El Pony Pisador - La Noble Vila de Su - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Pony Pisador - La Noble Vila de Su

La Noble Vila de Su
The Noble Village of Su
Al capdamunt de la bella riera de Matamargó
At the top of the beautiful Matamargó river
Hi ha un indret on a l'hivern fa fred i a l'estiu fa calor
There is a place where it's cold in winter and hot in summer
Tot pujant des de Solsona el camí no serà gens dur
Going up from Solsona the road will not be hard
Us donem la benvinguda a la noble vila de Su
We welcome you to the noble village of Su
Entre avis i àvies, pares, mares, infantes i infants,
Among grandparents, parents, children and infants,
Al dos-mil vuit hi comptaven seixanta-tres habitants
In two thousand and eight there were sixty-three inhabitants
Cap d'ells no s'ha trobat mai amb la necessitat d'un far
None of them have ever found themselves in need of a lighthouse
Perquè està a més de set-cents metres sobre el nivell del mar
Because it is more than seven hundred meters above sea level
Vine, que farem lloc per tu,
Come, we'll make room for you,
Aquí s'està molt a gust i no ens molestarà ningú.
Here we are very comfortable and no one will bother us.
Podrem fer la migdiada o menjar tiramisú,
We can take a nap or eat tiramisu,
Jo t'espero amb una pinta a la noble vila de Su
I'm waiting for you with a beer in the noble village of Su
De la fauna i la flora també en podem parlar,
We can also talk about the fauna and flora,
Hi abunden pins i roures i alzines de gla,
There are plenty of pines and oaks and holm oaks,
Tudons, senglars, mustèlids i algun eriçó comú.
Doves, wild boars, mustelids and the odd hedgehog.
Admireu la biosfera a la noble vila de Su.
Admire the biosphere in the noble village of Su.
Vine, que farem lloc per tu,
Come, we'll make room for you,
Aquí s'està molt a gust i no ens molestarà ningú.
Here we are very comfortable and no one will bother us.
Si vens a l'hivern i neva podrem construir un iglú,
If you come in winter and it snows we can build an igloo,
Però porta una rebequeta si vens a visitar Su.
But bring a jacket if you come to visit Su.
Vine, que farem lloc per tu,
Come, we'll make room for you,
Aquí s'està molt a gust i no ens molestarà ningú.
Here we are very comfortable and no one will bother us.
Jugarem al SingStar i cantarem el Boig per tu,
We'll play SingStar and sing Boig per tu,
Un temazo rere l'altre a la noble vila de Su
One great song after another in the noble village of Su
Vine, que tenim plans per tu,
Come, we have plans for you,
Ballarem el llac dels cignes si et portes el tutú,
We'll dance Swan Lake if you bring your tutu,
Viciarem als Sims i repassarem la taula de l'u,
We'll play The Sims and review the multiplication table,
Unirem tots l'energia i vencerem al monstre Bu,
We'll unite all our energy and defeat the monster Bu,
Farem gresca i xerinola a la noble vila de Su
We'll have fun and make merry in the noble village of Su

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