El Gordo S Aka Sony Beat - Que Sigan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Gordo S Aka Sony Beat - Que Sigan

Que Sigan
Let Them Go On
Quieren bajarme, yo se que quieren bajarme
They want to take me down, I know they want to take me down
Quieren difamarme, ver como subo les arde
They want to defame me, see how I climb it burns them
Quieren golpearme, pero no les da la sangre
They want to hit me, but it doesn't give them the blood
El dia que me caiga mejor corran todos, antes que vuelva a levantarme
The day I fall, everyone better run, before I get up again
Hablan giladas para ensuciarme,
They talk shit to get me dirty,
Dicen que cobro la foto y temen saludarme
They say I charge the photo and they are afraid to greet me
Y si, de algun modo tenia que frenarme
And yeah, somehow I had to slow down
Si no con toda esta puta industria podria quedarme
If not with all this fucking industry I could stay
No tengo el drama que tienen varios
I don't have the drama that several have
Hablan despues y son lo contrario
They talk later and are the opposite
Soy un pibe de barrio que gana plata
I am a neighborhood kid who earns money
No un nene de plata que flashea barrio
Not a silver baby flashing neighborhood
A todo horario, demuestro en la calle que yo no cambio
At all hours, I show on the street that I don't change
Mi viejo es sabio,
My old man is wise,
Me dijo que siempre es el mismo siendo pobre o millonario
He told me he's always the same being poor or millionaire
Que innecesario, esas ganas de querer hacer daño
How unnecessary, that desire to want to do harm
Yo siempre desee lo mejor para todos
I always wish the best for everyone
Por eso por mas que desees que me muera pasa lo contrario
That's why no matter how much you want me to die, the opposite happens
Y... uhh Cero Cartel
Y... uhh Zero Poster
Pero ya hace tiempo que yo no soy aquel
But it's been a while since I've been that one
Que pasaba caminando por la calle y a
Who was walking down the street and a
Cualquier desconocido podia pasarle el cel
Any stranger could pass the cel
Uhh, para que uste' me venga a hablar de cuanto cambie
Uhh, for you to come to me and talk about how much I change
Yo soy un nigga nacido en el west,
I'm a nigga born in the west,
Si no estuvo antes no me joda después, yeah
If you weren't there before, don't fuck with me later, yeah
Que sigan, que sigan (hablando 'e mi vida)
Let them go on, let them go on (talking 'e my life)
Que sigan, que sigan (gastando energía)
Keep them going, keep them going (expending energy)
Que sigan, que sigan (que yo estoy en la mía)
Let them go on, let them go on (that I'm in mine)
Que sigan, que sigan (yo me voy para arriba)
Let them go on, let them go on (I'm going up)
Que sigan, que sigan (hablando 'e mi vida)
Let them go on, let them go on (talking 'e my life)
Que sigan, que sigan (gastando energía)
Keep them going, keep them going (expending energy)
Que sigan, que sigan (que yo estoy en la mía)
Let them go on, let them go on (that I'm in mine)
Que sigan, que sigan (yo me voy, yo me voy)
Keep them going, keep them going (I'm leaving, I'm leaving)
Aunque uno de lo mejor de
Although one of the best of yes
Siempre encontraran algo que decir
They will always find something to say
Por eso tranquilo voy a seguir
That's why I'm going to keep calm
Porqué incluso odiando me hacen subir
Why even hating makes me climb
Disculpe pero en vez de perder tiempo
Sorry, but instead of wasting time
Mirando si el de al lado esta triste o contento
Looking if the one next door is sad or happy
Piense en usted y disfrute del momento
Think of you and enjoy the moment
Qué despues no vuelven y se escuchan los lamentos
What then they don't come back and the laments are heard
Y si quiere dejarse llevar por cuentos
And if you want to get carried away by stories
Haga lo que quiera, como yo con mi talento
Do what you want, like me with my talent
Pero le advierto...
But I'm warning you...
El que vive de mentiras, la verdad lo deja muerto
He who lives on lies, the truth leaves him dead
La verdad los deja muertos
The truth leaves them dead

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