El Nino feat. Dragos Miron - Razboi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Nino feat. Dragos Miron - Razboi

Lasa-ma sa zic de mine
Let me tell you about myself
Si de familia mea, destramata de la saracie.
And about my family, broken by poverty.
Care mortii mei de copilarie?
Who cares about my childhood?
Mama-mi dona sangele si mi-l punea in farfurie.
My mother donated her blood and put it on a plate for me.
Ce vroiai sa fac?
What did you want me to do?
Si cartieru' era sarac si eu bolnav
And the neighborhood was poor and I was sick
La nastere mi-au depistat inima praf.
At birth they diagnosed me with a dusty heart.
Acum ma bat cu demonii, adunati in capul meu
Now I'm fighting demons, gathered in my head
Cu timpul de la droguri m-am casat, sunt terminat
Over time from drugs I've been cashed, I'm finished
Nu mai am cum sa scap.
I can't escape anymore.
Si tu nici nu m-ai ajutat, te-ai prefacut si m-ai lasat.
And you didn't even help me, you pretended and left me.
Ca restu', doar m-ai judecat
Like the rest, you just judged me
Ca-i cel mai simplu si doar m-ai dezorientat
Because it's the easiest thing to do and you just disoriented me
Si m-ai barfit in mortii lui, lasa-l pe Dragos, un drogat.
And you gossiped about me, leave Dragos alone, he's a drug addict.
Plus ca bea ca fraieru' e si alcoolic
Plus he drinks like an idiot, he's also an alcoholic
Il vezi mereu matoolit.
You see him always dazed.
Nu mai poate respira de la polipi.
He can't breathe anymore from polyps.
Lasa-ma sa-ti zic ca fratii mei de copii
Let me tell you that my childhood brothers
Muncesc ca robii, n-au timp de copii,
Work like slaves, they don't have time for children,
De la atata ura nu ma mai pot oprii.
From so much hatred I can't stop myself anymore.
Am insomnii.
I have insomnia.
Nu mai pot manca si vomit.
I can't eat anymore and I vomit.
Ti-as povesti de tata dar nu stiu nimic,
I'd tell you about my father but I don't know anything,
Ca din ce-am auzit atunci cand m-am nascut eu, a mierlit el.
Because from what I heard when I was born, he was whining.
Timpu se scurge, aduce si panica,
Time is running out, it brings panic,
Fata mi-e cartea, citeste-mi povestea,
My face is the book, read my story,
Razboi, in viata de apoi,
War, in the afterlife,
Cine mai crede, sa cante cu noi.
Whoever still believes, sing with us.
Sa-ti zic de maicamea si de pastilele pe care
Let me tell you about my mother and the pills she
Le ia ca sa zambeasca inainte de culcare.
Takes to smile before bed.
De pensia umila, jumatate din chirie
From her humble pension, half of the rent
Din pacate stiu pereti care miros a saracie
Unfortunately I know walls that smell of poverty
Sa-ti zic de taicameo la patruzeci de kilograme
Let me tell you about my father at forty kilograms
Care inca da cu pumnu si ramane in picioare
Who still punches and stays on his feet
Cat era de tare cand era de varsta mea
How strong he was when he was my age
Despre cum e cand simti ca se apropie povestea
About how it is when you feel the story coming
De final si totul parca a-nceput aseara
To the end and everything seems to have started last night
Despre cum e sa te stii un om care o sa dispara
About how it is to know you're a man who will disappear
Si iara ies din casa suparat si nervos
And I go out of the house again angry and nervous
Si daca simt ceva e lama de cutit la os
And if I feel anything it's a knife blade against bone
Sunt ranile pe care mi le cos dar degeaba,
There are wounds that I sew up but in vain,
C-au trecut atatia ani si inca mai pute treaba.
So many years have passed and the stench still persists.
Inca mai visez la o casa linistita,
I still dream of a peaceful house,
Dar cum sa fac ca tac si-n capul meu o voce tipa?
But how can I stay quiet when a voice screams in my head?
Risipa de bani, ma pierd printre numere
Waste of money, I'm lost among numbers
Sufletul meu nu mai poate sa sufere.
My soul can't suffer anymore.
Amar ca fierea, scriu dulce ca mierea
Bitter as gall, I write sweet as honey
Tot ce-mi doresc e sa-ti alin durerea.
All I want is to ease your pain.

Авторы: Alin Emil Ghita, Karie

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