El Nino feat. DOC & Azteca - N-Are Cum - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Nino feat. DOC & Azteca - N-Are Cum

N-Are Cum
It's Not Possible
Sunt pregatit sa ma ridic sa reprezint cu inima
I'm ready to rise, to represent with my heart
De unde pula mea sa stii ca strada te poate manca
How the fuck would you know, the street can devour you
Pentru asta ne-am nascut, sa te tinem pe tine-n garda
This is what we were born for, to keep you on your toes
N-ai ce pret sa-mi dai decat daca esti bagaboanta
You can't offer me any price, unless you're a bad girl
Marfa neagra in colt de bloc si te tenteaza sa te bagi
Black merchandise on the street corner, tempting you to indulge
Trebuie sa-ti pui intrebarea daca poti s-o mai lasi
You have to ask yourself, if you can leave it behind
Atatia pasi te-au invatat cum sa vorbesti
So many steps have taught you how to talk
Sa faci multe milioane pentru care sa traiesti
To make millions to live for
N-ai cum sa te iubesti daca tu nu poti sa iubesti
You can't love yourself if you can't love
Si s-ar putea la batranete sa vrei sa le zici povesti
And you might want to tell stories in your old age
Doar, doar ca din pacate karma nu te iarta
Only, unfortunately, karma doesn't forgive
Nici pe tine, nici pe aia care au sarit din barca
Neither you, nor those who jumped ship
Blaca, blaca pentru bagabonti reali
Black, black for real gangsters
Dau cu tot respectul meu sa fie pentru original
With all my respect, may it be for the original ones
Baga-ne-am pula-n ei de bani tintim mai sus
Fuck them and their money, we aim higher
Hai sa nu vorbim de bani ca niciodata nu-s de-ajuns
Let's not talk about money, because it's never enough
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real
Aici de cand blugii erau mai largi decat Khalifa Mia
Here since the jeans were wider than Khalifa Mia
De cand BUG dadea cu Gia
Since BUG was with Gia
Cand MC nu-si luau doar din cocos energia
When MCs didn't just get their energy from coke
Fi atent cum se pastreaza felia
Be careful how you keep the slice
Patruzeciul dupa colt, varsta nu calibru
Forty-two around the corner, age not caliber
Flow nebun, ce rupe porti sunt un fel de tibru
Crazy flow, breaking down gates, I'm like a stamp
O sa vezi ce tu nu poti, sunt un fel de timbru
You'll see what you can't, I'm a kind of timbre
Icoana pentru nepoti, l-am crescut pe fii-tu
Icon for the grandchildren, I raised your son
XX ani de cand tot ma schimb
Twenty years of constant change
Dau muie la timp, dau muie la film, yeah
Fuck time, fuck film, yeah
Ochii-n ecran, ca sa nu se prinda
Eyes on the screen, so they don't catch me
Atenta ca vin, sterge-te bine, yeah
Careful, I'm coming, wipe yourself well, yeah
Pentru mine, pentru toti ai mei si pentru rapperi
For me, for all my people, and for the rappers
Personal nu stiu pe unii ca noi, sa nu te infoi
Personally, I don't know any like us, don't get fooled
Il vezi pe DOC, te bucuri ca a plecat, vezi sa nu te indoi
You see DOC, you're glad he's gone, you know, don't doubt
Ca eu ca sa te fac atent, nu te bat pe deltoid
That to get your attention, I don't hit you on the deltoid
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real
Azteca scuipa imparatia adica tot ce are in cap
Azteca spits out the empire, meaning everything in his head
Cu El Nino, DOC si Ian fac banul, nu imprumut ca vreau sa-l fac
With El Nino, DOC and Ian they make the money, they don't borrow it, because they want to earn it
Bag mare, bag tare, fratioare, trag tare
Big bag, hard bag, brother, I hit hard
Ca-n Bucuresti mi se pare, muzica e-n dezvoltare
'Cause in Bucharest it seems to me music is developing
Am trait strada si strada m-a trait
I lived the street and the street lived me
Si trag in vid un joint aprind si pic, dar dupa ma ridic
And I drag a joint in the void, light it up and drip, but then I rise
Am vazut prada, copii merg spre nimic
I saw prey, kids going to nothing
Si n-au vreo aspiratie in afara de aspira ta din plic
And they have no aspiration besides sucking yours from the bag
E adevarat ca si noi suntem printre aceia
It's true that we are among those
Luptam des cu dependenta banii imi extind existenta
We often fight addiction, money extends my existence
Acum sunt dependent sa trag sunete ce sparg mintea
Now I'm addicted to pulling sounds that break the mind
De-ti despica lesa, trag la cap deci lasa vesta
To split your leash, I aim for the head so leave the vest
Sunt pe o Vespa, generator de bani ca Tesla
I'm on a Vespa, money generator like Tesla
Ocult ca ceva ce-ti lumineaza existenta
Occult like something that illuminates your existence
Si in acelasi timp sunt ca secretele de stat
And at the same time, I'm like state secrets
Vexat, dar nu ma testa ca o sa-ti sparg mecla
Vexed, but don't test me, I'll break your jaw
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real
N-are cum doar dintr-o lovitura sa iti iasa
It's not possible, just from one hit to get it
Caramida peste caramida face o casa
Brick by brick makes a house
N-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pasiune
It can't be good if there's no passion
Si n-are cum sa fie bine daca nu-i pe bune
And it can't be good if it's not real

Авторы: Alin Emil Ghita

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