Esquivo balas con mi nombre, mi rollo jack jonse
I dodge bullets with my name on them, my jack jonse roll
Formidable, mi rap pack actua sobre el clap al son de,
Formidable, my rap pack acts on the clap to the sound of,
Folpe de un back de chase a pick flonder,
Folpe of a back of chase a pick flonder,
Pensamiento remingon estil prenden
Remingon thought style lights up
Suspenden, del viento siempre sorprenden,
They suspend, they always surprise from the wind,
Vendeta rap lince, frio dentro de vuestros norfaces.
Vendetta rap lynx, cold inside your norfaces.
Estoy metio hasta el cuello, convencen,
I'm in it up to my neck, they convince,
Vidientes del 15, atento al cauce de sangre
Seers of the 15th, attentive to the flow of blood
De un lance, dleante de once, siempre vigilante ponte,
Of a throw, dleante of eleven, always vigilant ponte,
Odio a los yonkies.
I hate junkies.
Venganza mortal con Chojin,
Mortal vengeance with Chojin,
Llegan los duques, nos fumamos fboque,
The dukes arrive, we smoke fboque,
En el informe tu pon que mi boca es grande,
In the report you put that my mouth is big,
El track se expande, Street Walker nuck arden,
The track expands, Street Walker nuck burn,
Rasco el cielo como un edificio al borde.
I scratch the sky like a building on the edge.
Absorbe, batallas entre blocks y creeps por cable
Absorb, battles between blocks and creeps by cable
Resuelve, midnight day watch vuelven
Resolve, midnight day watch come back
Tormenta cerebral, intriga, fiebre siempre,
Brainstorm, intrigue, fever always,
Puesto a Zidane me recuerda a un urbano cristal lake
Put to Zidane reminds me of an urban crystal lake
Ni hacha en tu bomber, no podras con este silver member
No ax in your bomber, you won't be able to with this silver member
Rap decker, pistolas lanzan plimas parker
Rap decker, pistols throw plimas parker
Voladores black market acintack de sangre
Black market flying acintack of blood
Son situaciones extremas, inexplicables.
They are extreme situations, inexplicable.
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
El chojin da hip hop aha
El chojin gives hip hop aha
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
El chojin da hip hop otra vez
El chojin gives hip hop again
Mientras todos se vuelven locos por ser famosos,
While everyone goes crazy to be famous,
Yo pongo otro tema de rap gordo en tu loro,
I put another fat rap theme on your parrot,
No esten nerviosos, todo funciona poco a poco,
Don't be nervous, everything works little by little,
Las cajas, los bombos, los unos, los otros
The boxes, the bass drums, the ones, the others
El Chojin no trae un estilo nuevo, ya no es original,
El Chojin doesn't bring a new style, it's no longer original,
Decir que eres original como dice cualquier chaval,
Saying that you are original as any kid says,
Estoy contento porque el rap ha vuelto,
I'm happy because rap is back,
Asi de simple, un mc, un dj
As simple as that, an mc, a dj
No se muy bien como lo hago pero me acuesto
I don't know how I do it but I go to bed
Con una idea y me levanto con un album
With an idea and I wake up with an album
Fuerte y orgulloso pone en mi tatoo
Strong and proud puts in my tattoo
No bromeo, golpeo si veo que me miras feo,
I don't joke, I hit if I see you looking at me ugly,
Hip hop, si, tiene que ser esto,
Hip hop, yes, it has to be this,
Escribir en un estudio en Malaga y sonar en tu ciudad,
Write in a studio in Malaga and sound in your city,
Sorprenderte en tu cassette,
Surprise you on your cassette,
Hablando en Plata, Meko, El Chojin, El jefe
Speaking in Silver, Meko, El Chojin, The Boss
Fui yo fui yo el que cojio un mic y te animo
It was me it was me who grabbed a mic and encouraged you
El que trabajo y escribio mas y mas rapido
The one who worked and wrote more and faster
Ahora me llaman poeta urbano
Now they call me an urban poet
Cuando hace un par de años hacia lo mismo y me llamaban vandalo
When a couple of years ago I did the same thing and they called me a vandal
Me da igual que creas que estas alla arriba
I don't care if you think you're up there
Gritare plato y te disparare una rima
I'll yell dish and shoot you a rhyme
No me vaciles con tus proyectiles
Don't hesitate with your projectiles
Te hago ben in you yit-su in the pecados la ira
I make you ben in you yit-su in the sins wrath
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
La rival qui da hip hop sabes
La rival qui gives hip hop you know
Yes yes yo and you dont stop
Yes yes yo and you don't stop
Martin mcfly da hip hop
Martin mcfly gives hip hop

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