El Gran Silencio - Pulpos Chupeteadores - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Gran Silencio - Pulpos Chupeteadores

Pulpos Chupeteadores
Sucking Octopuses
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Este es un homenaje para don Jesus Martines "Palillo"
This is a tribute to Mr. Jesus Martinez "Palillo"
Huy huy huy huy huy huy
Huy huy huy huy huy huy
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido (seen) jamás será vencido (huy huy)
The people united (seen) will never be defeated (huy huy)
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (bribapa)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (bribapa)
El pueblo unido (huy huy) jamás será vencido (huy huy huy)
The people united (huy huy) will never be defeated (huy huy huy)
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido (seen) jamás será vencido (ah ah)
The people united (seen) will never be defeated (ah ah)
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (bribapa)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (bribapa)
El pueblo siempre unido nunca mas será vencido
The people always united will never be defeated again
Tecolote surron hijo de su repipin chamaco
Tecolote, a sly one, son of his repipin chamaco
Pulpos chupeteadores, escrupulos, capiesteronomicos,
Sucking octopuses, scrupulous, capiesteronomic,
Sapoastremetaneros, mendigos políticos
Sapoastremetaneros, political beggars
Por que luchan que nada mas y no hacen nada por el pueblo
Why do they fight for nothing and do nothing for the people?
Abusadores del deportismo, del ausentismo, del autoritarismo
Abusers of sportsmanship, absenteeism, authoritarianism
Ya nada mas falta que venga el presidente y desde la mismísima
The only thing missing is for the president to come and from the very
Cámara de diputados diga: "Honorable Congreso de la Union...
Chamber of Deputies say: "Honorable Congress of the Union...
Sálvese quien pueda"
Every man for himself"
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido (seen) jamás será vencido (huy huy)
The people united (seen) will never be defeated (huy huy)
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido
The people united will never be defeated
El pueblo unido (ah) jamás será vencido (seen)
The people united (ah) will never be defeated (seen)
El pueblo unido (huy) jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united (huy) will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido (huy) jamás será vencido (bribapa)
The people united (huy) will never be defeated (bribapa)
El pueblo siempre unido nunca mas será vencido
The people always united will never be defeated again
Mendigos políticos que hacen por el pueblo que los mantiene
Political beggars, what do they do for the people who support them?
Diputados y senadores que no hacen mas levantar el dedo
Deputies and senators who do nothing but raise their fingers
Por la democracia que cultiva en este país
For the democracy that cultivates in this country
Con saldos estratosféricos que nada mas piensan mas que un obrero
With stratospheric salaries, they think only more than a worker
Y todavía quieren vacaciones, prestaciones, aguinaldos y pilon
And they still want vacations, benefits, Christmas bonuses, and a bonus
Les deberían dar puro chorizo, verdad de Dios
They should be given pure chorizo, by God
Y quiero decirles también que el mendigo presidente
And I also want to tell you that the beggar president
Me cae en la mera punta del caracol
Falls on the very tip of my snail
Y estoy hablando del presidente de ventas de Salinas y Rocha
And I'm talking about the sales president of Salinas y Rocha
Huy huy huy huy huy huy
Huy huy huy huy huy huy
El Gran Silencio esta presente una vez mas
El Gran Silencio is present once again
Habran de disculpar la demencia de mis expresiones
You'll have to excuse the madness of my expressions
Pero es que es verdaderamente indignante y vergonzante
But it is truly outrageous and shameful
Diría yo hasta denigrante
I would even say degrading
Que un país bendito de Dios rico de frontera a frontera
That a country blessed by God, rich from border to border
Este padeciendo las miserias que esta sufriendo el nuestro
Is suffering the miseries that ours is suffering
Cuando todo seria miel sobre hojuela
When everything would be honey on a flake
Si tan solo se pusieran de acuerdo en el salario
If only they would agree on the salary
Mendigos políticos pinquesteros, especuladores, infraccionarios,
Beggar politicians, pinquesteros, speculators, offenders,
Pulpos chupeteadores, balconeadores, apacaradores, escrupulos
Sucking octopuses, balcony-dwellers, hoarders, scruples
Espertilagos carpiesteronomicos pertengramicos e hijos de su
Espertilagos, carpiesteronomic, pertengramic, and sons of their
Sanjuandeletranesca madre
Sanjuandeletranesca mother
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (bribai)
The people united will never be defeated (bribai)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (huy huy)
The people united will never be defeated (huy huy)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (huy huy huy huy)
The people united will never be defeated (huy huy huy huy)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (ah)
The people united will never be defeated (ah)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (rapa)
The people united will never be defeated (rapa)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (huy huy)
The people united will never be defeated (huy huy)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (bribapa)
The people united will never be defeated (bribapa)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (huy huy huy huy)
The people united will never be defeated (huy huy huy huy)
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (ah)
The people united will never be defeated (ah)
El pueblo siempre unido nunca mas será vencido
The people always united will never be defeated again

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