El León y su Gente - Fiera 090 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El León y su Gente - Fiera 090

Fiera 090
Fierce 090
porque entre mas peleamos
because the more we fight, baby,
mas fuertes nos hacemos
the stronger we become.
esto es el león y su gente
This is the Lion and his People.
el que le entra en este ruedo debe ser un gallo fino
Whoever enters this ring must be a fine rooster, darling,
tener mucha habilidad, ser astuto y decidido
have a lot of skill, be cunning and decisive.
y eso le sobra a la fiera, de quien habla este corrido
And the beast has plenty of that, the one this corrido is about.
se desplaza por la sierra como lo hacen los felinos
He moves through the mountains like the felines do, sweetheart,
y de ellos trae el olfato para ventear el peligro
and from them, he has the scent to sniff out danger.
cuando va por una presa, el no falla en su objetivo
When he goes after prey, he doesn't miss his target.
para subir de nivel hay que sufrirle primero
To level up, you have to suffer first, my love,
atravesar esas lineas donde esta latente el riesgo
cross those lines where risk is latent,
el paso por el desierto que cruza un buen pistolero
the passage through the desert that a good gunslinger crosses.
super 38 escuadra certero al puro Bacon
Super .38, accurate pistol, pure Bacon, beautiful,
con el fusil no se diga
with the rifle, it goes without saying,
bravo al puro levantón
brave, pure uprising.
la etiqueta de valiente
The label of courage
de su familia heredo
he inherited from his family.
y ahí quedamos compa tabo y compa Peter
And there we are, compa Tabo and compa Peter, honey,
y al cien con la gente de la gente compa Roy
and one hundred percent with the people of the people, compa Roy.
porque se camina lento pero se avanza con fuerza
Because we walk slowly, but we move forward with strength,
a pesar de ser muy joven tiene mucha habilidad
Despite being very young, he has a lot of skill, gorgeous,
no abre la boca a lo tonto cuando su palabra da
he doesn't open his mouth foolishly when his word counts.
sus garras quedan marcadas cuando lo hay que demostrar
His claws are marked when he has to prove it.
unos quieren liquidarlo otros tenerlo enjaulado
Some want to liquidate him, others want him caged.
le ponen trampas a un león y terminan devorados
They set traps for a lion and end up devoured.
a muchos a de dolerles pero seguirá avanzando
It will hurt many, but he will keep moving forward.
dentro o fuera del negocio el final un día llega
Inside or outside the business, the end comes one day, my dear,
su casa esta defendiendo y peleando como fiera
defending his home and fighting like a beast.
con el ya no hay vuelta de hoja
With him, there is no turning back.
su manada esta en pelea
His pack is in the fight.
pa llegar a ser el líder
To become the leader,
debe tener ese talento
he must have that talent,
y elementos necesarios que poseen estos versos
and the necessary elements that these verses possess,
a quien le apodan el sapo
to whom they nickname the Toad,
y es gente del señor mencho
and is people of Mr. Mencho.

Авторы: Hector Manuel Hernandez Olmedo

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