El Original - Cumbieton - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Original - Cumbieton

El tiempo pasó
Time passed
Como una estrella fugaz
Like a shooting star
Y nuestro amor falleció
And our love died
Sin razón, baby
For no reason, baby
Quisiera volver aquel tiempo otra vez
I would like to go back to that time again
Y poderte retener, pues ya no puedo;
And be able to keep you, because I cannot now;
Sin tu amor
Without your love
Nose que vaya a ser conmigo; sin tu amor
I don't know what will become of me; without your love
No se cual sea mi destino, sin tu amor
I don't know what my destiny is, without your love
El mundo caerá sobre mi, Baby
The world will fall on me, baby
Quisiera Volver amarte,
I would like to love you again,
Volver a quererte,
To love you again,
Volver a tenerte cerca de
To have you near me again
Mis ojos lloran por ti
My eyes cry for you
Quisiera Volver amarte,
I would like to love you again,
Volver a quererte,
To love you again,
Volver a tenerte cerca de
To have you near me again
Mis ojos lloran por ti
My eyes cry for you
Me haces tanta falta no lo puedo negar
I miss you so much I can't deny it
No se como de mi vida te pudiste marchar
I don't know how you could leave my life
Arrancaste mi corazón como un trozo de papel
You ripped my heart out like a piece of paper
Jugaste con mi vida y ahora me pregunto ¿por que?
You played with my life and now I wonder why
Por que, tuve que enamorarme de ti
Why did I have to fall in love with you
Quererte como te quise y luego te perdí
To love you the way I did and then lose you
Yo creo que eso no es justo ante los ojos de Dios
I don't think that's fair in the eyes of God
Te di tanto amor y me pagaste con dolor
I gave you so much love and you paid me back with pain
Sin tu amor
Without your love
Nose que vaya a ser conmigo,
I don't know what will become of me,
Sin tu amor
Without your love
No se cual sea mi destino,
I don't know what my destiny is,
Sin tu amor
Without your love
El mundo caerá sobre
The world will fall on me
Dime si algún día chica yo te falle
Tell me if I ever failed you girl
Cometí mis errores pero jamás te fui infiel
I made my mistakes but I was never unfaithful
Nunca me atreví a abandonarte sin pensar
I never dared to leave you without thinking
En las cosas bonitas que entre nosotros pudieron pasar
About the beautiful things that could have happened between us
Tus besos, tus caricias, tu forma de hacer el amor
Your kisses, your caresses, your way of making love
Son cosas que quedaron para siempre en mi corazón
Are things that stayed in my heart forever
Y te juro si algún día yo me vuelvo a enamorar
And I swear if I ever fall in love again
Me asegurare que ella tenga tu misma forma de amar, creeme.Lloro por ti.
I will make sure that she has your same way of loving, believe me. I cry for you.
Quisiera Volver amarte,
I would like to love you again,
Volver a quererte,
To love you again,
Volver a tenerte cerca de mí,
To have you near me again,
Mis ojos lloran por ti
My eyes cry for you
Lloran por ti
They cry for you
Quisiera encontrar
I would like to find you
Caminando en la ciudad
Walking in the city
Y que me dija donde no estas, baby
And have you tell me where you are not, baby
Quisiera saber como es tu vida ahora sin
I would like to know how your life is now without me
Saber si en verdad el amor en ti existe
To know if love really exists in you
Sin tu amor
Without your love
Se que vaya a ser conmigo,
I know what will become of me,
Sin tu amor
Without your love
No se cual sea mi destino,
I don't know what my destiny is,
Sin tu amor
Without your love
El mundo caerá sobre mí...
The world will fall on me...

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