El Potro De Sinaloa - Dile a Él - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Potro De Sinaloa - Dile a Él

Dile a Él
Tell Him
Solameente diime qe me qierees
Just tell me that you love me
Qe miis beso0s nuncaa olvidaráas
That you'll never forget my kisses
Solamente miramee a los ojos
Just look me in the eyes
Y sin mieedo veete siin volteeaar
And walk away without looking back
Dilee a el
Tell him
Que en laas no0ches oscuraas
That on dark nights
Me beesabas llorando0o
You kissed me while crying
Dile aa el
Tell him
Qe conmiigo aprendistee
That with me you learned
Lo qee el viive buscaandoo
What he has been looking for
Diile a el
Tell him
Qe llegabaa el nueevo diia
That a new day would come
Amaandoono0s despaciioo
Loving each other slowly
Y qe cuaando oscureciiaa
And that when it got dark
T dormiias en miis brazo0s
You would fall asleep in my arms
Solamentee dime qee me qiieres
Just tell me that you love me
Qee mis besos nuncaa olvidaraás
That you'll never forget my kisses
Solameente qedaate unaa noche
Just stay for one night
Mientras duermes yo soi qiien se va
While you sleep, I'll be the one to leave
Dile aa el
Tell him
Qe el amoor de tus sueeños
That the love of your dreams
Es un mundo de cueentos
Is a world of fairy tales
Dile a el
Tell him
Qe coonmigo aprendiiste
That with me you learned
Lo qee el vive buscaando
What he has been looking for
Dile a el
Tell him
Qe llegaaba el nueevo diia
That a new day would come
Amaandonos deespacio
Loving each other slowly
Y qe cuaando oscurecia t
And that when it got dark
Dormiias en miis brazoo0s
You would fall asleep in my arms

Авторы: Antonio De Jesus Valenzuela A/k/a Antonio De Jesus

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