El Nino feat. Miru - Alin Durerea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Nino feat. Miru - Alin Durerea

Alin Durerea
Alin Durerea
Zambetul mamei cand ma vede acasa imi face
Your smile when you see me home makes
Inima sa bata dintr odata pentru pace
My heart beat immediately for peace
Sa ma dezbrace cineva de rautate
To undress me of wickedness
Cand linistea ma cauta pe strazi aglomerate
When calmness seeks me in the crowded streets
E greu sa ma gaseasca si vocile ma tulbura
It's hard to find me, voices disturb me,
Serpii nu vorbesc, doar cand vad banii se gudura,
Snakes don't speak, only when they see money they flatter,
Si atunci ma scutura de sentimente vantul
And then the wind shakes me of feelings,
Rece, din pacate, cateodata imi fuge gandul
Cold, unfortunately, sometimes my thoughts run away
In intuneric, de unde mi vine povestea
In the darkness, where my story comes from
Un milion murdar e ala care aduce vestea,
A million filthy is the one who brings the news,
Fratii nu sunt frati, si de la faima,
Brothers are not brothers, and from fame,
Aroganta in timp poate deveni o haina
Arrogance in time can become a garment
Si ti am cerut o imbratisare calda
And I asked you for a warm embrace
Si mi ai intins o mana care mi pare sa ma arda
And you extended a hand that seems to burn me
O noapte alba, o sticla murdara
A sleepless night, a dirty bottle
Si o casa in care i frig de zici ca dorm pe afara
And a house in which it's so cold you'd think I was sleeping outside
E a ta, viata ta,
It's yours, your life,
Si faci ce vrei cu ea,
And you do what you want with it,
In spate nu te mai uita
Don't look back
Lumea nu o asculta, stii oricum ca e rea
The world won't listen to you, you know it's evil anyway
Oricum va judeca indiferent de ce se va intampla,
It will judge regardless of what happens,
Capu sus, toata lumea e a ta
Heads up, the whole world is yours
Alin durerea, fratii si surorile
Alin the pain, brothers and sisters
Au trecut cu muzica mea prin toate starile
Have gone through all the states with my music
Stiu toate garile, am inteles comorile
I know all the stations, I have understood the treasures
Nu ascund bijuterii, stiu toate scarile
I don't hide jewelry, I know all the stairs
Din cartier, acolo am crescut
From the neighborhood, that's where I grew up
Unde vorba dulce cateodata mi a fost scut
Where sweet words were sometimes my shield
Acum ascut limba si strada s a inrait
Now I sharpen my tongue and the street has worsened
De unde atata ura, ma intreb, cand am devenit
Where does so much hatred come from, I wonder, when I became
Atat de cunoscut, atat de greu e uneori
So well-known, it's so hard sometimes
Cand vad ca oamenii din jurul meu considera valori
When I see that the people around me consider values
Papusile cu sfori pe care mass media
Dolls with strings that the mass media
Le foloseste ca sa spele creiere si media
Uses to wash brains and the media
De varsta care pune botu e cea care ma sperie,
The age that buys it is what scares me,
Mai bine mor sarac decat o viata in mizerie,
I'd rather die poor than a life in misery.
Artilerie grea sunt bagabontii mei, fratioru,
Heavy artillery is my tramps, my brother,
Alin durerea, daca plec, e cineva sa mi duca doru
Alin the pain, if I leave, someone can miss me

Авторы: Alin Emil Ghita, Karie

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