El Melly - Mujeres Golpeadas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Melly - Mujeres Golpeadas

Mujeres Golpeadas
Battered Women
El 90% de los casos de violencia de géneros ejercidos contra la mujer,
In 90% of cases of gender violence against women,
Y casi su totalidad,
And almost all of them,
El agresor pertenece al círculo íntimo de la víctima,
The aggressor belongs to the victim's inner circle,
El 46% de las mujeres conviven con su agresor,
46% of women live with their aggressor,
En el 50% el agresor es la pareja,
In 50% the aggressor is the partner,
En el 28%, es un familiar.
In 28%, it is a family member.
Mujer, ésta pesadilla que estás viviendo en carne propia,
Woman, this nightmare you're living in your own flesh,
Sólo va a terminar cuando digas basta.
It will only end when you say enough.
No deja que te maquilles, odia verte arreglada,
He doesn't let you wear makeup, hates to see you dressed up,
Y si te pintas los labios dice que estás regalada,
And if you paint your lips, he says you're asking for it,
Otra herida y tu mamá te pregunta, que te pasó,
Another wound and your mom asks, what happened to you,
Le mentís diciéndole que sólo fue un tropezón.
You lie to her saying it was just a stumble.
Estás viviendo un infierno por culpa de un buen chamuyo,
You're living a hell because of a sweet talker,
Tu familia lejos y el diablo duerme al lado tuyo,
Your family is far away and the devil sleeps next to you,
Soñabas casarte con él, vivir siempre a su lado,
You dreamed of marrying him, living by his side forever,
Del sueño de una luna de miel queda un sabor amargo.
From the dream of a honeymoon remains a bitter taste.
Te volviste su obsesión, su locura no va a parar,
You became his obsession, his madness won't stop,
Te arrancó de tus amigas, te rompió tu celular,
He tore you from your friends, he broke your phone,
Jura no volver a pegarte, mentira esconde su llanto,
He swears not to hit you again, a lie hides his tears,
Quien te ama de corazón nunca te levanta la mano.
Whoever truly loves you will never raise their hand to you.
Te hizo el verso de princesa, te convertiste en su esclava,
He gave you the princess line, you became his slave,
Te pega y juega con vos como se le da la gana,
He hits you and plays with you as he pleases,
él te usa, no te ama, tu vida se volvió un drama,
He uses you, he doesn't love you, your life has become a drama,
Es hora que te des cuenta ese gil no vale nada.
It's time you realize that fool is worthless.
Decisiones que pueden cambiar todo en un instante,
Decisions that can change everything in an instant,
Si un cobarde te levanta la mano, nunca te calles,
If a coward raises his hand to you, never be silent,
Mujer quien te ama, no espera que fracases,
Woman, whoever loves you, doesn't wait for you to fail,
Arrancalo de tu vida antes que sea demasiado tarde.
Tear him out of your life before it's too late.
Decisiones que pueden cambiar todo en un instante,
Decisions that can change everything in an instant,
Si un cobarde te levanta la mano, nunca te calles,
If a coward raises his hand to you, never be silent,
Mujer quien te ama, no espera que fracases,
Woman, whoever loves you, doesn't wait for you to fail,
Arrancalo de tu vida antes que sea demasiado tarde.
Tear him out of your life before it's too late.
Grita, te pega y después de un rato dice lo siento,
He yells, hits you, and after a while says he's sorry,
Otra vez la misma historia, otra vez el mismo cuento,
The same story again, the same tale again,
Son sus golpes y amenazas que hacen que aumenten tu miedo,
It's his blows and threats that increase your fear,
Tu único amigo tiene nombre y se llama el silencio.
Your only friend has a name and it's called silence.
La persona que hoy odias, no es la que te enamoró ayer,
The person you hate today is not the one you fell in love with yesterday,
que no te alejas de él por temor a que puede hacer,
I know you don't leave him out of fear of what he might do,
Pero basta, basta, entendé no te hace bien,
But enough, enough, understand he doesn't do you good,
No puede llamarse hombre quien le pega a una mujer.
He who hits a woman cannot be called a man.
Te miente que va al trabajo, y a su amante va a buscar,
He lies to you that he's going to work, and he goes to look for his lover,
Vos sabes, te callas, lo volvés a perdonar,
You know, you keep quiet, you forgive him again,
Describilo a ese cobarde y vos solo me contestas,
Describe that coward and you only answer me,
él es un hombre violento con forma rara de amar.
He is a violent man with a strange way of loving.
Si cuestionas lo que él hace, él te levanta la voz,
If you question what he does, he raises his voice to you,
Otra lágrima en tu cara, en tu cuerpo otro moretón,
Another tear on your face, another bruise on your body,
Conclusión, es capaz de matarte por su amor,
Conclusion, he is capable of killing you for his love,
Si te quedas en silencio va a ser tu mayor error.
If you remain silent, it will be your biggest mistake.
Decisiones que pueden cambiar todo en un instante,
Decisions that can change everything in an instant,
Si un cobarde te levanta la mano, nunca te calles,
If a coward raises his hand to you, never be silent,
Mujer quien te ama, no espera que fracases,
Woman, whoever loves you, doesn't wait for you to fail,
Arrancalo de tu vida antes que sea demasiado tarde.
Tear him out of your life before it's too late.
Decisiones que pueden cambiar todo en un instante,
Decisions that can change everything in an instant,
Si un cobarde te levanta la mano, nunca te calles,
If a coward raises his hand to you, never be silent,
Mujer quien te ama, no espera que fracases,
Woman, whoever loves you, doesn't wait for you to fail,
Arrancalo de tu vida antes que sea demasiado tarde.
Tear him out of your life before it's too late.
Consejo nuestro, decisiones tuyas,
Our advice, your decisions,

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