El Nino - 30 De Grame - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский El Nino - 30 De Grame

30 De Grame
30 Grams
Eyoou, Eyoou, Mama daca ma auzi,
Eyoou, Eyoou, Mama if you can hear me,
S-a facut mare golanu'
Your boy has grown up to be a real tough guy
Hai sa ardem 30 de grame
Let's burn 30 grams
Sa deschidem sampanii, muzica tare, sistemu'
Pop some champagne, blast the music, crank up the system
Sarbatorim, ne trec anii.
We're celebrating, the years are passing us by.
S-aduna toata familia, s-au facut mari golanii.
The whole family is coming together, the boys have grown into men.
Ne strange dorul de casa care ne stinge cu anii.
We’re missing home, a feeling that fades over the years.
EL Nino:
EL Nino:
Pentru acasa am cele mai frumoase ganduri
I have the fondest memories of home
Voi fi familist si atunci cand ma v-or pune-n patru scanduri.
I'll be a family man even when they put me in a coffin.
Am vazut cerul plangand, mancam paine cu zahar,
I've seen the sky cry, I used to eat bread with sugar,
O vedeam mare friptura si pe mine mare rapper
I imagined it as a big steak, and myself as a big-time rapper
Sa bem o bere pentru c-am trait pe strazi,
Let's have a beer for living on the streets,
Pentru noptile in care ne cadea capul pe lazi,
For the nights when our heads hit the crates,
Zilele insorite,
The sunny days,
Sare dopu' de sampanie pentru ca
The champagne cork pops because
Mi-am amintit cum faceam luciu' la sanie.
I remember polishing the sleigh.
30 de grame daca te tine pe bune,
30 grams if it holds you up,
Las urme pe viata pentru ca stiu ca v-or ramane
I leave my mark on life because I know it will remain
Pe viata golan, sunt, bagabont si derbedeu
A hoodlum for life, I am, a vagabond and a rascal
Ce cuvinte iti trec prin cap care definesc un leu
What words come to your mind that define a lion
Sunt din cetatea Banie, OLTEANCLAN Original,
I'm from the citadel of Banie, OLTEANCLAN Original,
Imi place sa ma sparg pe gangea si sa f*t in tribunal
I like to party hard with the gang and f*ck in court
Ca metal pretios,
Like a precious metal,
Cu platina l-asemanam Daca am zis
We compare it to platinum. If I said
Ca tragem azi nu mergem sa ne impuscam
That we're shooting today, we're not going to shoot each other
Hai sa ardem 30 de grame
Let's burn 30 grams
Sa deschidem sampanii, muzica tare sistemu'
Pop some champagne, blast the music, crank up the system
Sa sarbatorim, ne trec anii.
We're celebrating, the years are passing us by.
S-aduna toata familia, s-au facut mari golanii.
The whole family is coming together, the boys have grown into men.
Ne strange doru' de casa care ne stinge cu anii.
We’re missing home, a feeling that fades over the years.
Aduc o plasa cu bere, seminte si gigi
I'm bringing a bag of beer, seeds, and snacks
Stai ca la noapte cartieru' o sa -l aprinda licuricii
Wait, tonight the fireflies are going to light up the neighborhood
Ne-am bagat cu capu-n frici si
We got ourselves into trouble and
Iata-ma patroane in cartier era racoare cateodata de la foame
Here I am, boss, in the neighborhood it was chilly, sometimes from hunger
Cateodeata era frig, frig de inghetai
Sometimes it was cold, freezing cold
Totusi daca vrei sa pleci ceva te face sa mai stai
Still, if you want to leave, something makes you stay
Hai cu noi la o plimbare, dam volumul tare
Come with us for a walk, let's turn up the volume
Noaptea asta ne pentrecem pana data viitoare
We'll spend this night until next time
Adica pana maine cand pe seara ne trezim
That is, until tomorrow when we wake up in the evening
Pentru ca trebuie sa traim, maine poimanie imbatranim
Because we have to live, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we grow old
Personal nu vreau sa am regrete la sfarsit de
Personally, I don't want to have regrets at the end of the
Drum am momente in care nu ma vad in casa mea de fum,
Road. I have moments when I don't see myself in my smoke-filled house,
Simt ca trebuie sa ridic paharul sus pentru succes
I feel like I have to raise my glass to success
Plus ca vreau sa-i multumesc din inima pentru progres
Plus I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for the progress
Ce bine ca nu am fost vedeta cand eram mai
It's a good thing I wasn't a star when I was more
Prost, sigur astazi nu stiam 11 albume pe de rost.
Stupid, for sure today I wouldn't know 11 albums by heart.
Hai sa ardem 30 de grame
Let's burn 30 grams
Sa deschidem sampanii, muzica tare sistemu'
Pop some champagne, blast the music, crank up the system
Sa sarbatorim, ne trec anii.
We're celebrating, the years are passing us by.
S-aduna toata familia, s-au facut mari golanii.
The whole family is coming together, the boys have grown into men.
Ne strange doru' de casa care ne stinge cu anii.
We’re missing home, a feeling that fades over the years.

Авторы: Alin Emil Ghita, Spectru

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