Mis dudas vienen cuando tengo una idea bien clara y mi mente me cambia de repente, intento ser coherente pero es que siempre ocurre algo en mi vida que luego me hace pensar diferente.
My doubts come when I have a clear idea and my mind suddenly changes, I try to be coherent but something always happens in my life that makes me think differently later.
¿Hablando solo en la sala?
Talking to myself in the room?
Sigo metiendo la mochila a cagadas, me está matando la espalda, necesito que me extirpen las decepciones causadas a las personas cercanas porque soy un mete patas!
I keep stuffing my backpack with crap, it's killing my back, I need to have the disappointments I've caused to those close to me removed because I'm a screw-up!
Me gusta quedar bien siempre con la gente... Lo malo es que no siempre se puede, intento hacer lo correcto y ser buen ejemplo porque no quería serlo pero es que muchos así quieren verme.
I like to always be on good terms with people... The bad thing is that it's not always possible, I try to do the right thing and be a good example because I didn't want to be, but that's how many want to see me.
Cuando la gente me viene a preguntarme si puede hacerse una foto se que así es como ellos me agradecen, que yo retraté en la vida en papeles y que siempre sepa dar lo que les entretiene...
When people come to ask me if they can take a picture, I know that's how they thank me, that I portrayed life on paper and that I always know how to give them what entertains them...
Que es lo que dicen de mi?
What do they say about me?
Que soy un gomiorejas? pues lo mismo va a ser que sí, mi problema es que no hay diferencia entre hombre y MC.
That I'm a bigmouth? Well, it might be true, my problem is that there's no difference between a man and an MC.
Me dicen "tengo hablar" a hablar y parece que escuche el CD, es extraño mientras más veces les digo que soy uno más. Hay más personas que dicen que soy un Crack. Ya no se como decir que yo no soy excepcional! Aunque esto si lo es, lo que hago, mi RAP. Y...
They tell me "I need to talk" and it seems like they're listening to the CD, it's strange the more times I tell them I'm just another guy. There are more people who say I'm a Crack. I don't know how to say that I'm not exceptional anymore! Although this is, what I do, my RAP. And...
Mi cabeza es un volcán, Esta vez me parece que va a estallar, que alguien llame a la poli se va a montar. Tengan cuidado que se me va!, No es pallera No lo puedo controlar, abro la boca y me sale solo RAP, No intenten pararme no hay marcha atrás, esta vez es verdad que me va a estallar!
My head is a volcano, This time it seems like it's going to explode, someone call the cops, it's going to be a mess. Be careful, it's getting away from me! It's not a joke, I can't control it, I open my mouth and only RAP comes out, Don't try to stop me, there's no going back, this time it's true that it's going to explode!
No tengo nada que ver, con los cantantes que repiten formulas para vender.
I have nothing to do with singers who repeat formulas to sell.
Tengo nada que ver con los raperos que se creen que pueden ser 50 Cent.
I have nothing to do with rappers who think they can be 50 Cent.
Me pongo en los dientes oro, ni voy al V.I.P., ni tengo pistola ni vendo costo. Hace años me gustaba creer que era peligroso luego conocí a un mafioso y me dije Buuuuuuu soy un pringao tonto!
I don't put gold on my teeth, nor do I go to the V.I.P., nor do I have a gun or sell drugs. Years ago I liked to believe I was dangerous, then I met a mobster and said to myself Buuuuuuu I'm a silly fool!
La vida nos enseña que todos debemos hallar motivos para estar orgullosos de lo que somos. Y no es creer que eres mejor que los otros es solo ser mejor tu para hacernos mejores a todos.
Life teaches us that we must all find reasons to be proud of who we are. And it's not about believing that you're better than others, it's just about being a better you to make us all better.
¿Les cuento algo?
Can I tell you something?
Aveces leo lo que escribo y me digo:"Hey ese tío parece sensato!" pero otras veces en cambio me rallo buenas palabras y buenos actos pero alguien me escucha allá abajo!
