El Payo Malo feat. Gyna - Debido al Olvido (feat. Gyna) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Payo Malo feat. Gyna - Debido al Olvido (feat. Gyna)

Debido al Olvido (feat. Gyna)
Due to Oblivion (feat. Gyna)
Debido al olvido, el sentido de la
Due to oblivion, the meaning of
Vida se olvida, al verte de traje y en una caja a
Life is forgotten, seeing you in a suit and in a box to
Tu medida tu suerte anda perdida, va de ida,
Your measure, your luck is lost, it's gone,
Lagrimas en los pies y en el corazon heridas. Te
Tears on my feet and wounds in my heart. You
Alejas, te vas nos dejas, a mi a mi hermanas y a a
Move away, you leave us, me, my sisters and the
La vieja, y no hay queja que valga, la vida es
Old woman, and there is no complaint that is worth it, life is
Corta la pena es larga, de recordarte el dia se
Short, the pain is long, remembering you the day
Encarga, cada vez que salga el sol, ya no tengo tu
Takes care, every time the sun rises, I no longer have your
Calor y es un sabor amargo, sin embargo las penas
Warmth and it is a bitter taste, however, the sorrows
Cargo tras mis espaldas, no quepo bajo faldas
I carry behind my back, I don't fit under skirts
Busco la felicidad, la pena es mancha mora que con
I look for happiness, the pain is a dark stain that with
La verde se va, venga papa, la vida se va y no
The green goes away, come on dad, life goes away and you
Puedes devolverla, vivimos sobre mierda y huele
Can't give it back, we live on shit and it smells
Mas al removerla, soy un perla, felicidad sin
More when you stir it, I am a pearl, happiness without
Verla es no tenerla, la suerte siempre es para
Seeing it is not having it, luck is always for
Aquel que pueda cogerla, vivir es ver el amanecer,
The one who can take it, to live is to see the sunrise,
Y olvidarse de los males, donde mueren los viejos
And forget the evils, where the old die
Tambien nacen chavales, venga pa adelante, dale, pal
Kids are also born, come on, go ahead, for the
Cole, cosas normales, siempre el sol sale y con
Neck, normal things, the sun always rises and with
Verlo me vale, le echo tanta falta que vengo para
Seeing it is worth it, I miss him so much that I come for
Cantarle, y con mi cante dale este sol por no
Sing to him, and with my singing give him this sun for not
Besarle, verle si es consuelo no es consuelo
Kissing him, seeing him if it is consolation is not consolation
Recordarle, mi abuelo va pal cielo y no tengo a
Remember him, my grandfather goes to heaven and I don't have
Quien me hable, inestable, vivo, escribo no
Who to talk to, unstable, I live, I write no
Equivo, se bien que ta has ido, y asi yo me
Mistake, I know you're gone, and that's how I
Despido, es de ley morirse solo os pido, dejarme
I say goodbye, it's lawful to die, I only ask you to let me
Sufrir debido al olvido.
Suffer due to oblivion.
Es ley de vida, aunque
It is the law of life, although
Veces se me olvida, debido a este olvido tu muerte
Sometimes I forget, due to this oblivion your death
Me causo heridas, busco una razon que imipida,
Caused me wounds, I look for a reason that prevents,
Sentirme triste, ahora que te fuiste mi
Feeling sad, now that you're gone my
Corazón suspira.
Heart sighs.
El mundo gira, gira cada cual en su
The world turns, everyone turns in their own
Cruz, tira, ¿adonde iras ahora que el mal
Cross, pull, where will you go now that evil
Respira?, que gran mentira, querer correr sin
Breathes? what a great lie, wanting to run without
Saber andar, y puedes no perder si no miras, otro
Knowing how to walk, and you may not lose if you don't look, another
Mas que se me gira hoy, al otro barrio, sera el
More than turns to me today, to the other neighborhood, it will be the
Calendario, quien mi calvario, marque, hay que que
Calendar, who my ordeal, mark, you have to
Dejar que el tiempo pase, la calle reparte tus
Let time pass, the street distributes your
Frases y tus consejos, ¿cuantos viejos
Phrases and your advice, how many old men
Sabios se trago la tierra?, los que seguimos
Wise did the earth swallow? those of us who continue
Chavoteamos en la mierda, quien te olvida es
We mess around in the shit, whoever forgets you is
Porque, mal te recuerda, mientras te recuerdo, mi
Because, they remember you badly, while I remember you, my
Corazon se hace piedra, morder la cuerda, aqui en
Heart becomes stone, biting the rope, here in
Mi celda, la cerda vida evito levantarme con
My cell, the pig life I avoid getting up with
Pierna izquierda, dolores que se alternan,
Left leg, alternating pains,
Corazones que se encierran, claro siempre que
Hearts that are enclosed, of course, whenever they
Pierdan, a quien entierran,
Lose, whom they bury,
El mundo gira, aunque sea sin ti, el mundo
The world turns, even without you, the world
Gira, y tu no estas aqui. (Whoaa whoo whouuoouoo
Turns, and you are not here. (Whoaa whoo whouuoouoo
Yea, whoo ooo ouu ooo)
Yea, whoo ooo ouu ooo)
Es ley de vida, aunque
It is the law of life, although
Veces se me olvida, debido a este olvido tu muerte
Sometimes I forget, due to this oblivion your death
Me causo heridas, busco una razon que imipida,
Caused me wounds, I look for a reason that prevents,
Sentirme triste, ahora que te fuiste mi
Feeling sad, now that you're gone my
Corazón suspira.
Heart sighs.
Te fuistes y no me dio tiempo ni a decirte que te
You left and I didn't even have time to tell you that I
Queria ... Te quiero Yayo, Esto va por ti ...
Loved you... I love you Yayo, This is for you...
Debido al olvido
Due to oblivion
: Aaah, es ley de vida.: aunque a
: Aaah, it is the law of life.: although
Veces se me olvida: se me olvida
Sometimes I forget: I forget
: Debido a este olvido tu muerte me causo
: Due to this oblivion your death caused me
Heridas: tu muerte me causo herida, me
Wounds: your death caused me a wound, me
Causo heridas,: es ley de vida ...: de vida, de vida: se me olvida: se me olvida,: ahhhhhhhaaahhh
Cause wounds,: it's the law of life ...: of life, of life: I forget: I forget,: ahhhhhhhaaahhh
Ahhhhaaaaah, tantas heridas
Ahhhhaaaaah, so many wounds

Авторы: Jose miguel Girona Saez, Jose Antonio Abril Fornieles

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