Everyone is crazy, everyone is tattooed with weird shit,
Blings rotos me desvian de esta noche clara.
Broken blings are diverting me from this clear night.
Mejor intento dormir intento dormir un poco.
I'd rather try to sleep, try to sleep a little.
Seria en Ramada, yo iba colgado del walkman aun no revivo como andaba solo como...
It would be in Ramada, I was hanging from the walkman, I still don't relive how I wandered like...
Al fondo del voz mi madre se anuncia con el angelus, bajaba en la ultima parada para robar en las tiendas de electronica del puerto, con la mente en blanco, pero despierto luego en un banco escuchando hardcore.
In the background of my voice, my mother announces herself with the angelus, I got off at the last stop to steal from the electronics stores in the port, with my mind blank, but then I woke up on a bench listening to hardcore.
Como un amigo es algo grande para mi, se que no para el resto.
How a friend is something big for me, I know it's not for the rest of the world.
Cierro los ojos, imagino esto...
I close my eyes, I imagine this...
Un grito extremo ucurriendo en un cuarto, lo que suena parece lo que siento, me hace pensar en x100 adelantamientos.
An extreme scream occurring in a room, what sounds like what I feel, makes me think of x100 passes.
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