Sometimes I read what I write and I say to myself: "Hey, that guy seems sane!" but other times, on the other hand, I come up with good words and good deeds, but someone is listening to me down there!
Seguramente no, Por eso busco otras formas de llamar tu atención. Un psicólogo conmigo se lo pasaría en grande, que motivo tiene ese para creer que deben escucharme, aplauden!... Debe ser que alguno piensa que si digo cosas interesantes, no son molinos Sancho, que son gigantes! Prefiero estar loco a ver según que realidades.
Surely not, that's why I look for other ways to get your attention. A psychologist would have a great time with me, what reason does he have to believe that they should listen to me, they applaud!... It must be that someone thinks that if I say interesting things, they're not windmills Sancho, they're giants! I prefer to be crazy than to see certain realities.
Mi cabeza es un volcán, Esta vez me parece que va a estallar, que alguien llame a la poli se va a montar. Tengan cuidado que se me va!, No es pallera No lo puedo controlar, abro la voca y me sale solo RAP, No intenten pararme no hay marcha atrás, esta vez es verdad que me va a estallar!
My head is a volcano, This time it seems like it's going to explode, someone call the cops, it's going to be a mess. Be careful, it's getting away from me! It's not a joke, I can't control it, I open my mouth and only RAP comes out, Don't try to stop me, there's no going back, this time it's true that it's going to explode!
Y. de mis críticos? Soy el más duro busco defectos en lo que hago y los destruyo...
And about my critics? I'm the hardest, I look for flaws in what I do and I destroy them...
Yo se porque no les gusto, les doy la vuelta y les meto mis rimas por el orgullo, 1, 50, 100, 200, nadie ha escrito más letras y nadie le ha dado más duro, sigo adelante dejando detrás mis metas, que soy duro? Ve mi trayectoria en la Wikipedia.
I know why they don't like me, I turn them around and shove my rhymes down their throats with pride, 1, 50, 100, 200, no one has written more lyrics and no one has hit it harder, I keep moving forward leaving my goals behind, I'm tough? See my trajectory on Wikipedia.
"Dinero, Dinero, Dinero, Dinero"
"Money, Money, Money, Money"
Ja!, Se Creen que si lo dicen mucho lo mismo les cae del cielo. Que muestren algo de decencia primero, nadie les va a dar un euro por oírles decir que son muy buenos, cuando digo que debo de ser extraño es porque me sigue importando más el fondo que los contratos, cuando oigo a un Novato hablando de pagos me rayo quiero estrellar con señor () cohete toyarco! Shhh!
Ha!, They think that if they say it a lot, it will fall from the sky. Let them show some decency first, no one is going to give them a euro for hearing them say they're very good, when I say that I must be strange it's because I still care more about the content than the contracts, when I hear a rookie talking about payments I get annoyed I want to crash Mr. () rocket toyarco! Shhh!
Que no me altere... es lo que dice el doctor, quiere que me recupere, lo que no entiende es que posiblemente no haya cura y esté perdido irremediablemente, mi sensatez se muere, pero antes de que la entierren, les juro que haré que el planeta se entere, de que son ellos los que tienen podrida la mente, soy raro pero soy casi de frente.
Don't let me get upset... that's what the doctor says, he wants me to recover, what he doesn't understand is that there's probably no cure and I'm hopelessly lost, my sanity is dying, but before they bury it, I swear I'll make the planet know, that it's them who have a rotten mind, I'm weird but I'm almost upfront.
Mi cabeza es un volcán, Esta vez me parece que va a estallar, que alguien llame a la poli se va a montar. Tengan cuidado que se me va!, No es pallera No lo puedo controlar, abro la voca y me sale solo RAP, No intenten pararme no hay marcha atrás, esta vez es verdad que me va a estallar!
My head is a volcano, This time it seems like it's going to explode, someone call the cops, it's going to be a mess. Be careful, it's getting away from me! It's not a joke, I can't control it, I open my mouth and only RAP comes out, Don't try to stop me, there's no going back, this time it's true that it's going to explode!
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