El Fantasma feat. Banda los Populares del Llano - Las Verdades - En Vivo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Fantasma feat. Banda los Populares del Llano - Las Verdades - En Vivo

Las Verdades - En Vivo
Truths - Live
Cada quien cuenta como le va en la feria,
Everyone talks about how things are going in the carnival,
Cada quien dice lo que más le conviene,
Everyone says what suits them best,
Si estoy aquí es porque me lo he ganado,
If I'm here, it's because I've earned it,
Los envidiosos me tienen sin cuidado,
Envious people don't bother me,
Yo no platico pa que no me celen
I don't talk so they don't get jealous of me
Porque la envidia tiene el sueño muy lijero,
Because envy has a very itchy dream,
Muy poderoso caballero es Don dinero
Money is a powerful master
Naci en un rancho muy humilde no lo niego,
I was born on a very humble ranch, I don't deny it,
Tuve carencias pero nuna supe cuales
I had lacks but I never knew which ones
Me curaba el hambre con tortilla y huevos
I would cure my hunger with tortillas and eggs
Pa divertirme jugaba en los matorrales,
To have fun I would play in the bushes,
Aprendi el jale nimas mirando al viejo
I learned the work faster by looking at the old man
Como manual de vida llevo sus consejos...
I take his advice as a life manual...
Y de mi madre siempre sobraron sus besos
And there were always enough kisses from my mother
Toda la gente arrima agua pa su molino,
Everyone brings water for his own mill,
Y no se fija a quien se lleva entre las patas,
And doesn't look or care at who passes away, or who gets hurt,
Solo racalco y eso no ha sido mi estilo,
I just emphasize and doing this has never been my style,
Si doy la mano es por que nunca espero nada,
If I give a hand it's because I never expect anything,
En esta vida hay que ser agradecido
In this life, you have to be grateful
Y mi mano siempre esta firme pa un amigo
And my hand is always firm for a friend
Somos arrieros y andamos en el camino
We're muleteers and we're on the road
No porque traigas buena silla eres caballo,
Not because you have a good saddle you are a horse,
Aveces el que mas presume menos tiene,
Sometimes the one who shows the most off has less,
Muchos ni saben lo que es andar batallando,
Many don't even know what it is to struggle,
Nomas ven verde y como moscas se vienen
They just see the green and come like flies
Yo se lo suyo no me anden haciendo panchos,
I know yours, don't play games with me,
Grabenselo bien en la cabeza muchachos,
Carve it into your mind, boys,
Que usar sombrero tampoco te hace de rancho.
Wearing a hat doesn't make you a cowboy.

Авторы: Javier Gonzalez, Oscar Armando Diaz De Leon Huez, Ricardo Michel Munoz Loza

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