Ela Rose feat. Cortes - Mi-e frica (feat. Cortes) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ela Rose feat. Cortes - Mi-e frica (feat. Cortes)

Mi-e frica (feat. Cortes)
I'm scared (feat. Cortes)
Nu mai vreau sa ma mint
I don't want to lie to myself anymore
Ca-ntr-o zi ne vom iubi din nou
That one day we'll love each other again
Nu mai stiu sa te simt
I don't know how to feel you anymore
S-ascult iar glasul tau
To listen to your voice again
Ma ascund de vorbele goale si fug
I hide from empty words and run
Departe de trecut
Away from the past
Arunc minciunile tale si-o iau
I throw away your lies and I take it
O iau de la-nceput.
I take it from the beginning.
Mi-e frica
I'm afraid
Vreau doar sa pot renunta
I just want to give up
Nu pot alerga
I can't run
Pentru ca mi-e frica
Because I'm afraid
Dezgheata inima mea.
Thaw my heart.
Inca, poate, mai pot sta acum
Maybe, I can stay now
Dar n-am fost in stare
But I couldn't
Sa te-alung din filmele mele
To banish you from my films
Chiar daca ma doare
Even if it hurts me
Dar mi-e frica
But I'm afraid
De gheata-i inima ta. Nu mai pot sa mai cred
Of the ice in your heart. I can't believe anymore
In povesti pe care tu le strici
In stories that you spoil
Nu mai simt happy-end
I don't feel a happy ending anymore
De cate ori ma alungi.
How many times you chase me away.
Ma ascud de vorbele goale si fug
I hide from empty words and run
Departe in trecut.
Away in the past.
Arunc minciunile tale tale tale
I throw away your lies your lies your lies
Imi spui ca vrei sa renunti
You tell me you want to give up
Nu stai deloc sa ma asculti
You don't stay to listen to me
De fapt te temi de sentimente
In fact, you are afraid of feelings
Nu vrei sa le infrunti
You don't want to face them
Tu stii ca tot ce-i frumos
You know that everything that's beautiful
Poate devenii dureros
Can become painful
In loc s amergi in fata
Instead of going forward
Tu te legi de tot ce-a fost
You cling to everything that was
Fara vreun rost te agati de cuvinte
You cling to words for no reason
Ma faci sa-mi aduc aminte
You make me remember
De cum era inainte
How it was before
Erai sexi si eu cuminte
You were sexy and I was good
Acum viitorul ne prinde
Now the future catches us
Depinde de noi
It depends on us
Cand timpul de schimba sa nu avem frica
When time changes not to be afraid
Macar pentru o clipa sa-l dam inapoi.
For a moment to give it back.
Mi-e frica
I'm afraid
Vreau doar sa pot renunta
I just want to give up
Nu pot alerga
I can't run
Pentru ca mi-e frica
Because I'm afraid
Dezgheata inima mea.
Thaw my heart.
Inca, poate, mai pot sta acum
Maybe, I can stay now
Dar n-am fost in stare
But I couldn't
Sa te-alung din filmele mele
To banish you from my films
Chiar daca ma doare.
Even if it hurts me.
Mi-e frica de gheata-i inima ta
I'm afraid of the ice in your heart
Mi-e frica s-o iau de la inceput
I'm afraid to start over

Авторы: Cosmin George Dobrescu, Andreea Moldovan, Cristian Maier, Adi-cristian Colceru

Ela Rose feat. Cortes - Mi-E Frica
Mi-E Frica
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