Mesmerized because seeing you, I'm just one more who
Desde hoy quiere mas que un beso q al
From today wants more than a kiss that
Provar tu pasion para mi no es juego siente mi
Tasting your passion, for me it's not a game, feel my
Ilusion quiero ser tu emocion quien ruega
Desire, I want to be your emotion, the one who begs for
Tu amor el que oi x tii nenaa sígueme y
Your love, the one I heard about through you, baby, follow me and
Bailaaa q hoy tu mirada me sig provocando
Dance, because today your gaze keeps provoking me
Me estas enamorando.
You're making me fall in love.
Kiiero verte bailando
I want to see you dancing
Tu me tienes sudando bailando asi con ese movimiento
You've got me sweating, dancing like that with those moves
Maii ohh righttt x ti muero yo ke ya no puedo
May ohh righttt I'm dying for you, I can't anymore
Sin usted ya no masss ven siigue baialndo
Without you, no more, come on, keep dancing
Mi amor baila gial ya no pierdda nuestro tiempoo.
My love, dance girl, let's not waste our time.
Baby rankss siempre observandome al bailar siempre estas gial vamos suelta ya no tema q esto es real se deshase mi palabra si te vas late mucho el corazon pegate mas quiero darte de mi hoy mucho mas brindarte lo que nadie te ha dado jamas y entregarme a la pasion en la oscuridad yo no tengo miedo mi gial.
Baby Ranks, always watching me dance, you're always there girl, let loose, don't be afraid, this is real, my words fall apart if you leave, my heart beats fast, get closer, I want to give you more of myself today, much more, offer you what no one has ever given you, and surrender to passion in the darkness, I'm not afraid, my girl.
Darte un beso dulce y no lo finjas mas cierra los ojos q akii te hare volar.
Give you a sweet kiss and don't fake it anymore, close your eyes, I'll make you fly here.
Acercándome hacia ati me encuentro ya ya no habra vuelta atras bailas como nadie lo hace si me atrapas con tan solo mirarme si me hablas ya no podre hablarte me traicionan los nervios pero igual quiero amarteeee Delirando yaaaa.
Getting closer to you, I find myself now, there's no turning back, you dance like no one else, you catch me just by looking at me, if you talk to me I won't be able to talk to you, my nerves betray me, but I still want to love you, delirious already.
Aki estoy observando tu cuerpo Ilusionado xq al verte Yo soi uno mas q desde hoy quiere mas q un beso Q al probar tu pasión para mi no es juego Siente mi ilusión quiero ser tu emoción Quien ruega tu amor
Here I am, observing your body, Mesmerized because seeing you, I'm just one more who from today wants more than a kiss that Tasting your passion, for me it's not a game, Feel my desire, I want to be your emotion, The one who begs for your love
El q oi x tii nenaa Siegueme Q hoy tu mirada me sig provocando Me estas enamorando Kiiero vert bailando tu m tiienes sudando Bailando asi con ese movimiento maii no kiiero gial xq lo ke siento no lo puedo evitar ii aunke no kiera pero la voy a encontrar xq ya no puedo sin usted ya no massss sig bailando mi amor baila gial ya no pierda nuestro tiempo
The one I heard about through you, baby, Follow me Because today your gaze keeps provoking me You're making me fall in love I want to see you dancing, you've got me sweating Dancing like that with those moves, May I don't want to girl because what I feel I can't avoid it and even if I don't want to but I'm going to find her because I can't anymore without you, no more, keep dancing my love, dance girl, let's not waste our time
Baby rankss agarratee d mis brazos y ya no te sueltes vamos agarrate fuerte mi amor y nunk mas te vallas cosi baila y si no t sale trata muevete q el rookie y el ranks kiieren verte bailar bailas como nadie lo hace y me atrapas con tan solo mirarme si me hablas ya no podré hablarte me traicionan los nervios pero iwal kiero amarte yeahh!!
Baby Ranks, hold onto my arms and don't let go, come on, hold on tight my love and never leave, dance like that and if you can't do it, try, move, Rookie and Ranks want to see you dance, you dance like no one else, and you catch me just by looking at me, if you talk to me I won't be able to talk to you, my nerves betray me, but I still want to love you, yeahh!!
Baby rankss this is the wild an roockie u know in combination baby ranksss los tienen delirando y para todas las mujers del mundoo mundialmente this is the real wild an roockie u know semblante urbanoo baby ranks
Baby Ranks, this is the wild and Rookie you know, in combination, Baby Ranks, they have you delirious and for all the women of the world, worldwide, this is the real wild and Rookie you know, urban style, Baby Ranks
Machete music el wild an roockie the flow coming soon
Machete music, the wild and Rookie, the flow, coming soon
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