El Kalvo - Ampolla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Kalvo - Ampolla

Que fantocheria
What a charade.
Parecen una revista de esas de catalogo
You all look like one of those catalog magazines.
Todas llenas de marcas
Full of brands.
Tienen cara de susto, un pasado culposo
You've got scared faces, a guilty past.
Se dejan la barba y se creen viejos
You grow beards and think you're old.
Pero son peladitos disfrazados de malos
But you're just little hairless boys disguised as bad guys.
Que se tatúan primero un cachete que el pecho
Getting a mustache tattooed before your chest.
Y yo no las pico de cucho
And I don't go picking on you like a sucker,
Pero empecé desde chinche
But I started from the bottom,
Hice mi estilo chabakan inconfundible
Made my own unmistakable street style,
Y no hablo mucho al respecto, lo demuestro
And I don't talk much about it, I show it,
Cosa que no pasa con muchos raperos
Which doesn't happen with a lot of rappers.
Que hablan de lo buenos que son rimando
Who talk about how good they are at rhyming,
Mientras hablan de lo bueno que son rimando
While they're talking about how good they are at rhyming.
El viejo truco del tema moja cuco
The old trick of the "wet cuckoo" theme,
Chicaniando su profundo conocimiento en cultura pop
Flaunting their deep knowledge of pop culture.
No hay congruencia en su perorata
There's no consistency in your rantings.
Mierda aleatoria superficial
Random, superficial crap.
Yo escribo sin acudir al diccionario
I write without resorting to the dictionary.
Tu ni haciendo trampa tienes sentido
You can't even make sense when you cheat.
No emociona rima facil sin fondo ni contenido
Easy rhymes with no substance or content don't move anyone.
Se hicieron famosos con beats gringos sin dar créditos
You got famous using gringo beats without giving credit.
Fusilando punch lines y copiandose los videos
Stealing punchlines and copying videos.
Los novatos te creerán el cuento
The newbies will buy your story.
Yo no me asombro tanto
I'm not that surprised.
Si se reconoce a leguas de quien te estas copiando
It's obvious who you're copying.
Sus mejores ponches son citas y les faltan las comillas
Your best punches are quotes and they're missing the quotation marks.
Compararse hace a cualquier gil gigante
Comparing yourself makes any fool look like a giant.
Nacieron en el país equivocado
You were born in the wrong country.
Que ganas tan berracas de ser gringos
What a pathetic desire to be gringos.
Posando en un carro prestado
Posing in a borrowed car.
Vamos a romantizar el supermercado
Let's romanticize the supermarket.
Yo tambien soy un narco frustrado
I'm a frustrated narco too.
Afuera samplean el folklor colombiano
Out there they're sampling Colombian folklore,
Y aquí no dejan sano el soul norteamericano
And here you're not leaving North American soul alone.
Esa nostalgia por los noventas hay que superarla
You gotta get over that nineties nostalgia.
Como van a hacer historia si no hacen si no copiarla
How are you gonna make history if you don't do anything but copy it?
El país quemandose y ellos hablando de sus tenis
The country's burning and they're talking about their sneakers.
Todos tan marqueros y tan fansis
All so brand-obsessed and fancy.
Putos fictis
Fucking fake.
Para mi son maniquíes fanfarrones wanna be
To me you're just bragging mannequins, wannabes.
Su rima perfecta es cansona y fácil de predecir
Your perfect rhyme is tiresome and predictable.
No hacen sino defenderse puro repitis
All you do is defend yourselves, pure repetition.
En mi city no se gana de prity
In my city, you don't win by being pretty.
Me cago en su espanglish
I shit on your Spanglish.
Si alguna vez usara un sombrero
If I ever wore a hat,
Sacaria de mi sombrero un tablero
I'd pull out a chalkboard from my hat,
Un marcador y un borrador para tirartelo
A marker and an eraser to throw at you
Hasta el fondo del salón niño canson
To the back of the classroom, you annoying kid.
Soy tu maestro, tu un florero pura decoración
I'm your teacher, you're just a vase, pure decoration.
Y ahora estas descalabrado
And now you're all messed up,
Pelliscandote el bigote
Scratching your mustache,
Sonriendo socarrón, creyendo que no es contigo
Smiling smugly, thinking it's not about you.
Los que se sientan aludidos
Those who feel alluded to
Seguro ya no serán tan cálidos
Probably won't be so warm
Cuando se encuentren con migo
When they meet me.
Por jugar a santeros se los llevara el biruñas
Playing saints will get you in trouble.
Al final por lucas terminan haciendo cuñas
In the end, you'll end up doing shady shit for money.
Se hacen los tontos para hacer trap?
Are you playing dumb to make trap?
Niños hablan de salsa y no saben bailar
Kids talk about salsa and they don't know how to dance.
No te achantes tanto que esto no es tan personal
Don't get so worked up, this isn't that personal.
Solo me fastidie, pero realmente no me importa
I just got annoyed, but I don't really care.
El rap es una caja de arena para jugar
Rap is a sandbox to play in.
Ustedes van con balde y palita
You guys go with a bucket and spade.
Yo soy de los que escarba hasta quedarse sin uñas
I'm the one who digs until my nails are gone.
Estas solo son pullas
These are just taunts.
No te revientes la ampolla
Don't get a blister.
Esa medalla no es tuya
That medal isn't yours.
Sigue peleando por pollas, eternamente entuzados
Keep fighting for chicks, eternally excited.
No te revientes la ampolla
Don't get a blister.
Estas son solo puyas
These are just taunts.
Esa medalla no es suya
That medal isn't yours.

Авторы: El Kalvo

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