El Roockie - Falta Otro en el Barrio (Outro) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни El Roockie - Falta Otro en el Barrio (Outro)

Falta Otro en el Barrio (Outro)
Somebody Else is Gone from the Neighborhood (Outro)
A donde iran cuando se van?
Where do they go when they leave?
Con quien estan cuando se va?
Who are they with when they go?
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Que paso?
What happened?
Vino la muerte a buscarlo,
Death came to look for him,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Y de sus brazos no pudieron quitarlo,
And they couldn't take him out of their arms,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Que paso?
What happened?
Vino la muerte a buscarlo,
Death came to look for him,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Y de sus brazos no pudieron quitarlo.
And they couldn't take him out of their arms.
Quien esta parqueando con la indecente?
Who's parking with the indecent one?
Quien es esa dama la q le llaman nueve?
Who's that lady they call nine?
Estaba con ella yo tambien me aleje,
I was with her, I also walked away,
Xq en una vuelta casi me llega a envolver,
Because in a round she almost got me wrapped,
Y no pensaba que hay la carcel o la muerte,
And I didn't think there was jail or death,
Abre la mente q te ha dado el señor.
Open the mind that the Lord has given you.
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Que paso?
What happened?
Vino la muerte a buscarlo,
Death came to look for him,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Y de sus brazos no pudieron quitarlo.
And they couldn't take him out of their arms.
Paso una noche negra y fria,
A cold, dark night passed,
Y si no me equivoco llovia,
And if I'm not mistaken, it was raining,
El niño, el de la tienda venia,
The boy, the one from the store came,
Rafaga de balas le rasgaban el alma,
Bursts of bullets tore his soul,
Callo, sin sabes q sucedia mamá era todo lo que decia,
He fell, without knowing what happened, mom was all he said,
Por que tengo q ver la agonia de
Why do I have to see the agony of
Vidas inocentes q se llevan las balas?
Innocent lives taken by bullets?
Hoy falta otro en el barrio
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood
Que paso?
What happened?
Vino la muerte a buscarlo,
Death came to look for him,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Mira a mi como me duele contarlo.
Look at me, how it pains me to tell it.
Esta es la escena,
This is the scene,
La carnavallo en la bodega donde Marcela,
The carnival at Marcela's store,
Hay un demente que esta comprando lleno de prendas,
There's a madman buying, full of clothes,
Pasa el cañon chequiemos el area y demos sorpresa,
Pass the gun, let's check the area and surprise them,
El no lo piensa,
He doesn't think,
Como en la guerra va por sus botas converse de tela,
Like in war, he goes for his canvas converse boots,
Van conversando muy suavemente por la escalera,
They chat very softly on the stairs,
Y uno le dice si se resiste pues no se quiebra,
And one tells him if he resists, he won't break,
Dos policias van caminando por la misma calle por la otra cera,
Two policemen walk down the same street on the other sidewalk,
Cruzan miradas siguen de largo nadie sospecha,
They cross glances, keep walking, no one suspects,
Que Satanas tomando control poniendole vendas,
That Satan is taking control, putting on bandages,
Y cuando llegan al lugar rapida y
And when they get to the place quickly and
Friamente toman la nueve en su lugar,
Coldly take the nine in its place,
Grita aquel que la porta si no la kieres oir sonar,
The one who carries it screams if you don't want to hear it ring,
En contra de tu craneo solo debes cooperar,
Against your skull you just have to cooperate,
Y el atrevido le entrego todo en cuanto tenia,
And the daring one gave him everything he had,
Y por su vida suplico, dijo tengo una hija no me mates por favor,
And for his life he begged, he said I have a daughter, don't kill me please,
Y por algun motivo quien robaba lo entendio,
And for some reason, the one who stole understood,
Se dan la vuelta iban sonriendo gritando triunfo por la escalera,
They turn around, they were smiling, shouting triumph on the stairs,
Cuando de pronto suenan disparos y balas llegan,
When suddenly gunshots ring out and bullets arrive,
Era la nueve del despojado que ya no espera
It was the nine of the robbed man who no longer waits
Y ahora...
And now...
Ya falta otro en el barrio,
Someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Que paso?
What happened?
Vino la muerte a buscarlo,
Death came to look for him,
Hoy falta otro en el barrio,
Today someone else is gone from the neighborhood,
Mira friend como me duele contarlo,
Look, my friend, how it hurts me to tell it,
Como me duele contarlo,
How it hurts me to tell it,
Friend como me duele contarlo,
My friend, how it hurts me to tell it,
Como me duele contarlo,
How it hurts me to tell it,
Como me duele contarlo.
How it hurts me to tell it.

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