El Diluvi feat. ZOO - El foc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Diluvi feat. ZOO - El foc

El foc
The Fire
Del grinyol d'unes rodes velles
From the screeching of ancient wheels
Naix el ritme d'esta cançó
The rhythm of this song is born
Del grinyol d'unes rodes velles
From the screeching of ancient wheels
Naix el ritme d'esta cançó
The rhythm of this song is born
Sobre sendes en construcció
Upon trails under construction
Un feix de llum ens ha donat les ales
A ray of light has given us wings
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Com el vol dels ocells, fent tombs
Like the flight of birds, circling
Girem per eixir de casa
We turn to leave home
Com el vol dels ocells, fent tombs
Like the flight of birds, circling
Girem per eixir de casa
We turn to leave home
Anem fugint de la brasa
We flee from the embers
I entre dues serres hem trobat claror
And between two mountain ranges we have found enlightenment
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Per la via que no ens rebutja
On the path that does not reject us
Per fluir en el seu conjunt
To flow in its entirety
Per la via que no ens rebutja
On the path that does not reject us
Per fluir en el seu conjunt
To flow in its entirety
Hem cantat des de ben amunt
We have sung from high above
Que l'alegria ens ha portat la pluja
That joy has brought us the rain
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat foc, ai
We have found fire, oh
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat foc, ai
We have found fire, oh
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat una abraçada en cada mirada
We have found an embrace in every glance
Hem trobat unes mirades que esborren la por
We have found gazes that erase fear
El dolor que ahir cremava, pel camí s'ha tornat pols
The pain that burned yesterday has turned to dust along the way
Hem trobat una abraçada en cada mirada
We have found an embrace in every glance
Hem trobat una escalfor en cada besada
We have found warmth in every kiss
Hem trobat unes besades que t'abracen tan fort
We have found kisses that embrace so tightly
Que el dolor que ahir cremava, pel camí s'ha tornat pols
That the pain that burned yesterday has turned to dust along the way
Hem trobat una escalfor en cada besada
We have found warmth in every kiss
Hem trobat carícies en cada paraula
We have found caresses in every word
Hem trobat rialles que ens donen calor
We have found laughter that gives us warmth
Que el dolor que ahir cremava, pel camí s'ha tornat pols
That the pain that burned yesterday has turned to dust along the way
Hem trobat carícies en cada paraula
We have found caresses in every word
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat foc, ai
We have found fire, oh
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat el foc
We have found the fire
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain
Hem trobat foc, ai
We have found fire, oh
Que crema el dolor
That burns away the pain

Авторы: Jesús Rodríguez Cano

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